What I've Learned in My First 100 Days ~ Mrs. Oberfoell
My journey with the School Board this year has certainly been interesting and COVID has added so much to our plate that we have had little time to develop other areas. I am hopeful that spring will move us closer to our pre-Corona days and back to regular meetings and topics. The spring election will welcome three new faces. My job is to create a plan to provide opportunities to educate the Board in all areas. The Board's induction process and learning pieces have been missing and I will do my best to provide workshops and retreats that will help the Board grow as a team and better understand the district's policies and finances. As policy makers, the Board must first understand our current policies and stay abreast of new legislation and initiatives. In a sense, the Board Room is my new classroom and I look forward to collaborating and making decisions together.
The Iowa-Grant School District is focused on providing the best learning opportunities and experiences for our students. It is also a multi-million dollar company with assets, liabilities, including specific funds, grants, and related responsibilities. It's not an easy or quick learning experience. I'm constantly learning from Cathy, Loras, and Loretta. WASDA's First Year Superintendents Academy provides workshops with the top legal and finance firms to teach us the ins/outs of administration. I'm currently on Workshop #16 and continue to learn and grow. I also appreciate Jamie Nutter and several area superintendents who quickly respond to my questions and needs. We will be looking at budgets and salary schedules soon. The projected CPI (Consumer Price Index) is a whopping 4.7%. In previous years it has been between 1.5 and 2.2 so we may need to tighten our belt. Our stakeholders rely on us to spend our funds responsibly.
Curriculum & Instruction
Wisconsin has adapted its English Language Arts and Math Standards in discussing gaps and differentiation. Change is hard. It's easy to keep status quo but our classroom needs are always different and always changing. It's our job to meet those needs and that takes time and commitment. We are grateful to have the gift of time each week and hope that our new calendar will include Early Releases. We will be gathering samples of new textbooks and spending the next year looking at reading and math products to enhance our programs. We will also embark on a new journey that will align standards, skills, assessments, and report cards so each student sees the pathway to learning and can identify "What I Need" and why.
Buildings & Grounds plus Transportation
The biggest and saddest news this year is knowing that WARCO will be leaving us in June. I have great respect for Tom Hoffman and his crew. They are responsible for transporting our precious cargo every day. Vicky Unbehaun has been wonderful to work with and we love our bus drivers who must juggle the responsibility of keeping our passengers safe on the bus while navigating the roads with enormous vehicles. We appreciate each and every employee at WARCO. Other changes in the first 100 days include adding a new office area at the high school. We have upgraded the "vault" to become our new health room and created an office for our district staff to use, including our SEL Coordinator, District Nurse, Psychologist, and Superintendent. We hope that this new space will help us to better serve our high school. Coming soon: a unisex bathroom at IGEMS so we have options at both buildings.
I think that we have made three important chess moves in our first 100 days. One was the addition of a full-time Social Emotional Mental Health Coordinator. Michele Wetter quickly filled a gap that was greatly needed and our district is only beginning to reap the rewards of her compassion and attention to the needs of our students. The second move was making the district nurse position full-time. Caring for the needs of 700+ students is hard enough, but COVID has consumed her time and energy. We are grateful that Amanda Linscheid decided to join our team in the midst of chaos. Lastly, the third move was finding Jennifer Gallagher to lead IGEMS. She jumped right in and took over in the blink of an eye. We appreciate Jen's passion for students and her ability to stay positive and energetic, even when it gets tough. We want to welcome all our new staff this year and thank them for choosing IG and joining our Panther Family. We are All in This Together.
The main job of the School Board is to work on policies. We joined Neola and updated our policies last year. It was a tedious process and there are always legislative updates and changes. Neola provides us with current policy language every six months. We missed our policy update over the summer, so when I met with Neola in February for a double update - it took four hours. I will ask for a couple special meetings with the School Board to review the updates. The whole Board will be meeting this summer to read, review, and learn about our current policies and the new updates. In comparison, the School Board members are the legislators who make the general laws and I am the mayor who works out the details and applies the laws to our district to make sure we are in compliance. Policy work is not glamorous or exciting but it is vital to our educational system and financial wellness. As with any aspect of our job, doing What's Best for Kids will continue to be our focus and most important objective.
