Spring Lake Park High School
August 26, 2020 Newsletter
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A message from Principal Boucher
Dear SLPHS Families,
We’ve had tremendous community support as we design and navigate the start of a school year unlike any we have even known. As result of the talented students, supportive community, and passionate teacher that comprise the SLPHS school community, I’m confident we will have a positive and productive year, as we this chapter together.
Important updates for this week
First days of school
We will use the first two days of school – September 10 and 11 – to orient our students and families, creatively connect for meet and greet opportunities and carefully manage transitions for students moving between buildings.
In the Modified Campus Schedule (Hybrid) Model, our approach to September 10 and 11 is similar to past years and provides a higher level of support for students making the transition to high school. This also provides an opportunity for us to practice transportation, arrival and dismissal procedures and other critical aspects of our unique operations this year with smaller group sizes.
- Grade 9 students and students new to the district in Group A (last names A-L) will come to school September 10 for their orientation day
- Grade 9 students and students new to the district in Group B (last names M-Z) will come to school September 11 for their orientation day
- Grades 10-12 students will participate in online meet and greet activities with teachers to get oriented to their trimester 1 courses and instructors. (They will not be in the building on these two days.)
In the Extended Flexible Learning (Distance Learning) Model, September 10 and 11 will be dedicated to students participating in online meet and greet activities with teachers and get oriented to their instructors and trimester 1 courses. These days also will focus on ensuring students are connected and technology is working to support learning.
The first day of instruction for all grade levels in both models will be Monday, September 14. For students in the hybrid model, Group A students (last name A-L) in grades 9-12 will come to school. All other students will learn from home that day.
Student schedules will be available in Campus Parent Portal and Schoology starting September 1. If you have any questions about your student’s schedule, please reach out to your student’s counselor. Counselors will be listed on the schedule. Our 9th and 10th graders will also be assigned a “Team” which will also be listed on their schedule.
Over the summer, we have had some significant changes in our student services office. Mrs. Blaido and Mrs. Shea have both taken new roles in our district and I am grateful for all they have contributed to the student experience and our school community over the past several years. Ikran Salat and Tamiko Montgomery have joined the counseling team. Our counselors are as follows:
- Troy Willemssen – 9th grade Team A and 10th grade Team A
- Ikran Salat – 9th grade Team B and 10th grade Team B
- Lindsey Redmann – 9th grade Team C and 10th grade Team C
- Julie Turchioe – 11th/12th grade last names A – He
- Justine Malecha – 11th/12th grade last names Hi – Pa
- Tamiko Montegomery – 11th/12th grade last names Pb – Z
This week, I’ve had the joy of working with our new teachers. They are a talented, energetic, creative and student-centered group of educators who are eager to engage with your student. All teachers will be in starting next week, and I look forward to collaborating with such a competent and compassionate group of educators as we embrace the 2020-2021 school year.
Thank you again for your continued support and for partnering with us to build and create more possibilities for each and every SLPHS student. Together we build futures.
Matthew Boucher
Summer Meal Program: Meals Provided Through September 4
One-page 2020-2021 School Calendar
The first day of school for all grades is Thursday, September 10, 2020. View a downloadable Calendar PDF.
Watch for Bus Route Information August 31
Families who indicated they needed district transportation for this fall will receive bus route information beginning August 31. Routes will be posted in Campus Parent Portal on August 31 and a postcard will be mailed out that same day. For general information and bus routing, contact Spring Lake Park Schools transportation services at 763-600-5590 or visit the Transportation page.
Face masks, self-screening and water bottle information
Face masks
For many students beginning the year in the Modified Campus Schedule (hybrid) model, wearing a mask throughout the entire school day will be one of the biggest adjustments. All students and staff are expected to wear face masks indoors per the state executive order and these expectations will be reinforced.
One way to help make the transition easier at the start of the school year, is for students to pick out a mask and start practicing wearing it now. Families can also help students understand the importance of wearing a mask.
Health Self Screening
For learning at school days, staff and students (with help from family members as needed) must self-screen for symptoms at home daily before coming to school. This is called passive screening. If a person is sick or exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, they may not come to school.
Symptoms Checklist:
- New onset cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fever of 100 degrees without fever reducing medication
- Chills
- Muscle pain or body aches
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste and smell
- Diarrhea
- Congestion or vomiting
- Headache
Close contact checklist: Have you had close contact (within 6 ft for 15 minutes or more) with anyone who is positive for COVID-19, OR do you have a household member waiting for COVID-19 test results?
If you answer “YES” to any of the above (symptoms or close contact)’
- Please stay home when sick; DO NOT come to school or work
- Contact your school’s attendance line
- Consider contacting your health care provider
View and download a Daily Self-Screen for COVID-19 Symptoms document.
Water Bottles Not Drinking Fountains
Water bottles have been added to school supply lists this year as students will not be allowed to use drinking fountains for health and safety reasons. Please send a water bottle to school each day with your student. Water bottle fill stations will be available, and many classrooms have sinks to fill water bottles.
AP Reminders for Parents/Guardians of AP Students 2020-2021
If your child is taking an AP course, they have more free support than ever to help them learn throughout the year and prepare for their May 2021 AP Exams, where students have the opportunity to earn college credit!
To help your child stay on track:
- Make sure your child uses the join code their AP teacher gives them to join their class section. They will get this the first week of class. This will give them access to AP Classroom where they can practice their skills, receive feedback on their progress, and see real AP Exam questions.
- Beginning September 1, AP Daily videos, on-demand lessons led by AP teachers from across the country, will be available in AP Classroom. Along with other free resources, they provide daily support for students. Students can watch them at their own pace on a mobile device or a computer with internet access, and teachers can also include them as part of their curriculum. There will be videos available for most courses.
- Encourage your child to register for their AP Exams in the fall so they have the chance to stand out to college admissions officers and save money on tuition with a qualifying score of three or more. Registration will go live September 10 and end September 30. There is a two step process for registration. The first part is to select "yes" in MyAP, once they are in the course. The second step is to make payment, the payment link will be sent to students and parents the first week of school and be available on our school website.
In case you missed important information from last week's newsletter, check out the topics below and click to learn more.
Need Care for Your School Age Child?
View School Supply Lists
iPads: Get Your Tech Ready for a New School Year
Apply now for Free or Reduced-Priced Meal Benefits for the 2020-2021 School Year
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