Hometown School Newsletter
November 15, 2022
Bencik's Buzz
Hometown Families:
On behalf of the Hometown Staff, we would like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the break from November 21st-November 27th. We will return to school on Monday, November 28th. Take some time next week to tell another person why you are thankful for them. I am thankful for each of the Hometown families as they care for one another regularly.
On November 18th, report cards will be able to be viewed via Skyward for the first trimester. If you have questions, please reach out to your teachers to get clarification.
We will host our fall festival on Friday, November 18th. Students will participate in activities in the afternoon. Please allow students to wear fall colors on Friday! These include browns, reds, yellows, purples, or greens.
Food Drive
Holiday Craft Night
We will host a holiday craft night night on Thursday, December 8th. Please come and make crafts as well as shop in the holiday shop.
Congratulations Dr. Bencik
Please join the students and staff in congratulating our principal, Mrs. Amanda Bencik on defending her dissertation to be able to receive her doctorate in education on Monday, November 14, 2022.
Holiday Shop Volunteers
We are in need of holiday shop volunteers. Please see the attached flyer for details.
Ice Cream Volunteers
We are in need of ice cream volunteers for our Friday ice cream days. If you are able to help out, please see the dates and reach out to PTA.
Holiday Shop
We will host holiday shop in our library the first week of December. Students will be coming home with envelopes today to write down who they are buying for and how much to spend.
Thank You Veterans
On Thursday November 10, 2022, Hometown Elementary held its annual Veteran’s Day assembly. Local Veterans were invited to attend this program honoring their time served in either the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard. The program was led by principal Amanda Bencik, and included contributions from each grade level. The fourth and fifth grade chorus members sang “God Bless America” and “The Star Spangled Banner.” This was followed by poems and letters written to our Veterans by our first, third, fourth and fifth graders. The Kindergarten students sang a song entitled “Thank You Veterans” and the second graders recreated the poem “America’s White Table” by Margot Raven.
This table honors the men and women who served in America’s Armed Forces. The table is round to show our everlasting devotion and concern for our fallen and missing comrades. The cloth is white symbolizing the purity of their motives when answering the call to duty.The single red rose, displayed in a vase, remind us of the life, and the blood that was shed, and their loved ones and friends who keep the faith and await answers.The vase is tied with a red ribbon, symbol of our commitment, and continued determination to account for our missing.A slice of lemon on the plate is to remind us of the bitter fate of those captured and missing in a foreign land. The salt is to remind us of the tears endured by those missing and their families who still seek answers. The black napkin is a reminder of the isolation, deprivation, and cruel fate our missing.The glass is inverted- to symbolize their inability to share this evening with us. The chair is empty and tilted -they are not here- and will remain so until they return or are accounted for.
Mrs. Bencik also read the names of the soldiers who did not return home followed by a moment of silence in their honor. Finally, Mr. Steve Imig played the song “Taps” on his horn. "Taps" is a bugle call that is sounded as a signal for “lights out” at the end of a military day, during patriotic memorial ceremonies and military funerals conducted by the United States Armed Forces. This assembly is held to honor all Veterans. It's important to take a moment and thank them for their valor and honor. They have made this country what it is. To all of the soldiers, we thank you. You have defended America and given a large piece of yourself for freedom. There are no words to express our gratitude. Happy Veterans Day.
Preschool Families
Our preschool will host a family health and wellness hour next week on November 18th. Please see the flyer for details.
During arrival and dismissal times, please refrain from bring your pets to the school. These include all pets. We do not need any animals becoming aggressive or getting loose while students are walking around the building.
Third Grade Fun with Mr. Carson, Mrs. Sieracki and Mrs. Sahar Shehaiber-Abdelkader
The third graders are ready for an exciting year ahead! So many exciting things happen in third grade, including learning to write in cursive! Currently, in Science, students are starting the next unit about survival in environments. Students are trying to figure out how one organism is surviving more than another organism of the same species. So students are exploring environments with different cards and trying to determine if organisms can survive there. They also played a board game to determine if a red squirrel can survive better in environment 1 or environment 2! In math, students work on mastering their multiplication and division facts and well as learn about fractions this year. Their ELA curriculum focuses on nonfiction and fiction texts as well as determining perspectives and supporting opinions. This year there is also an enrichment program offered for students who qualified in grades 3-5. Third grade is an exciting year, with amazing teachers, who will help our little Hornets have the greatest year ever!
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown