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Chester Elementary Newsletter
June 11, 2021 Explore. Learn. Thrive.
Hello Chester Families
Summer is here! We hope you all have a safe and joyful June, July and August. See you August 23!
Things to Remember:
- A big thank you to the PTA! Even though our loyal PTA has disbanded, they were generous enough to provide the students with a token to remember the Covid-19 school year. Every student was give a t-shirt. We will wear these the last day of school. Thank you to our parent, Rosy Church, for making the shirts for us. Check her out at @bernadetties or www.bernadetties.com.
- We're Hiring: Interested in working for Plumas Unified? Check Edjoin for current job openings. Openings include a Garden Manager, After School Coordinator, and a variety of substitute positions.
- Calendar: The district calendar for next school year is attached. See the 2021/2022 Instructional Calendar button below.
- CES will be offering an "Apollo" After School Program next year. Please read the flyer below for more information and the link to sign up. We are very pleased to bring this to our community!
Colly Fischer
Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. ~Aristotle
Awards from DA's Office- Excellence and Attendance
DA awards
Read. Read. Read.
A few tips for summer:
- It's okay if your child says they are bored, this actually inspires creativity.
- Read, read, read- this is the best way to prevent the "summer slide."
- Open ended play is for everyone!
- Be outside, these are mountain kids!
2021/2022 Instructional Calendar
PUSD Calendar for the 2021/2022 School Year
About Us
Email: cfischer@pcoe.k12.ca.us
Website: https://ces.pcoe.k12.ca.us/
Location: 158 Aspen St, Chester, CA, USA
Phone: (530)258-3194
Facebook: facebook.com/chesterelementary