Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ May 2, 2016
From the Superintendent
This week we all celebrate the gifts our teachers and support staff share with our students at Oak Grove. We are so very fortunate to have a dedicated group of individuals who give their very best each and every day to help your sons and daughters learn and grow, in and out of the classroom.
This is my 33rd year as an educator and I can honestly say that I am blessed to work with the best faculty and staff of my career. Great things happen at Oak Grove School on a daily basis. I have all the confidence in the world that your children will be well prepared for high school, and beyond.
If you get a moment this week, thank a teacher, an aide, a custodian, a nurse, any of the classroom and support staff, and those most important administrative assistants! Together, they make Oak Grove “the place to be.” Educating your children is a total team effort.
Have a great week, Oak Grove staff!
Early Morning Library Hours
Class Placement Reminder
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
Last week, parents of students who are currently in grades 3 and 5 received placement letters for English language arts and math classes for next year. Parents of fifth grade students also received the results from the CogAT assessment that was administered earlier this spring. Current third grade students received these scores last year when the students completed their CogAT assessment in the spring of 2015 as second graders.
If you feel your child should have been placed into a Talented And Gifted (TAG) section of ELA or math for next year and the letter you received does not indicate that as the recommended placement, you have the option to appeal the placement through the Advisory Council.
Please see the TAG handbook for the matrix used to make placement decisions (p. 10). In addition, parents requesting participating in the appeal process are required to complete the Parent Inquiry Form beginning on page 22. The Parent Inquiry Form should be completed and emailed to cacciatore@ogschool.org no later than May 13th for consideration at the May Advisory Council meeting. Final committee recommendations will be shared no later than June 3rd.
Dental Requirement-Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 6th Grade
A dental examination is required for all students in kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grade, and must be submitted by May 15th, 2016. The examination must have taken place within the 18 months prior to this date. If you know that you have not yet submitted a completed dental exam form this school year, please do so as soon as possible. If you need a dental form or have questions concerning this, please contact Callie Johnson at (847) 367-4120 ext 2011 or Judy Klosterman at ext. 2012. If we do not receive your child’s completed dental exam by May 15, 2016, we will be required to hold your childs report card. Thank you for your cooperation.
Superintendent for the Day
This week, Alaina Lopez, a fifth grader at Oak Grove was "Superintendent for the Day." Alaina was selected for this experience as a result of a winning bid at the recent Oak Grove Education Foundation's winter Gala.
Alaina spent the day with Dr. Lemon. She was able to help lead a tour of the school for a prospective parent, see the internal technology network, help prepare materials for a parent meeting, and read with some 2nd graders, to name just a few experiences.
Despite "pleas" from her 5th grade classmates to "have recess all afternoon," Alaina made the wise decision to keep them in the academic classroom!
Alaina is the daughter of Thomas and Jennifer Lopez. Thank you Alaina, for your service to Oak Grove!
PTO News
May 2, 2016
Lunches this week
Monday – Jersey Mikes
Tuesday – Panino/Potato
Wednesday – Pizza
Thursday – Culvers
Kiddo's Catering
We are excited to Introduce our new lunch provider for next year, Kiddo's catering. You will be able to start ordering your lunches in August. Lunches are going to be offered 5 days a week starting in September. You will no longer need to pay for the whole year upfront at registration and will also be able to make changes to your lunches throughout the year. See the virtual backpack for more information and please visit the link below to see how the program works:
Box Tops
Our last collection for Box Tops will be Friday, May 6th. Please remember to send them in with your child. We will announce the classroom contest winners as soon as they are counted. Thank you for supporting the PTO!
Ice Cream Socials
Thank you to all the volunteers that helped serve the free frozen treats this year at the spring open house nights for K-4. These people include: Mia Hughes, Kim VandenBiesen, Supriya Hukku, Melissa Thoune, Laura Van Lyssel, Julie Baker, Saritha Sirivol, & Barb Davoux. We couldn't have done it without your help.
Variety Show
The Variety Show was a huge success and the kids were incredible!! Thank you to ALL of our parents for their help especially, Susan Kurland, Julie and John Goodman, Joanie Sauers, Beth Williams, Cindy Gleason, Julie Block-Terson, Kevin Griffin, and Mindy Warren. Our tickets sales allowed the PTO to donate $1472 to the Student Council's goal to grant a wish through the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The PTO would like to thank our five directors this year, Heather McCarty, Susan Brooks, Stacie Nevins, Kelli Kuypers, & Mia Hughes. And a huge thank you to our administration, teachers, staff, and custodians for supporting this event. We are already looking forward to next year's show!!!
