Fresh Check Day recap
May 2022
Lancers love FCD:
- I loved it. Great experience to meet people and a comfortable environment to learn about things not many people like to talk about.
- I think it's amazing and every student should take part in this event!
- I thought it was very informative. And I am much more aware of people around me and how we are not alone.
- I thought that it was super interesting and very needed!
- I thought today was a good day and I learned a bunch from the tables I went to.
- It was calm and chill and everyone was really nice. I enjoyed it.
- It was nice to see there is support at school.
- Very beneficial for anyone that's unaware of what to do when stressed out or noticing signs of depression.
- I just loved the different mental health stations and helping areas across campus.
- This is a great event for all students and faculty to learn from.
- This was an awesome event with a lot of participation. I loved going to all the tables!
- I love the feeling of community that this day always brings!
- I think this is a great resource to let students know they are not alone in their mental health struggles. I really appreciate seeing events like this on campus especially as someone who has struggled with their relationship with mental health for a while.
FCD raises student awareness about emotional distress and suicide prevention:
FCD post event survey results:
After FCD, how aware are you of the warning signs of suicide?:
- 84% somewhat more or much more aware
- 86% somewhat more or much more prepared
- 89% somewhat more or much more aware
After FCD, how likely are you to ask for help if you are experiencing emotional distress?
- 87% somewhat more or much more likely
After FCD, how comfortable do you feel talking about mental health and suicide?
- 83% somewhat more or much more comfortable
FCD participation highlights:
- 338 students actively completed 8 or more mental health/wellness booth activities.
- 272 students took the post-event survey.
- 108 students volunteered.
- 9 student organizations/groups sponsored booths: Active Minds, DAPi, LGBTQ+ Alliance, Senate, Student Athlete Association Council, Mindfulness Club, Student Occupational Therapy Association, Women's Lacrosse, and Resident Assistants.
- 12 WSU departments sponsored booths and/or volunteered resources and staffing: Athletics, Chartwells, Counseling Services, Conduct, Military and Veterans Affairs, OSILD, Psychology, Recreation and Wellness, Residence Life, Student Accessibility Services, University Police, and Urban Action Institute.
- 3 departments provided additional support (CESO, Marketing & Communications, Printing & Publishing).
WSU student attendee demographics:
- 69% White
- 12% Hispanic or Latinx
- 11% Black or African American
- 10% other race or more than one
- 8.5% Asian or Asian American
- 3% International Students
- 72% Female, 25% male, 0.4% non-binary, 1% gender fluid, 0.7% trans
- 58% 1st Year, 14%2nd Year, 15% 3rd Year, 11% 4th Year, 1% 5th Year, 0.4% Graduate
Uplifters Awards:
Residence Life
Anna Johnson
Active Minds
FCD Booth Photo Gallery:
Elephant in the Room/DAPi/ Student Accessibility Services
Focused on reducing stigma and increasing help-seeking for those struggling with disabilities including mental health concerns.
Check in & Chill Out/Mindfulness Club
Woo Being/ Professor Soysa, Psychology
Stressed the importance of self-care in maintaining one's mental health utilizing sensory exercises.
Be Yourself/ LGBTQ+ Alliance
It Takes a Village/ Urban Action Institute
Thrive, You Belong, & 100 Reasons/ Residence Life
Paint Your Art Out/Senate
Raised awareness about coping skills such as painting, drawing, writing, journaling and other forms of self-expression.
Brain Foods/Chartwells
Younique/Active Minds
Promoted positive body image and raised awareness about eating disorders on college campuses.
At Ease/Military & Veterans Affairs
9 out of 10/ Residence Life
Boost/Recreation & Wellness
Focused on benefits of physical exercise in managing stress.