Lanakila Baptist Middle/High School
January 2022 Newsletter
Happy New Year!
It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
~Lamentations 3:22-23
Meet Our Newest Staff Member!
She will be the new face/voice in the office. She is excited to be back at her alma mater, but please give her grace as she is learning the ropes.
No School 1/17 - Marthin Luther King, Jr.
10th: School's back in session
12th: Awards Chapel
17th: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (no school)
Postponed - 5th Grade Orientation (TBD)
Cancelled - Open House (due to Covid numbers)
Jan 31st - Feb 4th: Spirit Week (Carnival TBD)
February (Re-Enrollment Month):
4th: Carnival (TBD)
7th-11th: Spiritual Emphasis Week
28th: Last day for early re-enrollment rate
As a reminder, if your child has traveled over the holidays, please see below for our travel guidelines.
Covid-19 & Travel Guidelines
Until stated otherwise, this policy will continue to be in effect for all travel during the school year.
COVID-19 LBS Policy on Isolation, Quarantine & Vaccination
If your child is sick or has COVID-19 symptoms, even if vaccinated, DO NOT send them to school and contact your child's physician for further instruction.
As a courtesy, if someone in your household is awaiting COVID-19 test results, please keep your child home until a negative test result is confirmed.
LBS policy on what to do if your child tests positive for COVID-19 (regardless of vaccination status):
- The student must isolate for 10 days following the start of symptoms or Covid-positive test result, AND
- be 24-hours free of fever or other symptoms.
LBS policy on what to do if your child comes in close contact with a COVID-positive person:
Students and staff who ARE fully vaccinated (with proof of vaccination on file at LBS) must quarantine, however, their quarantine may be shortened if a negative COVID test result is received. This test must be administered no less than 3-5 days after exposure.
Students and staff who are NOT fully vaccinated must quarantine for 10 days and should be tested. These students and staff who are close contacts can return to school when both of the following conditions are met: at least 10 days have passed since the last contact with the infected person, and no symptoms developed during the 10-day quarantine.
We are not requiring staff or students to get vaccinated, but do hope you will all continue to be diligent in your own safety and that of others.
Be aware that as more schools begin requiring vaccinations for ILH Athletics, this may be something we also require for our athletes. We will let you know if this becomes the case.
Shop With Scrip: Year-Round Fundraiser
If you have not signed up for ShopWithScrip, what are you waiting for?! ShopWithScrip is our ongoing year-round fundraiser. It not only benefits our school, but it also benefits you! Simply purchase gift cards through ShopWithScrip and earn rebates for our school. And as partners, we split the rebate with you! Go to shopwithscrip.com, and sign up today using our school code A9E289356L998.
There's an APP for that! Click the link below to get the app on your phone for a faster, easier way to shop for and use your gift cards!
Students must bring a water bottle daily
Oasis (Campus Store)
The Oasis will continue to offer snacks and drinks to hungry students, however, with Covid numbers still fluctuating, and to keep students from congregating around the microwaves, we will not be offering foods requiring microwave heating at this time.
The Oasis will be accepting cash payments for purchases.
Your Child's Progress
Middle School:
High School:
Office Staff
Mrs. Cory Quemado will be in the office Tuesdays & Thursdays.
Miss Miryachelle Felipe will be in the office on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
If you have a question about your billing, please call or email Mrs. Quemado. For urgent billing matters, you may contact our Finance Director, Mrs. Leverett, at 677-0731.
If you have a need to reach us during the holidays, please note that our office hours will be limited. We will be checking email regularly, but for urgent matters or questions about your billing, please contact our business office at 808-677-0731.
Right Now Media - FREE!
Lanakila Baptist High School
Email: lbhs.admin@lbswarriors.org
Website: www.lbswarriors.com
Location: 91-1219 Renton Road, Ewa Beach, HI, USA
Phone: 808-681-3146
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WarriorsLBHS