Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ February 3, 2020
Geography Bee
Congratulations to all the participants in Oak Grove’s Geography Bee. Atreyee Hati (4th), Sai Lakshith Perugu (4th), Hooriya Haroon (5th), Aniket Mandal (5th), Shrinidhi Vadanabhatla (6th), Archit Gupta (4th), Sahasra Derangula (4th), Tanmi Chadalawata (5th), Aryaman Hati (6th), Nikitha Desikan (4th), Hamza Alsawaf (5th), Shriteja Patil (6th), Abishai Jaladi (8), Akshay Jaladi (5).
A special congratulations to our school champion:
Andrew Schinler
Afternoon Pick Up Behind the School
Many parents and guardians pick up students "behind the school" on/near Lexington Road. The school district does not have jurisdiction over this area, as it is a Village of Green Oaks street. It is our understanding that there can be days when traffic is congested at the end of the day. Citizens in the area have expressed concern with cars blocking the street and children darting in and out of traffic. We ask that, if you do pick your children up after school in that area, please be careful. It continues to be our hope that as many students as possible are picked up in the school parking lot, where we have extensive supervision. Thank you.
Student Council News
Candy Grams are coming!
All 5th-8th grade students will be able to purchase a sucker and a note to be delivered to your friends on Valentine’s Day. The sale begins Wednesday, February 5th at lunch. Sale ends when we run out!
Cost: $1 each
New this year: Grams will be sold at two separate tables in the cafeteria. Students will be called up to purchase. You will receive your grams to fill out at home. Carts will move around the cafeteria each day to collect completed grams.
Required information: You will need to know your friend’s first and last name, grade level, and homeroom teacher.
Grams CANNOT be delivered to grades K-4, but you can send them to yourself to hand out to your younger friends.
All grams will be delivered to homerooms and passed out on Friday, February 14th.
From the School Nurses
A dental examination is required by the state of Illinois for all students in kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grade, and must be submitted by May 15th, 2020. The examination must have taken place within the 18 months prior to this date. Please submit exam as soon as possible, or contact the school nurses with any questions.
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
What: Talented And Gifted (TAG) program and placement process information
Where: Pat Patt gym
When: February 3rd, from 6:00-7:00 pm
Who: Parents who have students currently in third or fifth grade and interested in learning about our TAG programming.
Please, RSVP here even if you can’t attend in order to receive the digital presentation.
Thank you!
Own a local business? Want to support the class of 2020? Take out an advertisement in the 8th grade Musical program!
Oak Grove School Education Foundation
Grove Gala 2020 – Secure Your Tickets Today
Our Gala is fast approaching and ticket quantities are limited – we are already over 50% sold!
Our biennial Spring Gala will take place on February 29, 2020 at Independence Grove. The Gala is OGSEF’s biggest fundraising initiative and we need the support of our community, parents, faculty and students to make it a great success. Plus, it is a great opportunity to network and socialize with your community…not to mention a ton of fun! The event features food, open bar, entertainment, auctions and more. This is an event you will not want to miss!
Learn more and secure your tickets or sponsorship at https://www.ogsef.org/gala-2020.html.
PTO News
Please join us for this Wednesday’s PTO Meeting at 9am in the PD Room. A request for funding to upgrade the Elementary Library benefiting K-3 will also be shared by Administration at this meeting. The PTO looks forward to receiving input from our PTO members.
The annual Mother/Son dance is upon us! Taking place THIS Saturday from 6:30 - 8:30 in the Junior High gym and cafeteria. You and your boys will bust a move to music spun by DJ Ryan and dance the night away with MrGetThePartyStarted in your favorite decade's attire! As always, dressing up is optional. However, we are still in need of volunteers to make the night a success. Even if you can only help for a short time slot, ANY amount of time is appreciated. Please sign up via the link below if you or someone you know wants to help and/or earn NHS volunteer hours. https://signup.com/go/obZugqP Please contact Lynsey Wolfe (lynsey.wolfe@gmail.com) with any questions.
