Digital Learning 3.23.20
with Mrs. Berry
Hello everyone,
We've made it to week 2!!! Yippee! You all are becoming Pros!!!! So many assignments were completed and submitted last week!!! I even saw that some friends logged into Dreambox and Razkids!!! Keep up the wonderful work!!! Here is a layout of Monday's lessons. Again, PLEASE let me know how I can help in anyway!!!
Don't forget to click "view in browser" to click on each link!!!
Don’t forget to check out the morning news here: https://www.cobblearning.net/teasleylibrary/
- Go to seesaw through clever.com to access each day's lessons with quick links in seesaw - if the links do not work, please try it on a desktop or laptop if available. I know at home - my ipads are old and do not pull up all of the links - I have to log the kiddos onto the old desktop to make it work. Please let me know if you are struggling with anything and I will do my absolute best to help you out in anyway possible!!!
- This newsletter has a ton of different resources linked for extra help and activities - whenever I come across something new and useful I will add it to this newsletter. Please send me any ideas that you think should have quick links. I would love to have a wealth of resources for everyone.
- To access Brain Pop: go to www.clever.com/in/cobb Then click login with active directory. Username is your child’s firstname.lastname password: read
- There are additional practice apps that your child may choose to do outside the lessons: (Raz Kids- also quick linked in clever as reading a-z, Dreambox, freckle, and just enjoying a book).
- We will have a weekly check-in where the kiddos can see their classmates - Don't forget to join our Zoom Meeting today (every Monday) @ 10:00am!!! Look Forward to seeing everyone
Meeting ID: 937 140 891
Please again don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. I am here to help! I hope you are all in good health!
Click Log-in as a student, then click active directory, your user name is: your student'sfirstname.lastname and the password is: read
This is where you can find quick access to seesaw, dreambox, and freckle.
This is where you can find quick access to seesaw, dreambox, and freckle.
Cobb Digital Library/ Mackinvia
Pebble Go and Brain Pop JR. are great resources to use at home
To login use your Office 365 login: firstname.lastname@students.cobbk12.org
password: read
To login use your Office 365 login: firstname.lastname@students.cobbk12.org
password: read
Raz- KIds
Teacher name: berrysbusybees2020
password: read
password: read
Code: JT2Y8U
It changed again!!!! Your student's name is their class # For example: First name: 8. Last Name: Gabby
It changed again!!!! Your student's name is their class # For example: First name: 8. Last Name: Gabby
PTA Website
To keep up to date with our school and the PTA, be sure to check out the Teasley PTA website.
There is SO much amazing information on there!!
There is SO much amazing information on there!!
Choice Calendar Activities
Learning for the rest of the week - Lessons will be on Seesaw Daily
Song Links - on youtube
It's a Beautiful Day
Good Morning Songs
Go Noodle
Great songs for movement in the house :0)
How to Draw JUST for FUN!!!
Inquiry Resource Links
Reading Links
Math Links
Research Links
Kid friendly research site. Google for kids.