New ELA Standards
Frequently Asked Questions
Standards were adopted April 2017 for implementation in 2018-2019.
Where can I find the new Standards?
Visit NCDPI’s K-12 English Language Arts Wiki to see the new ELA Standard Course of Study.
How will the new Standards be supported?
NCDPI will provide:
- Training introducing the new Standards format
- Webinars for ELA leaders and educators
- ELA ListServe updates every first Friday
- ELA leaders meetings
- A revised Online Progression View
- A virtual implementation kit, created by NC educators
The Virtual Implementation Kit Includes:
- Standards in the new format
- Lessons for each grade level
- A text selection guide
- Revised 40 Ways to Read Like a Detective cards
- Independent Sustained Reading Guide
- Language Continuum Guides
- Integrating Standards and Aligning ELA Instruction Module
Website: http://elascos.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/Future+ELA+Standards
What parent resources will be provided?
NCDPI will provide an online page for parents which will include guides and resources for understanding the Standards and supporting their students outside of school.
See our current NCDPI Parent Page.
Will the Standards be "Unpacked?"
The NC ELA Standards’ new format includes a clarification that will replace the traditional unpacking document. The clarification will include standard explanations, examples, and ideas for instruction. The new format will also include a glossary consistent across K-12.
Any questions?
Contact Dr. Julie Joslin, ELA Section Chief.
Email: julie.joslin@dpi.nc.gov
Website: http://elascos.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/HOME+ELA
When can I expect these great resources?
How can I stay current with the implementation process?
- Join the ELA Listserve to receive first Friday updates.
- Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
- Check our ELA wiki and NCDPI ELA page for updates.
Website: http://elascos.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/listjoin
Facebook: facebook.com/NCDPIELA