The IMS Connection
Volume 21, Issue 5: January 2024
January 2024
Happy New Year to our friends and families of Islip,
2024 has swooped in at a record pace. Hard to believe we are celebrating a New Year already. With the new year, we are reminded of the changing temperature. Please know, when possible, we will make every effort to remain outside upon arrival, giving the students some room and space to socialize. We will also go outside during lunch recess. Please have your child dress accordingly each day, so they can be comfortable outside for the morning arrival and lunch recess. Coats and jackets are highly recommended for recess.
The second semester will begin in just a few days. Students should be aware of their current achievements and grades. Viewing the Parent Portal and Gradebook is a great way to be informed on your child’s progress.
Each January we begin the budget and scheduling processes for the next school year. Parents should be on the lookout for important literature regarding the middle school and 9th grade high school courses. As in the past, we will not be accepting teacher or team requests. Such correspondence places students, parents, and teachers in precarious situations; however, we welcome a discussion about your child’s educational needs and any information that can help your child be successful at Islip Middle School. Please send any written correspondence directly to me. Letters are not retained from year to year, so any pertinent information/requests must be sent each year. This year’s deadline is Friday, January 26th.
As always, if you have a desire for a parent conference simply call our Guidance Office at 631-650-8550. We prefer to meet in person; however, we can meet via the internet or by phone.
We look forward to the year ahead and wish our Islip Middle School learning community the best of health in the New Year.
As always, feel free to contact me at tmartin@islipufsd.org.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Timothy Martin
January 2024
Happy New Year IMS Families,
As we spring into 2024 let us please salute and thank the IMS community for making 2023 an amazing year. Thank you!! We can only hope 2024 brings with it wonderful opportunities, incredible experiences, and unforgettable moments. As we ask MS students to reflect and consider some of their New Years’ resolutions… do better in school, appreciate loved ones, be more involved, were some of the thought-provoking resolutions expressed by IMS students. For us here at IMS, we look forward to working with each and every child in a way which supports them academically, socially, and emotionally. IMS is a special place. It is a place of caring, thoughtfulness, generosity, and hard work. It is a wonderful community filled with tremendous families, educators, and commerce.
At IMS, January advisory will focus on “New Beginnings.” identifying strengths, as well as, areas of growth/potential. Activities will surround the idea of beginning with the end in mind. How do we develop mental strength? When confronted by challenges in life, we are measured by how we respond to those opportunities. Ultimately, these challenges are what defines us as a person.
The greatest, most decorated athlete of our time is quoted in sharing the following, “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”- Michael Jordan
2024 will come with its celebrations and compliments, but how do we respond to opportunities which are presented before us in the year to come.
“Ask the universe for an oak tree and it will send you an acorn." -Unknown
Wishing you nothing but peace and wellness for the New Year,
Curt Juengerkes
Assistant Principal
January 2024
Happy New Year IMS Families!
So many of us often set New Year's Resolutions. Some people look to start a healthier lifestyle with the start of the year while others look for new hobbies. It would be wonderful if our students used this opportunity to experience all of the wonderful things IMS has to offer. Join a new club, attend intramural sports, or go to Homework Help after school. There is the opportunity for 7th and 8th graders to join a new sport at the end of January when our new seasons begin. Or make it a goal to start the new marking period off strong by finishing all of your assignments and seeking extra help. Whatever the goal you set, know that we are here to support you. Reach out to Mr. Juengerkes, your guidance counselors or myself. We want to see each of you succeed and we are here to support you with that.
Let’s make this a great year!
Jamie Wright
Dean of Students
Responsibility/Perseverance… With a new year here, what steps can we take to achieve our goals? Even when things are looking bleak, “You must keep at it, someday soon your perseverance will reap rewards.” (Domenico Mazza, How to Find Your Passion)
Renaissance Rave
'Tis the Season to be Recognized!! We are very excited to watch our IMS students grow academically and socially as the year progresses. The prizes have been purchased and are ready to be raffled! Our raffle for the 2nd quarter grades will be held after grades have been posted. As always, please check your planner for the Rules and Regulations of Renaissance. Replacement cards can be purchased for $5. Keep working hard and getting better every day! LOOK GOOD! FEEL GOOD! DO GOOD!
