The IMS Connection
Volume 19, Issue 8: JUNE 2022
Greetings Islip Families,
When I think about this past year, I could not be more pleased with how it progressed. Being able to attend so many events the children have worked so hard to be involved with was incredibly rewarding. The passion and joy the children shared was second to none, and well deserved. As we prepare for the summer, I encourage all of our Islip families to enjoy the great outdoors and experience all that our wonderful island has to offer.
Warm regards,
Dr. Timothy P. Martin
It's hard to believe that the end of the school year is upon us. June is two fold, a time for celebration but also hard work as you review and prepare for final exams. As the year comes to an end, take time to reflect on the year and all you have been involved in and accomplished. Take what you have learned and plan for how you can excel even more in the years to come.
One of the hardest parts of the end of the year is saying goodbye to our 8th graders. Although we will miss you, we know you are in good hands and are always just a short walk away. To our incoming 6th grade students and parents, we welcome you and encourage you to get involved early and often. Buckle up for an amazing middle school experience!
Finally, it is with mixed feelings that I share with you that I will be leaving Islip to take an Athletic Director position in another district. I am tremendously grateful for all the support and opportunities the community has given me over the past 16 years. The relationships I have built with staff, students, and families is something I will always cherish. I will miss you all dearly but will always carry a little bit of the Buccaneer Pride wherever I go.
Please check us out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to view photos, videos, and news about amazing things going on at IMS. Our new Google Site has up-to-date info on everything you need to navigate your time at IMS, but if any questions do arise, I invite you to reach out to me via e-mail at jcohen@islipufsd.org or call me directly at (631) 650-8515.
Jason M. Cohen
Advisory Theme of the Month...
June - Reflection...
We can all learn from our past experiences. Think about the many good things you have accomplished and share them with your children. If there are any events you could change, what would they be and how could you or others benefit from that reflective action?
Renaissance Rave
Spring into Renaissance at IMS!!
This has been an amazing year filled with excellence in academics and attitude all over the IMS! Our final Raffle of the year is on Friday, June 3rd! We have fantastic prizes to give away!
We look forward to celebrating Quarter 4 successes in the beginning of school next year!
Have a wonderful summer! Keep up the hard work!
Look GOOD, Feel GOOD, Do GOOD!
On the evening of May 16th, seventy-two seventh graders and twenty eighth graders were joined by members of the Board of Education: Mr. Buehler, Mr. Austin, Ms. Flora, Mr. Clareen, and Ms. Rogacki, Ms. Brower from Central Administration, Dr. Martin, Mr. Cohen, teachers, family, and friends who witnessed their ceremonial induction into the Arista Chapter of Islip Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society.
Each of these ninety-two students earned a cumulative grade point average of 94% or higher for consideration into this organization.
As a community, we deeply appreciate their efforts and look forward to continuing to foster and instill qualities of character and citizenship in their lives.
June 2022
The end of the year is rapidly winding down, though it feels like just yesterday we were starting the 2021-2022 school year! June will be filled with exciting end-of-year activities, such as grade-level field days, the 8th grade breakfast, yearbook distribution, and the 8th grade dance! 8th graders: don’t forget to purchase your ticket to the 8th grade dance by Monday, June 13th!
Schedules for next year’s classes will be released at the end of August on your Infinite Campus Portal. If you have any questions regarding your child’s courses for next year, please feel free to reach out to your child’s counselor. Counselors are in the office through the end of June.
As Regents and final exams quickly approach, be sure to take a look at the testing schedule, located on the IMS Google site. For those of you taking a Regents exam, be sure to leave your cell phone at home, as having a phone while taking the exam will invalidate your score! Here are some helpful study tips for your Regents and final exams. We hope you have a wonderful, and relaxing Summer. We can’t wait to see you back here in September!
Needed Supplies for September 2022
- (1) 2” Binder
- (1) Plastic two-pocket folder (3 Holes) for binder
- (1) Pencil Case (3 Holes) for binder
- Dividers (5 pack)
- Earbuds/Headphones
- Glue sticks
- Highlighters
- Pens (blue, black, red)
- Pencils
- Handheld Pencil Sharpener
- Post-its
- Colored Pencils
For its final service project of the year, the CARE Club completed a month- long book drive. Books came in many different shapes and sizes: board books and ABC books for babies, popular series, and chapter books for elementary and middle school students and books-across the genres-for high school students and adults. The best part is the books received will go to the Book Fairies which is a non-profit organization that gets books into underserved communities in the Long Island and New York metropolitan areas.
Thank you to everyone that made the effort to bring in books for those less fortunate. The CARE Club appreciates your efforts and generosity.
Please re-check the district calendar prior to an event to ensure you have the most
up-to-date information.
2-MS Musical, 7:00 p.m., MS Auditorium
3-MS Musical, 7:00 p.m., MS Auditorium
4-MS Musical, 2:00 p.m., MS Auditorium
6-MS Awards Night, 7:00 p.m., MS Auditorium
6-8th Grade NYS Written Science Test
7-8th Grade NYS Written Science Test Make-ups
8-8th Grade NYS Written Science Test Make-ups
14-Marking Period Ends
15- Excel Awards Night, 5-8:30 pm, MS Auditorium
17-8th Grade Dance 6pm-8pm
20-Juneteenth-Schools Closed
23-Last Day of School for Students
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:30 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
On May 3rd, Islip Middle School’s CARE and KIC Club students, along with students from the Junior Honor Society and two high school clubs, took a field trip to the site of the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial located at 401 Main Street, to personally deliver a large donation to benefit N.Y.S. Veterans Programs.
Our students, along with Mrs. Kaywood and Mrs. Ryder, want to thank the students, faculty and staff that helped make this event so successful. The veterans in attendance were very cheered by our students’ generosity and kindness.
High School Musical Jr. was a big hit! The drama and theater technology kids worked hard on creating a school spirited performance that had an audience captured with their talent! The cast and crew made memories that will last a lifetime. They created a wonderful space to explore their passion in the performing arts. They truly amplified what is feels like to “be all in this together.”
Congratulations to all!
Mrs. Montuori, Miss. Jessy, and Miss.Taylor are beyond proud of your dedication and hard work! We look forward to watching you all continue to grow on and off the stage!
Please arrive to school each day by 8:15 am.
Arrival after 8:18 am will result in students' attendance being marked late.
Thank you