Reaching Higher
Message from the Principal
I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful Labor Day weekend! As we look forward to week 2, there is a lot to build on after a successful start to the school year! This week we will be back in full swing starting on Tuesday, September 5th. Check out the details below, including information on the open house scheduled for this week. Please reach out to the main office with any questions!
Jason Hernandez
Open House
We have enjoyed getting to know your students so far and know it will be a awesome year. Open house is a great event to attend with your student to kick off our partnership together. With that in mind, please take advantage of this opportunity to meet your students’ teachers and learn more about their classes.
On Thursday, September 7th we will begin at 6:30 pm in the gymnasium with a presentation from Mr. Hernandez and Mr. McClary. From there, we encourage students to guide parents around the building in a rotation through their schedule. The Open House will conclude at approximately 8:00 pm. Please reach out to the main office with any questions.
Ride With Pride
After School Program
Student Kindness Challenge
Kindness Challenge: Do an extra chore at home without being asked.
Reeths-Puffer Classroom Libraries
Please click the link below to access a letter describing the use and reasoning for classroom libraries at RPMS.
Student Drop Off and Pick-up
Our goal for drop off and pick up is to ensure the safety of students and staff while providing an efficient process. Please read the reminders below to support this process.
Pull all the way forward in the circle drive, as far as possible.
Make sure your student is ready to exit the car in the morning, and quick to enter the car after school.
Please do not park in the circle drive.
Avoid dropping students off in the bus area after 7:30 (see diagram).
Be patient and drive slowly in all parking lots. Staff and students are walking in parking lots before and after school, we need to ensure their safety.
Lunch Period
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Cell phones and other electronic devices have become increasingly distracting for students and in some cases, have lead to unhealthy social interactions with peers while at school. The use of cell phones for academic purposes isn't necessary, in most cases, with the use of district provided Chromebooks. For these reasons, the use of cell phones and personal electronic devices (such as smart watches, headphones, airpods, bluetooth speakers, handheld game systems, etc.) are prohibited at RPMS during the school day. Bringing a personal device is at the discretion of the student and parent, however, students are expected to silence phones and place them in lockers during the school day. Violations will be handled as follows:
- First Offense: The offending student will be sent to the office where the device(s) will be held until the end of the school day and a pass will be provided. The student may pick up the cell phone/personal electronic device at the end of the school day.
- Second Offense: The student will be sent to the office where the device(s) will be held for parent pick-up and a pass will be provided.
- Third Offense: The student will be sent to the office where the device(s) will be held for parent pick-up and a pass will be provided. A parent meeting will take place to determine the next steps.
School Messenger
Reeths-Puffer Schools uses a product called SchoolMessenger as a mass communication tool. We have created a few documents that will help you either create your SchoolMessenger account, change preferences for your account, or sign up for text message alerts if you wish to.
- If you have never logged in to SchoolMessenger you can use the New Account Directions
- If you have already created an account and would like to change your preferences you can use the Change Preferences Directions
- If you would like to sign up to receive text messages you can follow the Text Message Consent Directions
If you don’t see the phone number or email address listed on this site, you will need to contact the Building Office where your student is enrolled to have them add this information into PowerSchool.
School Breakfast and Lunch
We are asking ALL parents to fill out the lunch program application again this year. Even if you think you won't qualify for it, we encourage you to do so because the information gathered is essential for the funding of many other vital programs at R-P. Complete the form online at https://reethspuffer.familyportal.cloud/ or use the QR code provided.
Jackie Blomeke, MBA, RDN
Director of Food Service
Medications which need to be taken in school must be administered by certified school personnel (or designee) in the presence of another adult. Parents must bring medication to the school office in the original container and fill out the proper form. Students should not be in posession of medication while at school.
Contact the office if you have any questions.
Athletic Corner
Academic Eligibility:
Parents and student-athletes: a grade report will be collected and submitted to coaches for any student-athlete who is under a C- in any class. This process will take place weekly throughout each season. Please ensure that you are competing in the classroom and on the playing surface.
Daily Schedule
7:43 am - Start of Day
2:38 pm - End of Day (10:50 am - Half Day)
Check Us Out
Upcoming Important Dates
- 9/1 - No School (Labor Day Weekend)
- 9/4 - No School (Labor Day Weekend)
- 9/7 - Open House (6:30-8:00)
- 9/15 - Ride With Pride Pledge Deadline
Contact Information
Email: hernandezj@reeths-puffer.org
Website: https://www.reeths-puffer.org/o/rpms
Location: 1911 West Giles Road, Muskegon, MI, USA
Phone: (231) 744-4721
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RPMiddle
Twitter: @RPMiddle