Susitna Elementary News
March 3, 2016
Please take a few minutes to read over all the exciting things happening at Susitna Elementary School. The newsletter is sent directly to your email address(es) once a month, so please make sure to keep the front office current on your preferred email contacts. Paper copies are available in the front office, or you can go to our school’s website to read this issue, or any others in the archive library.
Principal's Corner
Dear Susitna Families -
I hope you are enjoying all the additional daylight, although it would be even nicer if we didn’t have to keep “walking like a duck” on the sidewalks and parking lots. The Susitna learning community appreciates Mr. Doucet (our BPO) for the incredible job putting ice melt and gravel on our walkways and playground to try to keep us all safe and upright!
Please take a few minutes to read and look at the pictures of all the exciting things our students are enjoying. You’ll also find some activities available for students over the upcoming Spring Break (Mar. 14 – 18).
Chains of Caring – Our Student Council officers are selling chain links to students to create purple and yellow Chain of Caring that is now making it’s 2nd loop around the MPR!!! Each link sells for .25 cents during lunch as part of a community service project to support The Children’s Hospital at Providence. Students have been drawing pictures and writing inspiring messages for children who are hospitalized. Next week, they will take a 5-foot section of our school’s chain and all the money raised to a special reception. They’ve raised more than $250, and tomorrow is the last day students can buy links to add the chain.
Thursday night, Mar. 10, is our 7th Annual STEM Night. This year's theme is “Get Energized.” Students and their families can see new exhibits, science fair projects, and play with hands on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math stations from a wide variety of staff and community guest vendors from around the city. Don't miss the fun, STEM swag, and door prizes from 6 - 7:30 p.m. at Susitna this Thursday!
AMP (Alaska Measures of Performance) Testing – Students in 3 – 5 grade have been preparing for this annual statewide assessment using Chromebooks and desktop computers, since they are only accessible for each individual student through a secured online portal. Students will test in their classroom using chromebooks, unless they have accommodations that can only be supported by testing in an alternative location. If you have a 3 – 5 grader, we ask you to please schedule appointments around their grade level’s testing window if at all possible.
3rd Grade - - Mar 29 – Apr. 1
4th Grade - - Apr. 1 - 8
5th Grade - - Apr. 11 - 15
Thank you in advance for sending your student to school on time, well rested, and ready to do their best on test days!
Kim Bautista
Email: Bautista_kim@asdk12.org
Phone: 907-742-1400
Upcoming Dates of Importance
3 - Honor Choir/Band/Orchestra 7 pm West High Auditorium
4 - Talent Show 2 pm and 6:30 pm
4 - ASD Student Art Exhibit Grand Reception - Anchorage Museum, 6-8 pm
5 - Anchorage STrEaM Academy Charter School pre open event 2 pm @ Begich
5 - Ski for Kids 12-4 pm @ Kincaid Park
8 - Picture Day - - See Advertisement link to purchase pictures
10 - Science Fair Judging 9am - 12pm
10 -STEM Night 6-7:30 pm
11 - End of 3rd Quarter, NO SCHOOL for students
12 - Iditazoo- 12 - 4 pm (see insert)
14- 18- Alaska Native Spring Break Camp (see insert)
24 - All ASD Programs Lottery deadline is 5 pm
- Math Night 6-8pm ASD Education Center
25 - Earth Hour, 1:30 - 2:30
29 - 3rd Grade AMP Testing Begins
1 - 4th Grade AMP Testing Begins
4 - Municipal Election!
11 - 5th Grade AMP Testing Begins
20 - Visit from Begich Counselors 2 pm for 5th graders
22 - Wackadoo Zoo Performance 2 pm and 6:30 pm
Come get Energized at Susitna's Annual STEM night on Thursday, March 10, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Students receive cool "swag" from ExxonMobil, BP, and Conoco-Phillips. Find out all sorts of amazing new things from our presenters including ExxonMobil, the Alaska Zoo, The Army Corp of Engineers, Alaska Botanical Gardens and many more. We will have hands on energy activities for kids and families to do, and the science fair experiments will be on full display. Bring the whole family, and come get energized with us at STEM night!
