Hatfield Happenings
Week of 4.24.2023
Principal's Weekly Message
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Last week our Chorus and Band students had not one, but two amazing performances! We had our Spring Concert and the students (and teachers) did an amazing job. I love to see how all of their hard work and dedication come together in a wonderful performance. Shout outs to all who participated! Our 6th grade students had their field trip to Camp America and by all accounts, a great time was had by all. So happy that the weather cooperated and the students were able to enjoy a beautiful day!
This week we begin our PSSA testing. Students will be tested in ELA on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Please be sure your child gets plenty of rest and comes to school ready to do their best! I know everyone will do a great job! Second graders will be going on their field trip on Monday to the Elmwood Park Zoo. Again, we are hoping for great weather so that they can enjoy the day! Wednesday, we have a district-scheduled early dismissal day and on Thursday we have Bring Your Child to Work Day! Friday afternoon, students in grades K-2 will have a PBIS assembly and this same assembly is scheduled for our older students at a later date.
Wednesday is also National Administrative Professionals Day! On this day we recognize and show extra appreciation for the professionals that keep the office (and school) running smoothly each and every day. MANY, MANY thanks to Mrs. Deb Mason and Mrs. Ela Mandes for all they do for everyone at Hatfield Elementary-and always with a smile. We are so lucky to have you!!
We hope you have a wonderful week!
Keep soaring above and beyond,
Mrs. Whalen
Making time is not always easy and still, you are here. Your support of North Penn School District allows us to continue to fulfill our mission and serve approximately 13,000 students throughout the district. Thank you for all that you do!
Todd M. Bauer
North Penn School District
Important Information
PSSA Testing Schedule
- ELA Dates (Grades 3-6): 4/24, 4/25, 4/28
- Math Dates (Grades 3-6): 5/1 and 5/2
- Science Dates (4th Grade only): 5/3 and 5/4
ELD Family and Community Night
- On April 27th North Penn School District is having a family and community night for the English Language Department. Feel free to attend for assistance with technology, Kindergarten Registration, help with school forms, adult English Learner resources, and much more. This evening will be child friendly and translators will attend. It will be located in the Senior Cafeteria and will begin at 5pm and end at 7:30pm
Kindergarten Registration
- Kinder registration for the 2023-2024 school year is now open! To learn more or get started, visit the Kindergarten website
NPHS Renovation
- NP High School Renovation Video: See the amazing video, created by Mr. Gillmer, by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYJm1SnGZiM
Disney's Frozen the Musical
- The wait is over! North Penn High School Theatre and Thespian Troupe 5464 are proud to present Disney’s Frozen, the Broadway Musical. Shows will be held in the NPHS auditorium (1340 Valley Forge Road, Lansdale) at the following times: 4/27, 4/28, 4/29, and 5/6 at 7:30 PM and 4/30, 5/6, 5/7 at 2:00 PM
- Ticket sales begin March 15 and are available exclusively online at http://www.npenn.org/theatre. Adults are $10, students $5. Tickets will be sold at the door based on availability and accessibility.
- Shows will be live streamed on April 29 and May 6 at 7:30 PM. One streaming ticket for $35 provides access to the show for unlimited viewers. Streaming tickets are also available at http://www.npenn.org/theatre.
Morning Drop-Off
- This is a friendly reminder that if you drop your child off in the morning, you must use the parking lot by the playground. The car drop off line ensures the safety of our students. Please do not drop your child off in the bus lot. Also, please remember we are no longer using door #3 (old car rider door) for arrival. Students who utilized that door should now enter from the main entrance doors. Thank you in advance for your understanding!
Sports Equipment
- Please remind your child that they are not permitted to bring sports equipment (basketballs, footballs, etc.) from home for use at dismissal. If they have teacher permission for recess, the equipment must remain in bookbags until that time and returned after recess. Students are lingering on campus after dismissal to play with friends and we are directing them instead, to head home immediately. Thank you in advance for your help with this.
