Tiger News April 28, 2023

Welcome to the CMIT North Elementary Newsletter
Administrative Announcements
Tiger Den Monthly Updates
CMIT NES is going to the State MESA competition!
Our CMIT NES scholars will be attending the State MESA Competition.
First Place: Storybook Theme-park ride, Wearable technology, and Expanding device.
Second place- App design
Our Awards ceremony date is 5/13/2023.
Principal Tiger Den Updates!
Front Office
Please note, we have implemented a Google form for submission of absences/late arrivals and notes. This form is the only acceptable method of communication and must be utilized for reporting absences/late arrivals and uploading doctor/medical notes ONLY for your student(s). With the exception of COVID reporting in which an email in addition to the absence form must be sent to Nurse Ann (sally.warf@pgcps.org), Dr. Fryson (tfryson@cmitelementary.org) and Mrs. Virgil (evirgil@cmitelementary.org). Please click here to access the CMIT North Elementary School Absence Form: https://forms.gle/zoLQx9kZThEH8Gge6 to submit doctor notes, results and any absence notes. ABSENT NOTE SUBMISSION: Please complete this form within three (3) days once your child returns to instruction. Excused absences cannot be placed into SchoolMax until after the child returns to instruction. Family vacations and trips are not considered excused absences. Refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for further clarification regarding excused and unexcused absences. For quick reference, you may access the handbook at: https://offices.pgcps.org/student_rights_responsibilities.htm
Mrs. Virgil, Principal's Secretary
Nurse Updates
Notes from the School Nurse
Hello Parents/Guardians!
As we are now into cold/flu season and also still dealing with COVID-19, this note serves as a gentle reminder regarding a few things related to student health.
1. Sick children need to be kept home from school; to include excessive coughing, sore throat, runny nose/congestion, vomiting, and/or high body temperatures (fever). Resting at home will help them get better more quickly and will prevent them from exposing other children or the staff to their illness.
2. For additional information and/or questions regarding when to keep your child home from school please visit the link below:
- When to Keep Your Child Home From School: https://www.pgcps.org/offices/school-health/when-to-keep-your-child-home-from-school
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
Nurse scheduled events!
Hearing & Vision screenings are beginning, please have your Scholar wear their glasses to school.
Mobile Dentist scheduled for May 5th. Sign up online www.MySchoolDentist.com
~~reminder~~ Spring seasonal allergies are upon us. Kindly begin and/or continue treatments at home.
Notify Nurse Ann for any questions or concerns.
Allergy Information
Spring allergy season and those signs/symptoms of sneezing, coughing, watery eyes and nose----Parents should START ALLERGY TREATMENTS AT THIS TIME.
~~NO continuous coughing, sneezing, draining eyes or nose in the school building~~
I have medication forms available, if it is to be administered at school.
Two More Saturday Academy Sessions
We will meet for 1 last session on April 29th. Please make sure your scholar attends in order to complete the final assessments we use for progress monitoring.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Hi Tiger Family! Teacher Appreciation Week will be held May 8-12, 2022. We are in need of volunteers to make the week a success. Please sign up at the link below. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E44AFA82EA2FB6-teacher2
Volunteers, we need YOU!
Thank you to everyone that has already signed up for Teacher Appreciation Week! There are still slots open and you can click the link below to sign up. We also have another form if you are available to sign up to volunteer for Muffins for Moms and Matriarchs and/or Field Day. The dates and times are included in the link. Thanks for your help!
Please click here to volunteer for M4MM and Field Day: https://forms.gle/voiKXszVG2MnYdf46
Please click here to volunteer for TAW: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E44AFA82EA2FB6-teacher1
Kind Kindergarten
Hello Kindergarten Families,
Please check the weather daily, so your scholar is dressed appropriately for outdoor recess. Please make sure that you are reading any messages via dojo, class story, or emails pertaining to your scholar’s class.
We will begin our spring testing soon, please make sure that your scholar is getting enough rest, eats a balanced breakfast, and comes to school on time.
As we prepare for our Kindergarten promotion ceremony which will take place in June, we would like to have a baby picture of your scholar to use in our slide show, please send the picture to your scholar's teacher’s email, which can be found below.