Please mark your calendar for the 5th Grade Father/Son night on Wednesday, March 11th, from 6:00-8:30, in the Oak Grove Junior High cafeteria. The evening will include an informative presentation of the ‘The Michael Program” by the Robert Crown Center for Health Education. Topics to be covered include puberty, proper nutrition, personal hygiene and positive self-image. Invitation to follow. If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Miller at ashleywvu@aol.com.
The girls and their daddies had a blast dancing through the decades Saturday night!
Many thanks to our DJ Chris Colton for blasting music from the past and present and to Lindsay Lee for getting the party started & leading the girls with her awesome U-Jam dance moves!
First, we would like to thank Shannon Bilcox and Melissa Sallmann for everything they have done to make this dance such a HUGE success! So much work goes into planning and running a dance and it is much appreciated. There are so many parent and student volunteers within our OGS community to thank: Debbie Greer and Vanessa Senatore for organizing the raffle; Vanessa Senatore and Kevin Bennett for website and marketing help; Jennifer Trivedi for the food; Holly Colin, Tiffany Popiolek, Shannon Rojas & Debbi Francl for the gorgeous centerpieces; Karie Wellenbach for the amazing chalk murals; Laura Reutzel and Kelli Likosar for the signs and time machine; Bev Smith for collecting photos and creating the slide show; Liz Howard for making the letters for our signs; Elisabeth Cobb for the dance favors.Thank you to those who helped with set up, working the dance, and clean up: Melissa Thoune, Beth Zender, Karen Linde, Lynsey Wolfe, Betsy Wells, Andrea Vena, Michelle Fox, Christine Merrild, Lauren Cole, Jennie Schlitt, Kate Byers, Ashley Wilson, Avery & Olivia Wilson, Carrie Siebert, Bev Smith, Krysia Ressler, Reagan Craven, Aayshah Mirza, Amber Rynes, Logan & Payton Howard, Jennifer Trivedi, Holly Colin, Shannon Rojas, Mia Hughes, June O’Donnell, Elizabeth O’Neill, Jennifer Davis, Sarah Roe, JT Torrens, Debbi Francl & Ambika Mayer.The dance would not have been a success without all of your help!
Additionally, we would like to thank our staff at OGS: the front office secretaries, for distributing fliers, and Ms. Bernsee for loaning us her lava lamps. Mr. Lemus, Mr. Plasky, Mr. Destefano & the rest of the maintenance staff at OGS; thank you for helping with the set up, clean up & running things smoothly, as always!
Last, but certainly not least, thank you to our local vendors, donors and places of business for their donations to our raffle: B. Bungalow, Be Well Fitness, Chicago Red Stars, Chicago Sky, Code Ninjas, Flips Gymnastics, Forest Bootery, How Impressive, IL Nails, Kids Science Labs, Lake Minear, Libertyville Gymnastics Academy, Local Soul, Makeup Artist Rosie Dow, Slammers, Sports 11, Ultimate Ninjas, Uniquely Sweet & Melody Lyon.
If there are any names we have forgotten, we apologize, but we are so grateful for your help!
If your daughter attended the dance but left without a favor, please contact Melissa Sallmann at melissagroner@hotmail.com with your daughter’s name and homeroom teacher, and we will make sure to get her one.
We hope everyone enjoyed "Dancing Through the Decades"! Thank you for attending the dance!
Update on Corona Virus from LCHD
The Lake County Health Department Communicable Disease program would like to provide information to all school districts regarding the 2019 Novel Corona Virus (2019 N-CoV). The Health Department would like to assure you that at this time Lake County residents are at low risk of getting infected with this virus. Please click here to read their letter.
Rotation Schedule K-3
February 4 - E
February 5 - F
February 6 - A
February 7 - B
February 10 - C
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120