Important Dates
April- Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month
4/3-4/10 NPSD Spring Break
4/5-4/13 Passover
4/9 Easter
4/12 HF Picture Day
4/16 Orthodox Easter
4/18 HF Chorus Concert
4/19 5th and 6th Grade Human Growth and Development lessons
4/20 6th Grade to Camp America
4/21 No School for Students
4/21 Eid al-Fitr begins at sundown
4/24 2nd Grade to Elmwood Park Zoo
4/24 Start of PSSA testing
4/24 Deadline to order yearbooks
4/26 NPSD Early Dismissal
Our Hatfield HAWKS continue to SOAR by following our HAWKS pledge daily at school! Continue to be on the lookout for HAWK feathers your child may come home with. Each month we celebrate with a school wide assembly. The more feathers a student earns, the better their chances are to be chosen to participate in exciting assembly activities! Your child also has an opportunity each month to be chosen as a Golden Hawk where they have the opportunity to sit in our special VIP section! Please continue to encourage your child to SOAR as a Hatfield HAWK!
Home and School Information
Home and School Upcoming Events
- VP Special Events - We are looking for a parent(s) to chair our Special Events board position. This person will be responsible for gathering a Committee for each event and ensuring all action items are met for a successful event. This position can be one person or it can be shared with another as Co-VPs.
- Movie Night - June 2nd - More information will be shared as we get closer. If anyone is interested in helping with this event, please contact Jen Lyons at co.vpevents.hhsa@gmail.com.
- Charleston Wrap Spring Fundraiser now through April 21st. Create an online account using group code: 20841. Paperwork will be coming home in the next few weeks. Please share with family and friends!
- Upcoming Dine & Donate Events
Chipotle - 5/13/23
Mom's Water Ice - 6/1/23
- Remember to order your yearbook for this year. Last day to order is April 24th. Order yearbooks at https://ybpay.lifetouch.com. Yearbook ID: 13983523
- Next Home & School Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 5/23/22. Dr. Bauer will be presenting an update on the High School Renovation.
If you are interested in volunteering at an event, please make sure to have your clearances. Here is more information on the documentation needed to volunteer in the North Penn School District.
If you have any Home and School questions feel free to contact: presidenthhsa@gmail.com.
For additional information be sure to check out our Hatfield Elementary Home and School Association Facebook page.
Hatfield Staff Spotlight!
This week our Staff Spotlight is on Mrs Seiler. Mrs. Seiler has been teaching at Hatfield for 19 years. She absolutely loves her job! Mrs. Seiler's teaching style is to teach in the environment and with a lot of movement. She thinks seeing students engaged and loving learning is awesome! Her family loves camping and being outside! Mrs. Seiler's favorite place to go is Chic-Fil-A to get diet coke and she LOVES the ice!
Friendly Reminders
- If your child rides a bike to school, PLEASE remind them that they must wear a helmet. We are noticing that more and more students are not wearing one and of course, their safety is our concern. Thank you for your help with this.
- A slight change has been made to two of our busses. Please remind your child (if this applies) that bus 151 (orange) is now 26 and Bus 112 (blue) is now 151. We have been reminding students here at school as well.
Please send your children to school with appropriate clothing for the temperature outside. The district policy states that classes will not go out for recess if the wind chill is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Unless a doctor's note is turned into the office students will be required to go outside with their class.
If your child will be absent for the day please let us know. You can either: email Mrs. Mandes at mandesm@npenn.org OR call 215-853-1470 OR through the Hatfield website: https://hatfield.npenn.org/attendance. All absences will be marked as unexcused unless we are notified.
The district launched the Here Comes The Bus App. The app went live on January 9th. The app will be used to let parents know when their child’s bus is within a certain radius of the bus stop. Here is the communication sent out by the district. If your student is a bus rider, their ID should go home and come back to school every day. Please take the HCTB survey!
From Mrs. Ball: For the safety of your child, sneakers are required for students to actively participate in Physical Education (Gym) class. It would be greatly appreciated if you could assist your child in remembering to wear or bring sneakers to school on their designated PE day.
Hatfield Elementary School
The mission of Hatfield Elementary School is to encourage all students to aspire above and beyond in the areas of: Academic Achievement, Respect for Diversity, Community Involvement, and Individual Responsibility.
Email: whalenrm@npenn.org
Website: www.npenn.org
Location: 1701 Fairgrounds Road, Hatfield, PA, USA
Phone: 215-368-1585