Please take five minutes to take the Community Survey below. We appreciate your input.
Let's Make the Next 100 Days Even Better!
Go Panthers!
Mrs. Oberfoell
IGSD School Board Candidate Forum
Candidates invited to appear are as follows: Liz Lenz, Ross Leix, Katrina Rickard, and Travis Wetter.
Stakeholders are welcome to attend in person. It will also be live-streamed/recorded on Zoom with the following link: https://zoom.us/j/3942383423.
For fairness to both in-person and virtual attendees, please plan to submit your questions prior to the forum, no later than Wednesday, March 9 at 5 pm. You can submit a question using the following methods:
1. Using the linked anonymous online form https://forms.gle/FidCd5iRKQZpzQYp8
2. Dropping off a question at the District Office located at IGEMS
3. Mailing a question to the District Office located at 498 County Road IG; Livingston, WI 53554
4. Calling 608-943-6311 x 3020
Please note: due to duplication and time constraints, not all questions submitted may be asked of the candidates during the forum. The event is expected to last approximately an hour to an hour and a half.
The election is Tuesday, April 5. Currently, Katrina Rickard (Area 1 Linden) and Travis Wetter (Area 6 Livingston/Montfort at large) are running unopposed. Voters will be asked to select the candidate for the Area 2 Cobb seat (Liz Lenz or Ross Leix). The elected candidates will each receive a three-year term on the school board commencing Monday, April 25.
Culvers Share Event for Hazel Dell One-Room Schoolhouse
Tues., March 15th, 10:00 am-10:00 pm, Dodgeville Culvers
10% of sales for the day donated to the Hazel Dell School
Don't miss anything IG!! Be sure to download the Iowa-Grant School District App today and enable notifications š¾ It's everything IG in your pocket!
IGHS Calendar of Events
3/3 Basketball: Girls Varsity Sectional TBD
3/4 Basketball: Boys Varsity Regional TBD
3/4 Gymnastics: Varsity State Tournament TBD
3/5 Basketball: Boys Varsity Regional TBD
3/5 Basketball: Girls Varsity Sectionals TBD
3/7 4:30 PM SWAL Forensics @ Cuba City
3/8 ACT Test Date
3/10 Basketball: Boys Varsity Sectionals TBD
3/10 Basketball: Girls Varsity State Tournament TBD
3/10 7:00 PM LEO Club Banquet
3/11 Basketball: Girls Varsity State Tournament TBD
3/12 Basketball: Boys Varsity Sectionals TBD
3/12 Basketball: Girls Varsity State Tournament TBD
3/12 7:00 AM MS/HS Band Choir Solo/Ensemble
3/13 6:30 PM FFA Banquet
3/14 6:30 PM Board Meeting
3/15 7:00 PM Spring Band/Choir Concert
3/17 Basketball: Boys Varsity State Tournament TBD
3/18 Basketball: Boys Varsity State Tournament TBD
3/18 5:00 PM Track & Field: Boys Varsity Invitational vs Multiple Schools @ UW-Platteville
3/19 District Forensics
3/19 10:00 AM Softball: Varsity Scrimmage vs Argyle/Pecatonica (Away)
3/21 Forward Testing - Sophomores
3/21 6:00 PM Music Parents' Meeting
3/22 4:30 PM Softball: Varsity vs Potosi (Away)
3/22 6:00 PM Softball: JV vs Potosi (Away)
3/24 5:00 PM Softball: JV vs Barneveld (Home) (Cobb City Park)
3/24 5:00 PM Softball: Varsity vs Barneveld (Home) (Cobb City Park)
3/24 5:00 PM Track & Field: Boys Varsity Invitational vs Multiple Schools @ UW-Platteville
3/25 End of Third Quarter
3/26 HS Music Trip - New Orleans
3/27 HS Music Trip - New Orleans
3/28 Fourth Quarter Begins
3/28 HS Music Trip - New Orleans
3/29 HS Music Trip - New Orleans
3/29 4:30 PM Baseball: Varsity vs Potosi (Home) (Livingston Baseball Field)
3/29 5:00 PM Softball: JV vs Lancaster (Away)
3/29 5:00 PM Softball: Varsity vs Lancaster (Away0
3/30 HS Music Trip - New Orleans
3/31 HS Music Trip - New Orleans
3/31 4:30 PM Baseball: Varsity vs Belmont (Home) (Livingston Baseball Field)
3/31 5:00 PM Softball: Softball: JV vs Mineral Point (Away)
3/31 5:00 PM Softball: Varsity vs Mineral Point (Away)
ACT Testing - March 8, 2022
11th grade students will take the ACT plus writing on March 8th. The ACT consists of 5 multiple choice tests: English, Math, Reading, Science and a 40 minute essay to measure the student's writing skills.
