Pretzel Principal Post
SPECIAL EDITION (Volume. 1, Issue 1a)
Supply Pick-up Scheduled for Next Week
Each month during remote learning we will be scheduling days in which families can pick-up needed learning supplies for students to use.
The dates for September are:
Monday, September 14, 2020, from 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Tuesday, September 15, 2020, from 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday, September 16, 2020, from 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Your teachers will let you know if your student has supplies that need to be picked up.
If you cannot pick up supplies during these times please contact Mrs. Haas (217) 488-6054 ext. 404 or shaas@pretzelpride.com to make other arrangements.
What Families Need to Know for MAP Growth Testing
Next week our students will be taking our fall benchmark exams. These exams help us in determining what students are ready to learn and where they may need some additional support.
The MAP Growth Test for first-grade will be given on Tuesday, September 15th, and Thursday, September 17th.
The Map Growth Tests for grades 2-5 will be given on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, September 14, 15, and 17, 2020. Some students will be tested in the morning and others in the afternoon. Your student’s teacher will be providing you the exact time of the exam.
In order to prepare for the remote administration of this exam there are a couple of things we need your help with. Students will need to disable the pop-up blocker for there devices. Instructions on how to do so are located here. Thank you to Maureen Orozco for passing them along to Ms. Robbins.
Additional instructions for first-grade families are located here.
Additional instructions for 2-5 families are located here.
Please pay particular attention to the Test Preparation instructions at the bottom of the linked documents.
Teachers will be available at the time of the test to help students having difficulties.
Students who are absent or are unable to take the test at the assigned time should contact the main office to schedule another time to take the MAP Growth Tests.
Remember, students cannot pass or fail these tests. They are for information only. It is important for them to try their best but it is equally important that families don't help the student with the test.
If you have any questions please email me at bbishop@pretzelpride.com or call (815) 627-0844.
As always, we thank our families for all you do to support our school and your students!
Contact Us
Email: bbishop@pretzelpride.com
Website: http://newberlinil.apptegy.us/o/new-berlin-elementary
Location: 600 Cedar Street, New Berlin, IL, USA
Phone: (217) 488-6054
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/newberlinpretzels
Twitter: @MrBishopNBE