Students in grades 3-5 are ready to "Rock the Test"....the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) assessment. This test is the state assessment and accountability measure for Illinois students enrolled in a public school district. This assessment helps schools identify trends over time and address opportunity and achievement gaps for all groups of students.
On Friday, April 14, the Covington PTO sponsored the Light up the Night Dance for girls and their someone special. It was a very special night filled with so much fun. The young ladies and their special dates danced the night away with fun glow up accesories and they also enjoyed a make your own sundae bar!
On Monday, April 3rd, OLHMS 6th grade scholars graduated from the Oak Lawn Police Department's EDGE program. EDGE (EDucation for Gang Evasion) started in 1995 and was designed to meet specific needs of children who are subjected to pressures of gang involvement and activity.
27 of OLHMS' eSports athletes had the opportunity to visit Saint Xavier University on March 23rd to meet with their eSports team! During the field trip, the OLHMS eSports team met with two collegiate athletes who shared some insight into their program.
Mrs. Robert's first grade class is one of the classes at Hannum Elementary that is piloting the different ELA curriculums. Currently classes are piloting the Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) curriculum. This curriculum not only builds reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, but it also builds knowledge in the subjects of history, geopgraphy and science.
Donuts with dudes is back at Kolmar! This was the first time since 2019, due to covid, that we were able to do donuts with dudes at Kolmar. It was great to bring such a special event back to our building. The turnout was huge!
Every spring, grades 3-5 take the Illinois Assessment for Readiness (IAR). IAR is a group of state-mandated tests that assess students' knowledge of the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics. The Sward community wanted to support and cheer on students to do their best.