There are also several other opportunities throughout the year for students to register and take the ACT exam. There is a fee involved with these exams. Students can find more information about these exams and can register to take these ACT exams at https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act.html
If students plan on taking the exam on June 11th they need to registered by May 6th. If the registration date is missed, there is an additional $36.00 late fee. If you need further information, contact Ms. Benish at 608-943-6312.
ACT Aspire
Dates for the ACT Aspire:
April 4 - May 4
SENIORS: Dylan Bingham, Emma Cullen, Zachary Kohlenberg, MaKayla Pilling, Payton Schmitz, Ella Wolff
JUNIORS: Hope Connolly, Jalyssa Cordts, Yessica Garcia, Flora Gyurko, Ivy Lindner, Kenadie Munson, Judit OrtuƱo Fuentes, Gary Pittman, Madelyn Rogstad, Audrey Rowe, Laighton Schafer, Julia Searls, Bekka Shemak, Elizabeth Volenec, Caitlyn Wetter, Evie Whitaker
SOPHOMORES: Meagan Cullen, Nikolei Freymiller, Adriana Jelle, Kaden Lindner, Elyse Linscheid, Makaya McCarthy, Rachel Rickard, Lilliana Vivian, Sophie Volenec, Lillian Warne, Landon Wetzel
FRESHMEN: Lucas Christianson, Bret Connolly, Linnea Elg, Lakyn Holman, Breann Kohlenberg, Baylee Leix, Dawson Reid, Katie Rickard, Addison Schafer
SENIORS: Teris Baker, Arianna Barr, Mariah Blum, Grace Clark, Cortney Fiedler-Fosbinder, Jacqueline Hawes, Hailee Kite, Tacoma Magnan, Treven Trace, Savannah Vivian, Alexa Zoha
JUNIORS: Matthew Grindey, Samuel Kempf, Owen Laufenberg, Gracie Staskal, Alexis Thoma-Blankenberg
SOPHOMORES: Connor Dowell, Amiah Fisher, Grace Gochenaur, Lillian Pettit, Ashton Schmitz, Rylee Stecklein, Morgan Washburn
FRESHMEN: Zeeza Harlson, Gavin Hinderman, Faith Kite, Scot Pittman, Myles Rowe, Addysen Spink, William Whitaker
SENIORS: Colton Cutts, Montanna Freymiller, Kora Kite, Grace Lenz, Reid Lundell
JUNIORS: Mason Aide, Jonah Hoeper, Alexander Lee, Bailey Orth, Jenna Paradis, Ashley Runde, Cameron Shores
SOPHOMORES: Tim Schafer, Kaleb Watson
FRESHMEN: Aiden Friesen, Georgia Haase, Corynne Hibner, Sadie Hoge, Kaycee Lindner, Carter Rickard, Gretta Schmitz
From the Desk of Mrs. Gallagher
It is hard to believe that March is here! I am looking forward to some spring weather. In the month of February we were also able to celebrate our gratitude for our bus drivers and bus company, Warco. We appreciate them getting our students to school. In the month of March we will be hosting our area solo and ensemble festival at Iowa Grant Elementary Middle School. March is music in our school's month and we appreciate Mr. Zwick and Ms. Wanie for their work with our students. Students will also have a spring break on March 28th - April 1st.