Happy New Year and welcome back from a well-deserved holiday break. Team 6 Orange has been working hard this year in all classes and we are very proud of their effort and dedication to their studies.
In science, we have been exploring the human body and how it works. Students have learned about the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and exercising to keep their different organ systems strong. At the end of the month, students will be taking a midterm in science. We will be reviewing in class, but ask that they look over their review notes at home, as well.
In social studies, we are excited to share the incredible journey our 6th-grade students are embarking on as they delve into the fascinating world of Ancient Egypt! Over the past few weeks, our young scholars have immersed themselves in the rich history and culture of this ancient civilization, unlocking the mysteries of the Nile River Valley. From the awe-inspiring pyramids to the intricate hieroglyphics, our students are learning about the remarkable achievements of the Egyptians.
In ELA, we will be finishing our Red Kayak Unit. Students learned to use text evidence in order to support their ideas about characters in the novel. They will use this skill to construct a literary essay based on the novel and its characters. Moving forward, we will be working on a joint project with Social Studies about Ancient Egypt.
In mathematics, we have been working on understanding proportional relationships. Students have learned about how to differentiate between unit rates to understand the best price of a product. We are currently also working on the relationship between percents, decimals, and fractions. We will be finishing up this unit at the end of the calendar year! Please make sure students are practicing each night with their resources or on Deltamath!
In ENL (English as a New Language), we have been using Off2Class to improve our English Language skills. We use different modalities in the classroom including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. In addition, in content area classes, students use iPads and Microsoft Translator to translate lessons in real time, helping students understand the material being taught. We look forward to Parent Teacher Conferences this month and Culture Night in March!
Just as a reminder, we ask parents and/or guardians to make sure their child has a full pencil case and an organized binder. Please check the Parent Portal frequently to see how your child is doing in class and if they owe any assignments. Active studying is more important now as we approach new concepts and students are expected to utilize the study skills reviewed in the first quarter. As always, we thank you so very much for your support and we look forward to a successful new year!
Team 8 Purple is embracing the joy of the holiday season this December! As part of their unit of study on immigration, 8th graders embarked on a field trip to the Statue of Liberty prior to Thanksgiving break. During their visit, students learned how previous generations of immigrants entered Ellis Island hopeful for a better future. As our students observed, the Statue of Liberty is so much more than a famous monument; she is a beacon of hope who welcomes all newcomers to our American shores. We are so thankful to Social Studies teachers, Mrs. Cabanas and Mr. Argenziano, for organizing such a wonderful trip. To engage students further, Ms. Sheridan will be conducting her first Writers’ Café session on Thursday, December 21st. This after-school enrichment activity is geared towards 7th and 8th grade students who enjoy creative writing and expression. Interested students should see Ms. Sheridan in Room #115 for a permission slip. Before students leave for winter break, they will also participate in an interdisciplinary Team Day on Friday, December 22nd. Throughout the day, students will engage in a variety of festive activities and celebrate the most wonderful time of the year!
The Middle School Physical Education students started the year off with a host of outdoor activities. We capitalized on the beautiful weather and conducted all classes outdoors until the middle of November. Students were able to enjoy the fresh air while working on cardiovascular endurance coupled with backyard games and team sports. Each class took part in the Fitness-Gram, Frisbee Golf, Frisbee Fitness Game, Soccer, Football, Can-Jam, and Corn-Hole.
After the temperature dropped and it was too cold to remain out on the fields, classes jumped right into our Net Games Unit. We started our annual badminton tournament. Prior to the tournament, students developed and honed their skills by attending mini clinics focusing on the various types of shots - forehand, backhand, smash, lob, clear - as well as the skill of serving. A great deal of class time was devoted to learning and practicing the strategy of the short line. After gleaning the advantages of using the short line on the serve, students carried this knowledge into the tournament. The students were divided into competitive teams to begin game play. Each class period, teams played two or three games to accumulate wins to help increase their chances in the tournament seeding. Teams were ranked and each team started their journey to the Championship. Eventually, each class crowned a champion, and our tournament was a remarkable success.