ELA: We will learn to recognize spoken alliteration or groups of words that begin with the same spoken onset or initial sound. In phonics; we will review the short and long i and the letters Pp / Yy. We will continue to review the bossy e letter. Our sight words for the week are: could, good, and open, your scholars will use them in a sentence and practice writing them this week.
Math: We will start topic 15; jump start to 1st grade lessons, and our lessons will be on our online platform SAVVAS. We will work on solving word problems by putting parts together, along with using addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems.
Science:We will prepare for our topic 5 science quiz; reviewing the needs of living things.
Social Studies:We will prepare for our Chapter 5 social studies quiz; reviewing how we keep track of time, discuss schedules, clocks, and the use of calendars. We will review parts of the year, along with the weather, and the seasons.
Kindergarten promotion ceremony will be on June 8, 2023 (each student will receive 3 tickets for the ceremony)
Ms. Thornton’s class will be wearing the color white
Ms. Echols class will be wearing the colors white with a splash of yellow
Ms. Tate’s class will be wearing the color white with a splash of blue
Ms. Major’s class will be wearing the color blue
Friendly reminder: Class Dojo is one of our main forms of communication for any classroom activities, events, and messages. Please make sure that you are connected to your scholar’s Class Dojo. Teacher emails and the communication folder are other ways to stay connected as well.
Ms. Tate: krenaudtate@cmitelementary.org Ms. Major: jmajor@cmitelementary.org
Ms. Echols: eechols@cmitelementary.org Ms. Thornton: athornton@cmitelementary.org
Please provide a nut free snack for your scholar daily. Your scholar should have a full set of extra change of clothes that are labeled with their name (uniform) that can be kept in their cubbies.
If your scholar’s form of transportation changes for dismissal, please complete the necessary forms and upload into the document, as well as notify your scholar’s teacher.
Thank you from your Kindergarten Team
First Grade
Friendly First Grade
Greetings First Grade Families:
Please remember that if your dismissal plans change, notify your child's teacher via dojo as well as the front office before 1:00 p.m. on the day of the change.
Content area focus this week:
Unit 4: Making History
Literary Focus: Elements of a Fable; Third-Person text
Phonics: Vowel team -ie
Language and Conventions: Word Endings
Topic 12: Measuring Lengths
Learning Goal: Ordering objects by lengths
Social Studies
Chapter 4: Life Today and Long Ago
Lesson 3: Daily Life Past and Present
Chapter 6: Parents and Offspring
Lesson 1: Plant and Animal Life-cycles
Health/Social Emotional Learning
Lesson focus: students will be able to describe different thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that may occur in response to a situation.
First Grade Team
Second Grade
Sensational Second Graders
In reading, we will be focusing on realistic fiction, with a particular emphasis on character traits and how they influence the plot. Our spelling pattern for the week will be suffixes -ly, -fil, -er, -less, or.
In math, we are starting a new unit that covers subtraction within 1000. Students will continue to build their skills in solving problems with regrouping and applying strategies for mental math.
In social studies, we are discussing community heroes. This unit provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn about and appreciate the people who make our communities safe, healthy, and vibrant. We encourage you to talk with your child about different community heroes
In science, we are learning about plants and animals and how they benefit from each other. Through activities and observation, students are gaining an understanding of the ways in which plants and animals depend on each other for survival.
Finally, a reminder that testing is starting next month. Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest, eats a nutritious breakfast, and arrives at school on time. We appreciate your support in helping your child do his or her best. More information regarding testing dates are to come.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Second Grade Team
Third Grade
Terrific Third Graders
This week in Reading, students will begin Unit 4: Week 4 Narrative Nonfiction. Students will read the text Green City. The skill for this week will be homographs.
In Social Studies, students will explore Landmarks, Symbols, and Documents in Chapter 4: Lesson 4.
In Math, scholars are learning about geometry and the shapes found around us. We are specifically looking at quadrilaterals, describing these four-sided polygons based on their angles and sides.
This week in Science, we are looking at why some animals survive better in groups. We will test how migration benefits from teamwork rather than going alone.
This week is MCAP Testing! Please be certain that students are getting a good night's rest, and are arriving to school ON TIME!
Please have students bring headphones to school to utilize on their MCAP test.
