The Nugget
In-Person Virtual Learning Information
Grassy Creek Parents and Caregivers,
We shared information yesterday regarding the Marion County Health Department’s requirement to move to virtual for K-12. We know this change can be overwhelming and create many questions that need to be answered. We are working to get these answers to you as soon as possible. Please know that Grassy Creek is here for you to answer questions. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or school. We may not have answers to everything at this time, but will work hard to communicate with you as soon as we do.
In order for our teachers to properly prepare for virtual learning Monday, November 23rd and Tuesday, November 24th will be eLearning days. These days will be different from virtual learning that your child will begin on Monday, November 30th. On these days students will log into Canvas and complete independent activities. Teachers will be available to answer questions from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Please find the most up to date information we have on this transition to virtual below.
Mrs. Merchant, Proud Principal
Spirit of Giving
Grassy Creek will be holding our Spirit of Giving Day next Friday, November 20th!
On November 20th, any child who brings in at least $1 can participate in one of the following that day:
1. Wear school-appropriate pajamas to school
2. Wear a school appropriate hat to school
3. Bring an appropriately sized stuffed animal to school
All proceeds will go towards shopping for our families in need during the Christmas season. If students wish to participate, they may bring in any amount of money, but $1 is the minimum to participate in the above 3 items. Any and all donations are welcome and we look forward to seeing our students show their Spirit of Giving!
Virtual Student Updates
Attendance App: Please continue to work with you teacher as we are fine tuning the use of the attendance app and/or Canvas!
Picture Day: On November 20 from 8:00AM-3:45PM, virtual students will be given the opportunity to have their picture taken. Pictures will be taken at Moorhead Community Resources Center. The order form can be found below.
Virtual Schedule for Quarter 2: click HERE for a virtual school schedule through Winter Break.
Technology Support: Beginning Monday, October 26th the Moorhead technology help desk will move to door 11 at the rear of the building located near the playground. Please drive through the gate on the west side of the building and, after parking, enter door 11 for assistance. The Technology team will keep the same hours for the help desk: Monday through Friday (except holidays) from 11am to 1pm.
Virtual Student Materials Pick-up for quarter 2 was on Thursday, October 22nd. If we missed you, please call the front office at 317-532-3100 to make arrangements for pick up.
Special Reminders from Nurse Springer
In order for our school to be in compliance with the state laws regarding immunizations, please make sure that your student(s) have their updated information on file with Mrs. Springer. Please make Mrs. Springer aware of any upcoming appointments for vaccines, or if there are any medical or religious objections to your student receiving his or her vaccines
Religious Exemptions for Immunizations--Yearly paperwork needs to be completed for students with a religious exemption for immunizations. Please complete the paperwork and return it to the clinic as soon as possible.
Food Allergies or Sensitivities--If your student has a food allergy/sensitivity, we need an updated note from the doctor stating the allergy every year. Reminder letters about food allergies were sent home with students on Wednesday. If you have not notified the clinic or teacher about a food allergy, please do so immediately. If your child does not eat a particular type of food for religious reasons, please send a parent note that is dated and signed informing us of this. Dietary will then be notified.
Change of Clothes--If your child is in Kindergarten or 1st grade, please have a change of clothes in their backpacks at all times. We have more spills, accidents, and messy recesses at the younger grades so a change of clothes can be handy!
School District Publication/Media Use
Grassy Creek Elementary School
Website: http://grassycreek.warren.k12.in.us/
Location: 10330 East Prospect Street, Indianapolis, IN 46239, USA
Phone: 317-532-3100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrassyCreekElementary/
Twitter: @GrassyCreekElem