Wild Rose Elementary
August 25, 2023
A Note From Mrs. Solomon
Never a dull moment! We have had a hot week, but we have continued to persevere and be flexible through different schedules.
Next week will be our first early release on Wednesday. If you child is getting home differently than usual please let the teacher and office know of the change.
Also Friday is an institute day for staff and No School for Students!
Have a fantastic weekend!
Mrs. Solomon
This newsletter at a glance:
- Open House
- PTO Information
- Mabel's Labels
- LRC Newsletter
- Lou Malnati's Fundraiser
- Kindergarten Forms
- i-Ready
- Organic Life is Hiring
- Dad's Club
- 4th Grade Band
- Cub Scouts
- Community Backpack
- Water Polo Clinic
OPEN HOUSE will be held on Thursday, September 7th. In order to assist us with crowd control and parking, we will have families with last names beginning with A-L join us from 5:30- 6:05 and families with last names beginning with M-Z join us from 6:25-7:00.
More details of the event to come in the near future!
PTO Information
Required Forms for Kindergarten Students
The State of Illinois requires all students entering Illinois schools to submit a health physical, a record of mandated childhood immunizations, proof of a dental evaluation for K, 2nd, 6th and 9th grades, and a complete vision examination by a physician or a licensed optometrist. Students who do not provide a physical and immunizations by September 8, 2023 may face exclusion until the necessary paperwork is acquired. If you have any questions, please call the Health Office at 331 228 3004.
Thank You!
Amy Julien, BS, RN
Registered Nurse
Wild Rose Elementary School
36W730 Red Haw Lane, St. Charles, IL 60174
331 228 3004
331 228 3001 Fax
First Meeting: Wednesday, September 6th at 8:00 PM
Riverlands Brewing Company
To All Those Interested in Joining Cub Scouts
Please reach out to both of use via email with any questions on the program or how to join:
John Noah – Committee Chair john1n@att.net
Matt Cameron – Cubmaster Matthew.w.cameron@gmail.com
Vic Leonhardt – Committee Chair kvl1111@hotmail.com
Wild Rose Dates to Remember
Wednesday, August 30 - Early Release Students are out at 2:10
Wednesday, August 30 - Restaurant Fundraiser - Lou Malnati's
Friday, September 1 - NO SCHOOL for Students - Institute Day
Monday, September 4 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day Holiday
Thursday, September 7 - Wild Rose Open House 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Wild Rose Elementary School
Email: Theresa.solomon@d303.org
Website: wildrose.d303.org
Location: 36W730 Red Haw Lane, St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: (331)228-3000