Following badminton, each class experienced a similar trajectory as we segued into our volleyball unit. Our current student body was the first class to use the new state-of-the-art volleyball pole system and courts. The students brought the same energy, enthusiasm and sportsmanship to this unit as well. In conjunction with volleyball, many students participated in games of Newcomb and basic skill development. The new system definitely enhanced our students’ experience in the gymnasium. Pickleball tournament will be coming to the middle school in the spring!
The modified late winter season begins at the middle school on January 16, 2024. Student athletes in grades seventh and eighth can take part in girls’ basketball and wrestling. The sign-up books will be available on the tables found by both Physical Education offices. Please make sure your child signs the book, completes Final Forms/Physical and attends sport meetings prior to tryouts/first practice. Final Forms can be found at: FinalForms - Islip Union Free Schools
The school doctor will be available on Monday, January 8, 2024 at 9:30 am at the middle school. Please contact the middle school health office at 631-650-8529 for more details. Fortunately, all home games will be live streamed on the Islip Athletics channel on YouTube. Lastly, the Physical Education Department would like to wish you all the best in the new year!
January 2024
We’d like to first start off by saying we hope everyone had a wonderful, safe, and merry holiday break! We are looking forward to seeing what 2024 has in store for Islip Middle School!
As we approach mid-point of the school year, your counselors would like to take this opportunity to remind you about the many academic supports we have in place for students! Here at Islip Middle School, we offer Homework Help Monday through Thursday after school until 3:15 in the Fire Island Dining Room. Homework help is a place where students can get assistance on their homework if their teacher is unavailable for extra help after school. Students can pick up a permission slip in the guidance office or print one off of the IMS Google Site. We also have a plethora of National Honor Society students at the high school who are available for tutoring. If you are interested in a tutor for your child, please reach out to their school counselor, and we will help you get connected!
In the upcoming weeks, please be on the lookout for correspondence from the middle school regarding scheduling for next year. Sixth grade parents, be sure to keep an eye out for your child’s World Language choice for next year. Eighth grade parents, be sure to keep an ear out regarding Islip High School Curriculum Night on January 4th and Parent Transition Meeting on January 11th! Here, you will learn about electives offered at the high school, our different pathways, and how your child can self-select to take Honors courses! We encourage all parents of current eighth grade students to attend. The date is to be determined, so be sure to continue to check the Islip website for information. If you have any questions as scheduling information comes out, please feel free to reach out to your counselor!
This school year, National Junior Honor Society Students have been focusing on kids helping kids, gratitude, and kindness.
During the month of November, students thanked teachers for being their greatest supporters by dropping wonderful messages in their school mailboxes. Students collected and wrapped over 35 books, games, beauty products, and toys to support families in need this holiday season.
This year's goal is that all monies raised, from December through May, will be donated to Ronald McDonald House, a non-profit organization who helps with a child's medical needs, while physically keeping families close together during difficult medical times.
In December, NJHS students will work together to create and sell holiday cards, ornaments, and special gifts to help raise money for this worthy cause. Be on the lookout shortly for our creations. Feel free to purchase anything that catches your eye.
Your support is greatly appreciated!
1- District Closed, New Year's Day
8- MS/HS PTA/SEPTA Joint Meeting, 7pm, MS Library
10- BOE Meeting, 7:30pm, HS Auditorium
11- Grade 8 to 9 Parent Transition Meeting
15- Distcrict Closed, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
16- MS Late Winter Sports Begin
22- Student Support Services Workshop, 6pm, HS Community Room
26- MS/HS Marking Period Ends
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
2- SEPTA Sweetheart Dance, 6:30-8:30pm, MS
9- SEPTA Sweetheart Dance, snow date
12- 100th Day of School
12- BOE Meetings, 7:30pm, HS Auditorium
19-23- Mid Winter Recess
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
Website: islipufsd.org
Location: 211 Main Street, Islip, NY, United States
Phone: 631-650-8500
Facebook: facebook.com/IslipMS
Twitter: @IslipMS