Northwest News
September 2022
Welcome Back!
School Hours
Breakfast is served in the classrooms from 7:50-8:10
School Starts at 8:00
School Ends at 3:15
All students need to be picked no later than 3:30
Parent Nights
September Calendar
6- No School, Labor Day
14- Papa John's Night, PTO 6:00
15- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:00
16- No School, Parent Teacher Conferences 12:30-7:30
17-Student Count Day!
18- Fall Pictures
29- Late Start 9:30
Note from the Nurse
Thank you!
Not Feeling Well?
Keep your student home if they have a temperature, are vomiting or have diarrhea. They may return to school 24 hours after symptoms have stopped or is released by their doctor. Remember to call the school and let the office know if your student is ill by 9:00. 620-471-2115
Healthy Tips
Students Remember:
Wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitizer.Cover your coughs and sneezes.
Stay well rested.
Eat healthy foods and exercise.
Counselor's Corner
Dear Parents:
This year we will focus on building strong character in our students. As a school we will be recognizing children who are kind, truthful, show respect towards others, are responsible, use good manners and much more! This month our character trait focuses on “Respect”. Please encourage your child to practice these good character traits at home by praising good character choices that your child makes.
Please send me a note with any success you notice at home from this character program so I can reinforce and praise your child’s progress too! Your help is valuable to these life lessons!
Thanks for your participation and support!
Mrs. Flores
School Counselor
5th Grade Team Work
1st Grade Team Work
4th Grade Team Work
Talking Points
Please download the app or sign up for Talking Points. We will be using Talking Points as our primary way of communicating with you. Talking points will allow us to send you newsletters, notes, reminders, announcements, pictures or private messages to you. With this program you can even respond back to the teacher privately. If you need help or have questions, please contact your student's teacher. We look forward to keeping in touch with you.