PTO Receipts
If you have any outstanding receipts from PTO events that you need to be reimbursed for, please submit them along with the reimbursement form (found on the OG website, PTO tab - link to the form is below) to Liz Howard (she has a PTO treasurer mailbox in both the junior high and elementary offices) by May 27th.
Pre Pack School Supply Orders
Don't forget to order your school supplies for next year. You can do so on EPI's website at www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks using school ID OAK039 for your 2016-2017 school supplies. The pre-packs will be delivered to your home before school begins in August. The deadline for ordering is June 10th. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Jennifer Liu- jen_hen@comcast.net. See the Virtual Backpack for prices and details.
Don’t Forget!
The K-1st Social Event is on Friday, May 20th, from 12:45 – 3:00. Please contact Kristin Golumbeck at kristingolumbeck@yahoo.comwith any questions.
Just a reminder to all PTO Committee Chairs – please turn in your completed End of the Year Committee Report to Lisa Perrone or Mia Hughes by May 6th. A copy of the form can be found at: http://www.ogschool.org/documents/pto-end-of-year-committee-report.pdf
Oak Grove School Education Foundation
Playground Pavers Summer Installation Orders -- Leave your Mark at Oak Grove!
Our children's memories of their time at Oak Grove will last a lifetime, so take this opportunity to leave a permanent mark with a custom brick paver and support innovative curriculum enhancements for your children at the same time! The custom brick pavers are the centerpiece of the Elementary playground! If you order your Paver by May 20th, it will be installed over the summer. For sizes, information and order, please visit http://www.ogsef.org/playground-pavers.html. Thank you!
Life is Sweet at Oak Grove
As part of the Cookie Time with Mrs. Brown Gala experience, a group of lucky first graders spent the afternoon decorating (and eating) cookies with legendary teacher and baker, Mrs. Brown! Pigs, cows, frogs, whales and chickens never looked or tasted so good! Special thanks to Mrs. Brown for putting together such a wonderful and memorable treat for the kids.
Camp Duncan 7th Grade Field Trip
6th Grade Picnic Day
The sixth grade is looking for donations for our last lunch together, held on June 2nd! If you are able to donate any of these items on the list, please contact Jenny Onsager at jennyonsager@comcast.net
- 150 paper plates
- 150 forks
- 300 napkins
- 5 boxes of variety mix chips 30 count plus
- 40 juice box orange juice
- 40 juice box orange juice
- 40 juice box apple juice
- 4 cases of water
- Rice Krispie treats pre packaged 2 dozen x 5
- 4 large watermelon cut into slices
Student Council News
5th-8th graders, are you ready to wrap up the school year in a fun way? Student Council is sponsoring Final Fridays. Each Friday in May, join us for a themed day at school. Take a look at the schedule below and listen to the announcements each week for a reminder. There are only 4 Fridays left in the school year!
- Friday, May 6 Crazy sock day
- Friday, May 13 Twins, Triplets, Quadruplets - dress exactly like your friends!
- Friday, May 20* Pajama day (early release day at 11:30)
- Friday, May 27 Show your school spirit - wear your OGS clothes or colors!
Art Show
The Pauly Honda Art Show opening is May 4th from 6-8pm at Pauly Honda in Libertyville! Along with works of art from kindergarten students through eighth grade, we will also have performances by Oak Grove students. We will also have a raffle for a variety gift cards from $25-$50. It will be a great evening! See you there!
PSAT Save the Date for OGS Class of 2017
Dear Current 7th grade parents,
Please save the date, Saturday, October 29, 2016,for PSAT 8/9 testing. This fall, 8th grade students entering Libertyville High School or Vernon Hills High School in August, 2017 will participate in the Saturday, October 29, 2016 administration of the PSATTM 8/9 (Preliminary SAT) at the school they will attend. Specific information and instructions for students will be mailed from each school in early October, 2016.
The State of Illinois awarded a contract for a state provided college entrance exam to SAT during the last school year. This is the second year that D128 will administer the The PSATTM 8/9, the first exam in the SAT Suite of Assessments. Tightly aligned with the SAT and the PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test), it establishes a baseline for college and career readiness as students enter high school. The PSAT 8/9 is designed for eighth and ninth graders and will provide an additional data point to support the high school placement process. Additional information is available: (https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/satsuiteassessments/psat89). Students will take additional tests in the SAT Suite as they progress through high school.
If you have questions about the placement test prior to receiving information from the high school your student will attend, please feel free to contact Dr. Rita Fischer, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, at 8472474514, rita.fischer@d128.org.
Rita R. Fischer
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120