BSS Weekly Update
November 11, 2022
Thank you!
I would like to start by thanking the BSS community for their warm welcome as I begin my time as your interim principal. I feel so blessed to be able to part of your community and share in the warmth of the this wonderful school and I look forward to meeting many of you in the next few weeks.
Dr. Sheila Kukstis, Interim Principal
Veterans' Day
Important Dates:
11/11 Veterans' Day
11/16- Dine Around- Jimmy's Pizza- 4-8
11/17- Open House- 6-7:30
11/18- Lifetouch pictures- Individual retakes
Faculty Vacancies Update
- Principal
- The search has begun and the Catholic Schools Office is beginning to field questions from interested professionals
- Spanish Teacher - The preference is for a full-time K-8 instructor, but we also are open to part-time middle school instructor.
- Vetting resumes received this week
- Middle School Science Teacher
- The position has posted on multiple platforms; as of now there are no updates
If you or someone you know is interested in any of the teaching positions, please encourage him/her to email credentials to Mr. Brian Cote (bcote@blessedsacrament.org). For the principal position, credentials should be emailed to Dr. Gina Mathews (gina_mathews@rcab.org).
Playground Update
In my first day here, during that beautiful 70 degree day, while walking around during recess, I couldn't help but note the beautiful new play structures. In conversation with Director of Advancement Jane Archbold, she informed me of the progress on getting the playground ready for use. The addition of mulch to ensure that the playground was up to code unexpectedly added almost $7,000 to the final cost. When this was realized, an anonymous and generous family donated the additional funds to meet the project's needs. The mulch has been delivered and most has been spread (thank you to those families who helped with this). The remaining mulch needs to spread to the correct depth to assure the playground is up to code. This should be done in the next two weeks.
The repairs of the rock and purchase of additional nets, hula hoops, etc, as noted at the gala last spring, are also in process. We expect all will be complete within the next few weeks and a grand opening and blessing will be held then. We will keep you updated!
PTO News
The PTO Leadership Team is looking for additional parents to join the team. Please reach out to any LT member individually or email the group at bsspto@blessedsacrament.org to share your interest or ask any questions.
Dine Around at Jimmy’s Pizzeria on November 16th
From 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM this Wednesday, Nov. 16th, stop by Jimmy’s (4 East Street, Walpole) to get some delicious food and support BSS. A portion of the proceeds from all food & drink sales for both dine-in and take-out orders will be donated to BSS. All you have to do is mention you are there for the fundraiser and enjoy a night off from cooking with a delicious meal prepared just for you! Please spread the word to friends and family too!
The 2022 BSS Christmas Festival
The PTO LT hopes to see everyone at the Christmas Festival on December 3rd! We will have a vendor fair, Santa will be there to read stories with the kids and you can take pictures with him, there will be a kids zone so you can drops the little ones off and go shop the vendor fair, and the snowflake raffle will make the lucky 1st prize winner $500 cash! Please support the PTO and the school by signing up to volunteer. We have created a sign -up genius specific to the Christmas Festival that has the breakdown of all the volunteers needed by activity and time. Please click the link here to sign up, https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508054AADAF2EA0F49-2022 . For those of you who have already signed up on the general sign up genius, please look at this new form and pick the activity and time slot you prefer.
Santa’s Workshop
The PTO is so excited to bring Santa’s Workshop back to the BSS students this year on December 7th. We need some parent / family volunteers to help set up the evening of the 6th (5:00 PM to 9:00 PM) as well as work shifts at the event on the 7th (from 7:45 am - 6:00 PM). The event is during the school day. The sign-up genius will be shared soon.
Help is needed with organizing and moving the used/donated uniforms to get ready for a sale table at the Christmas Festival. Three parent volunteers are needed . Please contact Marguerite Pierre directly (margueritepierre89@gmail.com) if you can help.
Thanks again for all of your help!
From the Nurse's Office
Dear BSS Parents,
Happy Fall! A chill is in the air again, and with that comes the flu, strep throat, colds and other contagions.
Many times BSS students are in close proximity to one another while working on projects, eating lunch and playing. These germs can spread quickly!
Some students and staff members are immunocompromised. Others may care for an elderly parent or other family member. A minor cold can turn into something much more serious for these people.
Please be mindful of this when sending your child to school. If your student shows signs of illness such as a continuous cough, continuous nasal drainage, headache, etc., you may want to consider keeping them at home, especially, with holidays around the corner.
We very much appreciate your consideration as we work together to get through the cold and flu season!
As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you and stay well.
Lost and Found
Advancement Update
Our Annual Gala and Auction will be held on Friday, March 10th 2023 at the Four Points Sheraton in Norwood.
This year’s theme is “Lights, Camera, Auction- A Night In Hollywood”
If you are interested in joining the planning committee, please click HERE
If you have any questions, please contact Jane Archbold at advancement@blessedsacrament.org
Contact Us
Email: smorrissey@blessdsacrament.org
Website: school.blessedsacrament.org
Location: 808 East Street, Walpole, MA, USA
Phone: 508-668-2336
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bsschoolwalpole/
Twitter: @BSSchooWalpole