The Heart of Haleʻiwa
April 23, 2021
In this Issue...
- Get to Know Our Educational Assistants: Ms. Mary Grace, Mrs. Johanna, Ms. Shannon, and Mrs. Lumoya
- Literacy Corner: Six Feet Together read aloud by Mrs. Lee
- Second Grade Self Portrait Art
- Third Grade Writing Club
- Fourth Grade Science
- Screen Time by Nurse Connie
- Spreading and Spotting Kindness by Ms. Yonting
- Growing Through Grief Workshop at Waialua High & Intermediate School Invitation
- Spring Fundraiser Update
Get to Know Our Educational Assistants
Mary Grace Rarogal
What job did you have before/ where have you worked? I was home for 10 years raising my kids. Before I came to Haleiwa Elem School. I worked for Wahiawa Middle School Sped department with grades 6,7, and 8 for a year.
Favorite place I like to eat: Korean Restaurant, Ono Thai Restaurant, Seafood buffets and Dim Sum at Happy Dragon Chinese Restaurant, Filipino food but we can cook filipino food.
What superhero do you most identify with? Honestly I don't have one. I think when you work with kids or being a mom you are a superhero automatic. No rest, multitasking , making sure everything is on schedule, making sure you have everything you need, always looking ahead, see the good in everyone, drawing out their gift and talents, bringing your kids and my grandkids here, there and every where, helping care for our parents, etc...
Johanna Durvie Yerxa
Name: Johanna Durvie Yerxa
Class you help with: Kindergarten
What job did you have before/ where have you worked? Growing Keiki, St John's Montessori School in Mililani
Favorite place to eat: Surfnsalsa, Number 7
What superhero do you most identify with? Wonder Woman
Shannon Meehan
Class you help with: EOEL Pre-K with Mrs Angelica
What job did you have before/ where have you worked? I work at Haleiwa Beach House in the pantry a few days a week.
Favorite place to eat: LeiLei's, Zippy's and Shiros
What superhero do you most identify with? She Hulk because I try my best to start everything I do STRONG and end even STRONGER..Lauren Lumoya
Name: Lauren Lumoya
Class you help with: 5th Graders
What job did you have before/where have you worked? I was a Stay At Home Mom. (SAHM) Raising my children. I have been working at Haleiwa Elementary School for 23 years now.
Favorite place to eat: I am a Foodie, so I am not picky. My husband and I love to try new places to eat on the weekends.
What superhero do you most identify with? Storm: She is a member from the X-Men.
I like Storms.
They let me know
that even the sky
screams sometimes too.
Literacy Corner
Second Grade Self Portrait Art
Third Grade Writing Club
What are your three favorite foods?
Ezekiel Wassum
Tihanny-len Honorato
Fourth Grade Science
Screen Time by Nurse Connie
Readjusting back to some level of normalcy gives us the opportunity to examine a few of the many things that have changed as a result of quarantine and isolation. Lockdowns have created a culture of remote school, work, and human interaction out of necessity. Excessive screen time naturally became a byproduct of our community-wide goal to slow COVID spread down. Excessive screen time is harmful to people of all ages. Younger people being especially vulnerable.
A few of the health risks with excessive screen time are: sleep deprivation, lack of exercise, a decrease in focus or ability to finish school work, as well as lack of ability to control outbursts among young children. It is important for parents and school staff to recognize the signs of excessive screen time before it has a chance of developing into more serious disorders. To learn more, please click the link below:
Spreading and Spotting Kindness by Ms. Yonting
If your child comes home with a colorful circle dot please ask them what they did to show compassion in action in school. Let's start spreading and spotting kindness in our Haleʻiwa community.
Growing Through Grief Workshop at Waialua High & Intermediate School
Spring Fundraiser
Here is an update on the friendly class competition standings. Almost all of our classes had even more donations this past week so their percentages rose.
Mrs. Nakagawa = 58%
Mrs. Tauanuu = 89%
Ms. Phelps = 46%
Mr. Baker = 47%
Ms. Yonekura = 42%
Ms. Boudreau = 33%
Mrs. Kauffman = 37%
Mrs. Lee = 44%
Mrs. Villalpando = 37%
Ms. Felz = 50%
Ms. Eriksson = 67%
Mrs. Tuvera = 47%
If you have not had a chance to donate yet, there is still time. Please send in your envelope. If you need a new envelope, just call the office and let us know.
Contact our "THOH" Team
Email: haleiwaschool@haleiwa.k12.hi.us
Website: haleiwaelementary.com
Phone: (808)637-8237
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haleiwaelementary
Twitter: @HaleiwaElement1