Cobra Strike
From the Desk of the Junior/Senior High School Principal
Let's Peel Back the Curtain
With homecoming behind us, I wanted to take a bit of time in this weeks Cobra Strike to peel back the curtain and pay attention to the men and women behind the events that took place last week.
We also have a few new items in store this week that I will talk about a bit and a few extra shoutouts.
Thats enough talking from me, let's get to it.
Let's go make a difference.
Derek E. Smith
Behind the Puff
The powder puff was a lot of fun for everyone that was at the game. The ladies did great and got some fun competition going. What you miss at the game is how much Brandi Fritz and the cheerleaders did in order to get the whole thing going. They coordinated getting the shirts designed and we even had a bit of a scare on those as they didn't even come in until the day of the game. They had to coordinate the rules and the teams. If you saw Brandi during the game, she was constantly on the move making sure all the parts were in place. Additionally, Mr. Howard and Mr. Melvin volunteered their time as the referees for the game. In the booth, Mrs. Sides, Mr. Alley ran the clock and gave us some first rate announcing while JW did some great spotting.
For those of you that couldn't come to the game, Kryndon, Kyson, and Sam did a live stream of the game that must be watched to be appreciated. https://youtu.be/ESzqLLttim8
The charity behind chill out tuesday
"Why is there a camel in our school?"
Before school even started, Mr. Baldridge came to me and asked what I thought about doing a "hump day," event during homecoming where he would bring in his petting zoo. We were all for it and Mr. Howard and I secretly worked with Mr. B to see if Buckjaw could do a real hump day event in the high school. While he was cautiously optimistic that it could happen, Mr. B agreed on the condition that he could make the final decision if Buckjaw was ready for that or not. What none of you saw in this event was that Mr. B had been bringing in Buckjaw every Saturday since early August to work with him and train him to be ready for this. Right up until the day of, Mr. B didn't know how he would react and had contingencies in place in case we needed them. However, Buckjaw showed off like a champion and loved every minute of the love he was getting. i still say we needed to give him the candy bar out of the vending machine.
Helping Hands
Bashing away
Things like this shows me how much the community loves this school and everything around it. Thanks to all the bashers, StuCo with the help of Mrs. Morris (you are going to see her name a lot in this weeks Cobra Strike) were able to raise a great deal of funds toward the stencil for our football field.
The biggest question I got all week was, "What do we do at a bonfire?"
My answer was pretty simple, come and enjoy each others company at a big fire. That is exactly what happened. A great crowd of students, staff, alumni and community came to enjoy the fire, some music, and each others company. I was worried about making this more of an event next year, but the response I got was that this was exactly what our students needed so thats what we are going to do from now on.
All of this could not have been done if not for Mr. Keehn and his wildlife classes. He found us the perfect spot for the bonfire to take place and built it into the perfect permanent home of the bonfire looking forward. He put together everything we needed to build the bonfire as well as standing by with water tank and shovel to keep the fire from getting out of hand.
Courting Greatness
Additionally, congratulations to the extra moving parts for this event, Mrs. Morris was coordinating this event for the past month to make sure it ran smoothly. This year, we also decided it would be nice if a fellow student received the opportunity to read off the candidates, and while she was incredibly nervous about it, Haddlea Kilpatrick did an amazing job announcing the candidates and the winners.
Dance like no one is watching
Events This Week: Oct 3-7
MS CC@ Home 4:00 pm
V/JV Volleyball Tri @ McLouth 5:00 pm
Juniors and Seniors Work Keys Testing
HS/MS CC @ Sabetha 4:00 pm
HS V/JV VB Quad @ Home 5:00 pm
Varsity FB @ Troy 7:00 pm
Shout outs!
Mr. Childs does a beautiful job with kids in his woodshop. He is kind, patient, and really cares about his students. He also has some awesome school spirit!
Kammy is "Cobra Spirit girl"
Mrs. Alley's Kindness awards are a great way for us to show how great our students can be. The following received the award this week.
Devyn Montgomery
Sofia Ivy
Avery Robbins
Kavan Carlson
Devin Mock
Kyson Proffitt
Kryndon Proffitt
Constance Kautz-Johansen
Julian Butto
Tucker Buskirk
Mickenzie Schlodder
Nicole DeVader
Katie Keithline
Michaela Hutfles
Titan Eisenbarth
Dawson Cochren
Kade Holliday
Isaak Karns
Derek Smith
Email: derek.smith@jhcobras.net
Website: jhcobras.net
Location: 12692 266th Rd Holton, KS 66436
Phone: (785)248-4386
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jackson.Heights.USD335