Skyview Band and Dance Newsletter
Winter and Spring Events
Skyview Jazz Festival
Thank you to all of our volunteers for helping to make our jazz festival a success! A huge thank you to Brian Malcom for organizing, planning, collaborating with community members for sponsorships and everything else! Thank you Mr. Heichelheim for being a great teacher, and mentor to our students and for planning and implementing the jazz festival. You are valued and very much appreciated for all of your hard work and dedication to our students and Skyview's music program!
Spring Music Showcase - February 10, 2024
Clark Jazz Festival
Well done jazz bands!
Good job to all of our jazz students for performing well at the Clark Jazz Festival! It was a fun day for students filled with friends, and jazz music!
Winter Percussion - The Shape of Sound
Come support our students at their competitions!
March 9th - Sherwood High School
March 16th - Linfield
April 6th Championships at Sherwood High School
Watch for more details on the Charms Calendar.
*URGENT: Trailer pullers are needed.
Skyview Reign - The Color of Vermillion
Come support our dance students at their competitions!
March 16th at Kelso High School
March 30th at Liberty High School
Watch for more details on the Charms Calendar.
*URGENT: Trailer pullers are needed
Skyview Band and Dance Registration
Skyview Band and Dance Registration
Students: https://web.groupme.com/join_group/94573764/T2ZPENTn
Parents only: https://web.groupme.com/join_group/92967099/gAmxDSIp
Winter Activity Needs
Trailer Pullers
Mark you Calendars!
Important Dates
February 06th - Board Meeting
February 10th - Spring Music Showcase 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
February 13th - Parent Boosters Meeting 6:00 - 7:00 pm - Band Room
February 27th - District Wind Ensemble Share Out
February 28th - TBD Winter Percussion Parent Preview
Tuesday's and Wednesday's:
Winter Percussion Rehearsal - 4:00 - 8:00 pm
Winter Guard Rehearsal - 4:30 - 8:30 pm
March 05th - Board Meeting
March 09th - Winter Percussion Show - The Shape of Sound @ Sherwood High School
March 12th - Parent Boosters Meeting 6:00 - 7:00 pm - Band Room
March 15th - Music for All Festival - Wind Ensemble Only
March 16th - Winter Percussion Show - The Shape of Sound @ Linfield
March 16th - Winter Guard Show @ Kelso High School
March 26th - Spring Festival Concert (All Bands) 6:30 pm at Skyview High School
March 29th - LCRMEA
March 29th - Winter Percussion Spring Camp
March 30th - Winter Percussion Spring Camp 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
March 30th - Winter Guard Championship @ Liberty High School
Tuesday's and Wednesday's:
Winter Percussion Rehearsal - 4:00 - 8:00 pm
Winter Guard Rehearsal - 4:30 - 8:30 pm
April 02nd - Board Meeting
April 05th - Winter Percussion Spring Camp 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
April 06th - Winter Percussion Championships @ Sherwood High School
April 09th - Parent Boosters Meeting 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the Band Room
More dates to come....
This is where Parents can view the calendar, sign up to volunteer, donate food/water, sign up to help at various events including competitions, keep track of student funds and more. The boosters communicate through Charms to parents. It is very important for families to sign up. After students are registered through this form, boosters will update student information and parents will then be able to get started in Charms.
Once you have accessed your student's Charms account, you will receive emails, get to sign up to help at our events and access SVBD's calendar. Contact svbdbcommunications@gmail.com for assistance accessing your student's account.
Contact Us
Music Director
Mr. Heichelheim: timothy.heichelheim@vansd.org
President, Leah and Roger : svbdbpresident@gmail.com
Treasurer, David: svbdbtreasurer@gmail.com
Communications, Kendra and Megan: svbdbcommunications@gmail.com
Secretary, Janice: svbdbsecretary@gmail.com
Fundraising, Esther: svbdbfundraising@gmail.com
Logistics, Sean and Rebecca: svbdbequipment@gmail.com
Website: https://www.svbd.org/
Location: 1300 NW 139th St, Vancouver, WA 98685, USA
Phone: 360-313-4200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SkyviewMusicandDance