CACFP Weekly Update
September 2, 2022
CACFP Renewal 2023
Each year every sponsor must renew their agreement with the Indiana Department of Education
(IDOE) in order to participate in CACFP. More information on renewal will be coming soon. Here are some items that you can work on now to make sure that your organization is ready:
- Update contact information in CNPweb. Please review the contacts, email addresses, and addresses in CNPweb for your organization. This will ensure that your organization receives important emails regarding contract renewal.
- Health and safety standards are required to be met for each site. Unlicensed sites should plan in advance to obtain updated fire inspections reports and/or county health department inspections.
- If your agency purchases meals from a vendor and your current vendor contract will be expiring, plan to complete a new vendor contract for the CACFP contract renewal. The current CACFP vendor contracts and agreements can be found here.
- Submit your Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). The federal government has transitioned from the use of the Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS) Number to the UEI as the primary means of entity identification. A UEI number is required this year for all renewing CACFP sponsors. Find instructions and submit your UEI here.
- Complete your budget. All sponsors with one or more affiliated centers, except those on NSLP, will be required to submit a full budget. The updated budget template for most sponsors can be downloaded here. A recorded budget training is available here, or register here to attend an upcoming live virtual training on Thursday, September 8 at 1 p.m. ET or Monday, September 12 at 10 a.m. ET.
- Make sure one person from your institution has completed annual civil rights training on www.innutritiontraining.com.
- Refresher training will be required as part of 2023 renewal. If you attended the refresher training held this week, that fulfills the requirement. If not, sign up for a condensed refresher training here.
Great Lakes Apple Crunch
Registration for the Great Apple Crunch is now open!
- Have you heard about the Crunch? The Great Apple Crunch is an annual celebration of fresh, local apples, which takes place the second Thursday of October, during National Farm to School Month. The Indiana Crunch is part of the Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch, which is also celebrated in the neighboring states of Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Iowa.
- Schools, early child care facilities, and other child education, garden, and feeding programs across Indiana can participate by sharing local apples and ‘crunch’-ing into them together all at the same time.
- Will you join us? This celebration is happening regionally on Thursday, October 13. We encourage participants to include educational enrichment activities on that day to promote the knowledge of where food comes from and healthy eating habits. Can't crunch on Thursday, October 13? Crunch any time in October and share your crunch on social media by tagging @GreatAppleCrunch!
- Click here to register.
Office Closure
State of Indiana government offices will be closed Monday, September 5, in observance of Labor Day.
Indiana Department of Education - Child and Adult Care Food Program
IDOE's Child & Adult Care Food Program webpage:
CNPweb: https://in.cnpus.com/cnp/
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this newsletter, please contact cacfp@doe.in.gov.
Click here to access previous newsletters.
Indiana Department of Education
Child and Adult Care Food Program