Hornet News
January News #readytofly
A Note from Mrs. Phillips
Dear Hornet Families,
Happy New Year!
We can't wait to see you all back at FCE! On Monday, January 8th, our yearbook photographer will be capturing candid pictures throughout the building. Bring your smile! We hope you've had a relaxing break the past two weeks. We also understand many circumstances arise over breaks. Please get in touch with me or your child's teacher if there have been major changes in your family/circumstances so we can be ready to support your student.
We just wrapped up the first semester of this year. Report cards will go out in Thursday folders as well as NWEA reports. If you have any questions regarding your child's performance, please schedule a conference with your child's teacher. The home-school connection greatly increases academic success.
We struggled with illnesses last semester. As you can see below, our attendance is not meeting state expectations. While we do not want students at school when they are sick, we would like every attempt to be made to schedule appointments outside of school hours. Being at school, on time, is just as important. The soft start our teachers begin each day with sets our students up for success. Please drop your child off to be in class no later than 7:50 AM. I know we will increase our rate and maintain or exceed the 95% with your support.
School Attendance Goal: 95%
FCE Semester 1 Total: 93.1%
Grade Level Attendance Percentages:
K- 91.4%
1- 93.5%
2- 94.4%
3- 94.3%
4- 93.6%
5- 94.1%
6- 95.7%
Save the date! January 12th will be our semester 1 awards ceremony. We will invite parents, guardians, and special guests to attend. Grades K-2 will begin at 8:30 while grades 3-6 will follow at 10:00 am. We hope you can come and celebrate academic excellence! Awards presented include perfect attendance, RICHER Principle, NWEA growth, and A-B Honor Roll (for grades 3-6).
My goal is to be as transparent as possible as your leader. If there is anything we can do better, please let me know. You can always message me on Dojo, Facebook or Twitter. I am also available by email and phone. I will return your communication within 24 hours. Have a great month of January!
Be kind, be amazing, and ALWAYS be ready to F.L.Y.!
Mrs. Phillips
Upcoming Dates:
1/8/24: Students return to school/ Yearbook Candid Pictures
1/10/24: Mobile Dentist
1/12/24: December Student of the Month/K-6 semester awards
1/15/24: Martin Luther King Jr. Day: No School for students
1/17/24: IREAD parent night for grades 2-3
1/31/24: PTO Trash Bag fundraiser kick-off
Quarter 3 High Priority Standards
January R.I.C.H.E.R Principle: Caring
Home of the Hornets
Mrs. Kirsten Phillips
Follow directions, Listen and learn, Your personal best
Email: kphillips@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: https://faycentral.fayette.k12.in.us/o/fayette
Location: 2928 North County Road 225 West, Connersville, IN, USA
Phone: 765-825-6261
Facebook: facebook.com/fayettecentral
Twitter: @FayCtrPrincipal