The Heart of Haleʻiwa
September 3, 2021 Volume II Issue III
In this Issue...
- Friendly Reminders
- 4th Grade Bike Ed by Ms. Yonekura
- Honor Guards:
- ʻĀINA in Schools by Ms. Santos and Mrs. Lee
- Literacy Corner: Sora App
- 3rd Grade Writing Club: Who Has the Best Job in the World and Why?
- Choose Love September Calendar
- COVID 19 and CHOOSE LOVE by PCNC Mrs. Sumbad
- Kākou Connection by Mrs. Nakamura
A SIMPLE REMINDER... for the safety of your child
Bike Ed
by Ms. Yonekura
Eiden Acorda- Manmano
Conrad Wabinga-Maxwell
Cali Farren
Honor Guards: Traffic Safety Sign-Waving
by Mrs. Yamakawa
Look our for pedestrians
Don't text and drive
Buckle up everyone
ʻĀINA in Schools
by Ms. Santos and Mrs. Lee
The teachers enjoyed learning about composting, which is the ʻĀINA curriculum for the third graders. The process of making a worm compost bin was fun! Teachers first had to tear wet cardboard to make the "bed." After that, they were able to place the worms in mud, some apple for them to eat, and were covered with shredded newspaper and a cardboard lid. Students will be able to continue to upkeep their compost bin throughout the year.
Mrs. Lee and Miss Charisse got some new ideas on how to teach their grade 1 ʻĀINA lessons by creating a green bean screen using T posts and chicken wire. They also got to experience walking through the rows of butterfly flowers, sunflowers, and vegetables. They also got to learn about nutrition which is taught in grade 2 and grade 6 curriculum. They even got to taste a poi smoothie.
This year, our teachers and EAs will be incorporating the ʻĀINA in Schools lessons throughout the year. Almost all classes have a garden bed and will also be using the greenhouse.
Literacy Corner
Download the Sora app
Don't have a smart device? No problem! You can also access Sora online on any device with Internet connectivity. Happy reading!
Students can simply login using their school credentials on virtually any device.
- URL: https://soraapp.com
- Download the Sora app or visit https://soraapp.com
- Use School Code: HIDOE
- Enter your 10-digit student ID number or your 8-digit employee ID
- Find a book, enjoy, and earn reading achievements!
- Resources: https://help.soraapp.com/en-us/home.htm
3rd Grade Writing Club
Who Has the Best Job in the World and Why?
Police Officers
Choose Love
At the end of the month, share with us some of your pictures and stories.
A Four Part Series on How to Use CHOOSE LOVE During the Pandemic
This past year has changed our lives in so many ways. The COVID Pandemic not only affects our physical and financial well-being, but challenges our mental, social, spiritual and emotional lives as well. Schools and families alike struggle with the ever changing mandates to keep us safe and COVID free. To say the least, it is a very stressful time for us all.
This article (Part 1 of 4) is meant to encourage you to CHOOSE LOVE when dealing with the many stresses brought about by COVID 19. The CHOOSE LOVE MOVEMENT uses four components: courage, gratitude, forgiveness and compassion-in-action to deal with every day issues including the stresses brought about by the pandemic. Consider the following:
COURAGE: According to Dragana Djukic, author of 'The Six Types of Courage', there are six types of courage we may need to face life challenges:
- Physical courage – Feeling fear yet choosing to act. It involves bravery at the risk of bodily harm or death and, developing physical strength, resilience and awareness.
- Emotional courage – Following our heart. Open us to feeling the full spectrum of emotions – pleasant and unpleasant – without attachment.
- Intellectual courage – Expanding our horizons, letting go of the familiar. It is about our willingness to learn, unlearn and relearn with an open and flexible mind.
- Social courage – To be ourself in the face of adversity. Involves the risk of social embarrassment or exclusion, unpopularity or rejection. It also involves leadership.
- Moral courage – Standing up for what is right. Involves doing the right thing even when it is uncomfortable or unpopular.
- Spiritual courage – Facing pain with dignity or faith. It helps us live with purpose and meaning through a heart centered approach towards all life and oneself.
I'm sure we can use all six types of COURAGE during this time of uncertainty. Please join us for Part Two of the series which will cover GRATITUDE, in our next issue of The Heart of Haleiwa. Until then, take good care!
Kākou Connection by Mrs. Nakamura
Contact our "THOH" Team
Email: haleiwaschool@haleiwa.k12.hi.us
Website: haleiwaelementary.com
Phone: (808)637-8237
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haleiwaelementary
Twitter: @HaleiwaElement1