Elevate Monthly

Superintendent's Message
Dear Laramie County School District 1 community,
As we progress through this academic year, I am filled with immense gratitude and a deep sense of honor to continue serving as your Superintendent. Reflecting on the time spent in this role—initially as the Acting and Interim Superintendent—I am inspired by the collective dedication of our community, our staff, and most importantly, our families and students.
With Spring just around the corner, my enthusiasm only grows as we move closer to achieving our shared vision of student success. At the heart of our mission is the unwavering commitment to fostering a nurturing environment where safety and support are at the forefront. This dedication ensures that every student, family, and staff member feels valued and secure. We are closely monitoring a wide variety of data sources to ensure that our children remain engaged and on track in their educational journeys—especially our seniors, as they prepare for the significant milestone of their upcoming graduation.
I firmly believe that the cornerstone of our students' success lies in the quality of our teachers and staff. Together, as partners with our families, we have a tremendous opportunity to make positive and lasting change. Thank you for your ongoing support, dedication, and belief in our shared mission.
Dr. Stephen Newton
Interim Superintendent of Schools
East High culinary students participate in cooking competition
East High’s culinary arts students recently participated in a cooking competition using Meals, Ready-to-Eat (MREs).
MREs originated as military rations used by the United States. Each MRE contains high calorie and nutrient dense items such as a main course, snacks and a powdered drink mix.
The students were provided with a random MRE bag and were instructed to use all the contents along with minimal pantry ingredients. They were given a couple days to research recipes and come up with innovative ideas.
Some of the dishes included fajitas, chicken pot pie and pasta. One student transformed a maple pork patty MRE into a caramelized breakfast taco.
The MRE Chopped Challenge was judged by members of the Wyoming Army National Guard. Students were judged based on presentation, taste and creativity.
-Text by Megan Case
-Photo courtesy of East High
LCSD1 hosts 50th Annual Laramie County Science Fair
LCSD1 sponsored the 50th Annual Laramie County Science Fair for fourth through eighth grade students.
The students displayed their hard work and impressed the judges with their ingenuity.
Congratulations to all who participated! -Photo by Megan Case
Anderson Elementary students delve into STEM
Community members recently explored Anderson Elementary's STEM classrooms as part of LCSD1's Discover Laramie 1 program. The visitors were able to witness—and even participate in—some thought-provoking STEM lessons with the students. -Photo by Brad White
Wyoming Hunger Initiative, businesses raise money to erase school meal debt
The Wyoming Hunger Initiative teamed up with 16 businesses in Cheyenne to help raise money for school meal debt.
Thank you to First Lady Jennie Gordon and the businesses involved, as well as their customers. What an amazing example of our community working together for a great cause!
-Photo by Megan Case
South High Cheer Team competes in national contest
South High’s cheer team traveled to Orlando, Florida, and competed in the 2024 UCA National High School Cheerleading Championships at the Walt Disney World Resort. More than 1,000 teams from across the United States took part in the four-day event. -Photo courtesy of South High
Cole Elementary students visit the Wyoming Department of Transportation
Cole Elementary’s kindergarten and prekindergarten classes recently took a field trip to the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT).
The students learned about winter safety and had the opportunity to sit in a snowplow. WYDOT staff also showed the students important items to keep in an emergency car kit, such as a spare phone and charger, food, water and thermal blanket.
Wyoming Highway Patrol reviewed seatbelt safety and the students learned about the different features of a patrol car. -Photo by Megan Case
CRMC nurses certify Carey JHS students in "Stop the Bleed"
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center nurses certified eighth grade students at Carey Junior High in Stop the Bleed. Students practiced packing wounds and using tourniquets. -Photo by Megan Case
Parent Updates
Online registration deadline approaches
Returning families with students enrolled in Laramie County School District 1 schools will complete annual online registration and address verification Feb. 7-23 using their Infinite Campus portal account.
Online registration is to be completed by the parent/guardian and should not be confused with secondary course registration which is completed by the students.
As part of registration, families are required to review and update their students’ information as well as verify their address. Examples of suggested forms of address verification include:
- Rental agreement, purchase agreement or electric/gas bill.
- Documents of public agencies; e.g., courts, Department of Family Services medical coupon or showing parent’s or guardian’s or adult student’s name and address.
- Official court documents establishing a legal guardianship and the guardian’s residency.
- Parents/guardians without proof of residency documentation are advised to contact their neighborhood school for enrollment assistance.