STEM Volunteers Needed:
If you would like to be a judge of our science fair or volunteer at STEM night please let us know.
Please contact Jennifer Harmon or Kristi Therriault if interested:
Text 719-314-9954
email: harmon_jennifer@asdk12.org
Kristi Therriault
email: therriault_kristi@asdk12.org
K-6 Parent Math Night
Musical Notes
All things musical .......
Honor Choir/Band/Orchestra Concert March 3rd 7 pm in the West Auditorium. Come support Susitna 5th graders Payton Hammon, Suzanna Henderson, Lillian Jones, Hailey Parmenter, Shaknea Porterfield, Demetrius Riley, and Annamarie Williamson.
Wackadoo Zoo performance Friday April 22nd 2 pm and 6:30 pm.
Recorders are still for sale to 2/3 combos - 5th grade. $4 each.
The 4th and 5th graders have been studying the Orchestral Instrument Families. We have been using a free website to help make this content more fun and interesting. Students may play at home at http://listeningadventures.carnegiehall.org/
Susitna Music
Mrs. Bautista and Ms. Vanderpool with past Susitna Students
Physical Education Activities
Healthy Futures
Healthy Futures has teamed up with Skinny Raven Sports to offer a couple special opportunities to Healthy Futures schools this spring:
- Marathon March: Students who log 26.2 miles of running on their Healthy Futures log in March will receive a special Marathon March sticker and be eligible for a t-shirt at the Superhero Showdown.
- Superhero Showdown: Healthy Futures participants are eligible for a special discounted registration rate for this fun running event on April 9th.
Your school's Healthy Futures Coordinator already has this information, but I wanted to make sure you were aware, so you can help them spread the word and distribute the attached flyer. For those in ASD, there is also a flyer approval form attached.
You can find more information at:
Alyse Loran
Healthy Futures Coordinator
Junior Native Youth Olympics
Congratulations to the following students who attended the 2016 JNYO competition, thank you for representing our school!
Samuel Hensen
Cyrus Warren
Allen Hensen
Ciandra Brown
Jessica Jensen
Samantha Jensen
Keith Tommy
Mariah Andrews
Chris Putman
PE Susitna/College Gate
Kristi Therriault
4th Grade teacher
2 foot high kick
Having fun at the Junior Native Youth Olympics
Arm Pull
School Wide Championship Basketball
Health News
Our next unit will be discussing the effects of drugs and alcohol, how they can hinder our bodies abilities to learn, process information, changes in our emotional state, and having lasting effects on our lives. The students will be engaged with various scenarios to practice their refusal skill steps that they have been taught in previous units.
Have a Healthy and Safe Spring Break!!!!
Mr. Peterson
Susitna Health Teacher
News from the Librarian
ASD School Wide Book Mark Winner
Mrs. Benfield
Susitna Librarian
Book Fair Thank You
Dr. Seuss Thank You
Thanks To You!
From There To Here,
From Here To There,
Books And Fun Things Were
When You Arrived
I Was So Surprised!
What A Wonderful Sight
Having You At Our Party
Was Such A Delight!
Thank You,
Thank You Everyone!!
Alaska Measure of Progress 2016
Moose outside the k/1 optional windows
Students making observations
Moose close up
Mathematical Calculations
The process continues of drawing out their designs, making revisions, creating the structure and then starting over to make adaptations.
Dynamics of Engineering
Optional K/1 students create their designs to figure out how to make the ball roll through the ramps. They then create their structure and problem solve how to make changes to their designs.
Two 5th graders play with a hissing cockroach at the Stream Academy preview day.
Important Optional Lottery News
I wanted to make sure that the Susitna Optional families are all aware of what will happen next school year. If a fifth grade student lives OUTSIDE of the Begich zone the school district automatically will add them to the roster for the school in which their address of record is zoned. Regardless of all other factors. Period.
NOW - should the parents or guardians wish for their student to attend another school, we have this nifty system called the LOTTERY.
It is the policy of Begich Middle school to automatically approve all the Susitna Optional student's lottery applications if they apply for the first round. THIS IS IMPORTANT!