Just a reminder to students and parents, we do participate in a wellness plan and we ask that students not bring sodas in with their lunches. Also, we will be piloting a new system in March for attendance. If students have not been called in for attendance by 8:00 a.m. our system will produce a phone call to parents by 8:45 a.m. As with any new system, there will be kinks along the way. We appreciate your patience as we work to be more efficient in the office. There will also be a new attendance email attendance@igs.k12.wi.us. Please send any attendance-related emails to this address.
Thank you so much for your support. The families at IGEMS are absolutely lovely. I really enjoy meeting, working with, and getting to know your children and the support systems that surround them.
Jennifer Gallagher
2-8 Principal
CHECK IT OUT - News from the IGEMS IMC
Thanks to a partnership with CESA 3, our 5th and 6th grade classes have started an all new unit in the library: Mobile App Development or MAD-learn. The MAD-learn curriculum is built around a six-step design thinking process. Students learn all of the important elements essential to creating a viable product, whether to be used as a unique presentation tool or an app for use in āthe real world.ā Currently, the students have completed the first of the six steps: 1.Ideate 2.Plan 3.Design 4.Build 5.Test 6.Launch. They have chosen unique and interesting ideas to develop. Itās an exciting time for Panthers to be an āappreneur!ā Click on the link to learn more about Mad-learn and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
In January, our elementary students took part in a Mock Caldecott Medal unit. The students in our school chose the book, Red, written and illustrated by Laura Vaccaro Seeger as their winner. They thought it had excellent illustrations and that the pictures helped to tell the story.
The American Library Associationās Caldecott Committee chose the book, Watercress, written by Andrea Wang and illustrated by Jason Chin as the 2022 Caldecott Medal winner. Iām looking forward to sharing this book with the students in the future.
Keep reading, Panthers!
Mrs. Bast
Middle School Honor Roll
Nina Buroker, Jaxon Busse, Maddox Fisher, Payton Freymiller, William Fulton, Alexis Gaytan-Gonzales, Abigail Hake, Quinn Hoeper, Rilya Hrubes, Josie Jelle, Addison Kramer, Lexie Kuhls, Noah Lange, Treaton Loeffelholz, Sam Lundell, Ellison Moen, Gabriella Munson, Trenton Pelton, Pajessa Phillips, Trinity Phillips, Delaney Reid, Laila Ritchie, Alexandria Sporle, Lucinda Spurley, and Everett Zimmer
7th Grade High Honors:
Cash Anderson, Abigail Droessler, Addeline Elg, Landon Friesen, Jacob Grindey, Connor Johnson, Madelyn Klein, Presley Lehman, Kyleigh Miles, Brayden Shemak, Carly Shores, June Spurley, Charlie Volenec, Deacon Wetzel, Jack Whitaker, and Owen Wyatt
8th Grade Honors:
Daniel Dosch, Anayeli Garcia-Cuahizo, Quentin Koss, Reese Peterson, Myles Pettit, Joshua Pitzer, Emery Riemenapp, Michael Schroeder, Hunter Stevens, Jonah Wetter, and Addyson Winkers
7th Grade Honors:
Wyatt Aide, Griffen Cartwright, Ella Dosch, Brock Hinderman, Mason Hove, Max Kelley, Lillian Linscheid, Calvin McHone, Riley McLaughlin, Grant Rickard, Harlei Rochon, Serenity Rose, Aiden Silvers, and Beckem Stecklein
Learning all about Flight
1st Grades' Kindness Challenge
Book Swap
Email: roberfoell@igs.k12.wi.us
Website: https://www.igs.k12.wi.us/
Location: 498 Iowa Grant Road, Livingston, WI, USA
Phone: 608-943-6311
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IowaGrantPanthers/