To allow families more flexibility, parents/guardians who would like their child to attend a school other than their neighborhood school should submit a boundary waiver form. Forms will be accepted through April 30.
All families should complete registration by Feb. 23 to ensure their child’s seat is reserved.
To save time, returning families may log into their Infinite Campus parent portal. The online registration application will be pre-populated with your information. Username and password will be needed. For assistance, contact the Service Desk at 771-2242. During the online registration window, the Service Desk will be operating with extended hours and will be available Monday-Thursday from 7 a.m.-6 p.m., Friday from 7 a.m.-4 p.m., and Saturday from 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Kindergarten families who are not yet enrolled may do so as a new family registration. If these students have older siblings who are already enrolled, they will be added to their families' application as new students. Proof of address, birth certificate and current immunization records must be provided. For enrollment assistance, contact your neighborhood school.
Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before Aug. 1, 2024. If your child turns 5 years old between Aug. 1 and Sept. 15, information about early entry may be obtained through your neighborhood school principal.
Pre-kindergarten registration will also be open during this time to families with a child who turns 4 years old on or before Aug. 1, 2024. Title I pre-kindergarten is available for families residing in the school boundary areas of Afflerbach, Alta Vista, Arp, Baggs, Cole, Goins, Hebard, Lebhart and Rossman elementary schools. An additional districtwide tuition-based pre-kindergarten program is available at Anderson, Deming and Pioneer Park elementary schools. Details about both programs are available on the homepage of the district website, www.laramie1.org, click the Parent Info button.
In early June, parents/guardians who have completed registration and address verification will receive notification of their child’s school placement for 2024-2025. Those parents/guardians who have completed a boundary waiver by April 30, will also be notified of their child’s school placement in early June. If a boundary waiver is submitted after April 30, it will not be considered until after new student registration in August.
Throughout the summer, families new to the district will complete online registration and address verification in person at the district’s administration building, 2810 House Ave., or at any of the district’s secondary school campuses, except Triumph High. In mid-August, this process will be completed at the student’s neighborhood school.
Neighborhood schools can be found by entering the parent/guardian’s address on the district website: www.laramie1.org. Click on “About Us,” “Who We Are,” “School Maps and Boundaries.”
Returning elementary students that have moved during the summer have the option to attend school at the location verified in the spring for the upcoming school year (families must provide their own transportation) or may attend their neighborhood school.
Parents/guardians will receive an elementary class list notification in August.
For more information contact the LCSD1 service desk, 771-2242 or servicedesk@laramie1.org.
Virtual days alleviate need to extend the school year
Throughout the course of the school year, the superintendent may enact a district-wide or school-wide virtual learning day due to inclement weather, facilities issues, natural disasters, etc. Conducting a virtual day rather than shutting down school completely enables Laramie County School District 1 to meet the Wyoming statutory requirement of 175 school days without needing to extend the school year into June.
When inclement weather is predicted, teachers will work to ensure student iPads are charged and in students’ hands prior to them leaving at the end of the school day. Additionally, they will work with students to ensure they are able to log into Canvas or the online platform they will use for the virtual learning day.
If a student cannot access the online platform, teachers will make alternative learning arrangements for them.
Formal notification of a virtual learning day or delayed start will take place through the district’s mass-notification system no later than 5:30 a.m. on the day of the event. More information about the LCSD1 Board of Trustees virtual day policy is available at: http://go.boarddocs.com/wy/laramie1/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=9Q5QC4689A4E
Graduation ceremonies to be held at Frontier Park
Laramie County School District 1 will once again be partnering with Cheyenne Frontier Days to host its 2024 graduation ceremonies at Frontier Park, 1230 W. 8th Ave.
With the exception of Triumph High School, all ceremonies will be held on Friday, May 24. Triumph High’s graduation will be held on Thursday, May 23 at 4 p.m. in Storey Gymnasium, 2811 House Ave.
The ceremonies on Friday, May 24 are scheduled as follows:
- 9 a.m., East High School
- 1 p.m., Central High School
- 5 p.m., South High School
To accommodate picture opportunities for family and friends, each high school campus will be open immediately following graduation.
February Events
Feb. 23 - Online Registration deadline
Feb. 24 - Laramie County Spelling Bee, 9-11 a.m., Admin. Building Auditorium
Feb. 28 - Walsborn-Drazovich State Math Contest, 9:15 a.m.-12:40 p.m., Storey Gym
March 2-6 - Read Across America Week
March 4 - Board of Trustees, 5 p.m. work session; 6 p.m. meeting, Storey Gym Boardroom