Teacher Appreciation Week- May 8 -12th
Third Grade Team
Fourth Grade
Fantastic Fourth Graders!
We strongly encourage parents to check SchoolMax weekly to stay abreast of your scholar's progress in all academic areas. Students can redo eligible assignments within a week of being posted. Weekly check-ins with your scholar about his/her grades is a great way to set goals and reflect on progress.
We are in need of hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, and facial tissues. Allergy season is upon us and we would like to continue to keep our classrooms germ free.
It is important that students are arriving to school on time and have eaten a well balanced breakfast to remain focused and alert during MCAP testing.
Let's have a great week on purpose.
Upcoming Dates
5/1- 5/5 MCAP Reading
5/8- 5/12 MCAP Math
Fourth Grade Team
Fifth Grade
Fabulous Fifth Graders
Ms. Tellis, Mrs. Moon, Mrs. Linton-Philp, Mrs. Robinson
Tigers! Tigers! Roar! Roar! What an adventurous week! Spirit Week was a success and everyone looked fabulous! Thank you for your participation! We are getting ready for our MCAP Testing next week and we need all Tigers present and on time. We will start with our reading testing which will include 4 sessions. Monday through Thursday we will test in the reading subject for 70 minutes per session. Each day will be a reading session for students to focus on and do their best, Please rest and have a well balanced breakfast during our fabulous testing week! You all are amazing scholars and have worked hard this year! Now let's hit MCAP out of the ballpark and score big! You got this! Great job Tigers and thank you for your hard work this school year!
Content Areas:
This week in RELA, we worked on Unit 4 Week 2. We are focusing on Inferring Multiple Themes, Comparative and Superlative Adjectives, and Word parts, anti-, mid-, and trans-.
Next week students will take the RELA MCAP.
This week in Math, we will:
1. explore different types of triangles. Students will classify triangles by their angles and sides.
2. convert different units of measurements.
In Science, students will continue to learn about the different types of ecosystems.
Social Studies
In Social Studies, students have migrated to Chapter 10 which involves expanding west and overseas. Students will learn why expansion was necessary and how it impacted the United States. Students will learn universal connections with other countries and how each country became an alliance to the U.S. Way to go tigers!
Team 5th Grade
Creative Arts
Captivating Creative Arts
Tigers have presentations this week and next. Classes will primarily consist of independent work to finish their projects and critiques. Projects include portraits, landscapes, cityscapes, abstract, and other activities that develop their understanding of depth of field and value. We will continue to stress craftsmanship as a priority.
Students in grades 4 and 5 are finishing up their Jingle Projects, creating a catchy Jingle and background music for a fake product advertisement. Their products are hilarious and amazing - best of luck to all product development teams on their presentations.
REMINDER: ALL THIRD AND FOURTH GRADE STUDENTS NEED RECORDERS BY NEXT WEEK! If you need one for your student, please message Ms. B on dojo and she can set one up for them. All recorder cases must have student names on them.
K-2 practiced:
Keyboarding: Locate and Type Letters U, V, W, X, Y, and Z
In this engaging and interactive digital lesson, the learners receive direct instruction and practice in keyboarding the letters U, V, W, X, Y, and Z as they locate and type the letters, recognize the letter sounds, and learn the relationship between the letters on the keyboard and on the screen.
3-5 practiced:
Tynker- The Internet
In this course, students learn what the internet is and how we use it. They also learn how we send and receive data on the internet using data packets and some of the different ways that we can store digital data.
Good week! This week we are working on our basketball skills! So please make sure your student has athletic sneakers that fit, and a positive attitude! Thank you and have a great week!
K-2 Students are introduced to numbers 21-30 and parts of the house.
3rd grade- Parts of the house
4th and 5th Continuation of “Como se dice”
Tigers are being creative and building designs that first come to their mind.
Follow us on Social Media
Get connected! Follow CMIT North Elementary on social media. Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_Elementary Follow us on Facebook @CMITNorthElementary Follow us on Instagram cmit_north_elementary
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT Elementary School will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for elementary school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
The vision of CMIT Elementary School is to provide multiple opportunities for Prince George’s County elementary school students by developing an early interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). CMIT Elementary School will create expansive learning opportunities, hands-on activities, and course designs focused on STEM curricula that will connect real world experiences to Prince George’s County students.