Please help these parents know that it is very important to know this policy. They had to enter the lottery into Sustina Optional and now their student will have to go to their zoned school or enter the lottery into the school of their choice. Lottery approvals are good for the length of the program.
Please feel free to contact Sylvia at Begich, or Kemi and Amy at Susitna to get help with knowing your student's future track and determining whether or not you need to fill out a lottery application. To submit an application must be done online at the ASD website by March 24, 2016 at 5 pm. The drawing will start March 25. https://lotapp.asdk12.org/apply/login.php
Thank you for your help.
Sylvia Field Biondich, CEOE
Middle School Registrar
Nicholas J Begich Middle School
Box Top Heroes
Susitna Student qualifies for State Geography Bee
Craig Kimball, from Susitna Elementary School has qualified to compete in the state level competition of the National Geographic Bee!
The Alaska State Bee will be held on Friday, April 1, 2016. Eligible state Bee competitors must be in grades four through eight, and must have participated in and won the competition at the school level that involved at least six students. We reserve the right to disqualify a student at any time if the rules have not been followed.
The National Geographic Bee supports the participation of students with physical disabilities such as vision or hearing.
It is the responsibility of the student’s family and/or teacher-escort to arrange travel to the state Bee, and to report to the registration area on time.
One champion from each state and territory will advance to the national competition, which will be held May 22-25 at the National Geographic Society headquarters in Washington, D.C. Transportation and accommodations for the Washington, D.C. trip are provided for each state champion.
Many thanks to the School Bee Coordinator for organizing the school Bee.
Thank you all for supporting the National Geographic Bee, and best wishes for Craig's success in the Alaska State Bee.
National Geographic Bee Team
Anchorage STrEaM Academy Charter School
If you are interested in learning more about the new STEM based charter school opening this fall in east Anchorage we encourage you to attend the March 5th pre-open event held at Begich Middle School in the Multi-purpose room from Noon until 2pm.
Arrive at noon and plan on staying the whole time to hear a few words from the founders and then participate in several sample lessons which are engaging and fun. There will be time to sign students up on the lottery and visit with members of the Academic Performance Committee.
ASD Annual Student Art Show.
“Selfie: Culture through Self Expression” is the theme of the 44th Annual Anchorage School District student art exhibition at the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center. The exhibition is presented in conjunction with National Youth Art Month, an acknowledgement of the visual arts programs in American schools.
The community is cordially invited to attend the Grand Reception, Friday March 4th from 6-8pm at the Anchorage Museum; the reception is to honor artists from all exhibit locations. In addition to the exhibit, ASD students will provide live music. Admission to the reception is free.
Exhibition Sites & Dates
Primary Exhibit Location
Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center
March 4 – April 3, 2016
Auxiliary Exhibit Locations
Anchorage City Hall
March 4 – April 1, 2016
Chugiak-Eagle River Municipal Library
March 4 – April 1, 2016
The Mall at Sears
March 7 – April 2, 2015 (please note this exhibit is a shorter timespan)
2016 Youth Art Month Committee Members
Elementary: Rosie Morgan, Nicole Cox, Ashley Austin
Secondary: Scott Mayfield, Chris Selin, Kelly Hebert
For further information, contact Mary Wilts, Curriculum Coordinator, ASD Fine Arts Department, 742-0151.
Selfie: Culture through Self Expression
Selfie is the term used for a smartphone self-portrait. Actually, it is more than that; it seizes a moment in time. As artists we work to capture a part of our culture and ourselves on paper, on canvas, in fiber, with metal, in clay, in photography, and other media. Certainly this is a brave endeavor for an artist, revealing a part of oneself in a work of art. It is this self-expression of our cultural identities that we share with the world. Our artwork is a synthesis of the concepts and skills we have learned, along with creative, artistic choices.
News from the Community
Anchorage School Board
Tam Agosti-Gisler
Eric Croft
Bettye Davis
Pat Higgins - Susitna's Representative
Kathleen Plunkett
Elisa Snelling
Superintendent - Ed Graff