Grade 8 Graduation
Schedule of Events
- Practice at 9:15 (PE will be pushing in for periods 1-4)
- Picnic - students will take lunch outside and then have grade 8 games (remind students to bring towels to sit on)
- High School orientation - bus leaves at 9:00 AM - students need to be on -time or they will miss the bus
- Practice 9:15-9:45
- Students in grades 7/ 8 will eat in their classroom during period 5 (Grade 7 will just have outside recess from 12:30 - 1:10 - all lunch duty staff will need to be outside)
- practice from 12:30 - 1:30
- Breakfast will begin at 8:30 - students enter through the gym doors
- Students will begin lining up at 10:00
- The promotion ceremony begins at 10:30 - remind students only 2 adults per graduate