Windsor Manor Cub Connection
May 2021
2021-2022 Kindergarten registration is happening NOW!
Cafeteria News
Nurse / Health Room
Attention 5th grade parents: All current 5th grade students need a physical (well-child exam) that is dated after August 23, 2020 in order to start 6th grade. Please have your child’s pediatrician or primary care physician fill out this form and return it to your child’s school nurse. The after visit summary (AVS) of the well child exam from your child’s Health Portal can be accepted as well.
If you are a parent of an incoming kindergarten student: All incoming kindergartners for the 2021-22 school year need to have a physical and a dental exam both dated after August 23, 2020 submitted to your school nurse by the first day of school. In addition, your child needs to have proof of required immunizations submitted by the first day of school, as well. The required immunizations are DTap, IPV, Hep B, MMR, and Varicella. PA DOH School Vaccination Requirements. These documents can be provided to the school nurse on site during the June 2021 kindergarten screenings.
RLASD Elementary School Nurses:
Krysta Tyson - Pleasant View: Fax (223) 200-3187; Mazie Gable: Fax (223) 200-3108
Angie Ronk - Locust Grove: Fax (223) 200-3157; Clearview: Fax (223) 200-3125
Nanette Schimek - North Hopewell-Winterstown: Fax (223) 200-3059
Carolyn Smink - Larry J. Macaluso: Fax (223) 200-3171; Windsor Manor: Fax (223) 200-3023
Always Remember the “3 W’s”
Wash your hands often-when entering and exiting the building, before and after eating, going to the bathroom, blowing your nose, and before touching your face
Wear your mask-everyday, on the bus, in the classroom & hallway
- Watch your distance-remain 6 feet away from others at all times
Transportation for the 2020/2021 school year
There are times when we are asked if a new stop can be made. This type of request may take a minimum of two weeks to coordinate and process the information (weather permitting). Such requests would require us to go out and look at a house location to make a better determination if the request can or cannot be done. We ask if you would help us locate you easier, by ensuring your address is clearly posted, and no less than 3 inches tall and visible from both directions and not obstructed from trees, shrubs etc.
Please remind your student(s) of proper bus stop behavior by standing at the stop, and not playing games or horsing around and not going onto or disturbing someone else’s property
Also, please remind your student(s) there are several bus rules and one of them are that there is NO food nor drink permitted on the school bus. There is the potential for another student to have an allergic reaction to that item. The newest rule that MUST be followed is to wear your face covering at all times while on the bus and to stay in the seat that has been assigned to you.
Inclement Weather: The new notifications system will follow the districts guidelines that are sent out via Skyward and will also be updated via the districts web page at www.rlasd.net; Twitter: @rlschools and Facebook: Red Lion Area School District. Please ensure your contact information is updated in Skyward.
Dental News
Water can get boring, making it tempting to reach for sugary, high-calorie drinks. Instead, try this trick: Infuse your water with fresh fruits. Surprising and slightly sweet flavors, like this recipe using blackberry and mint, will give you the flavors you crave and keep you hydrated.
The antioxidants found in blackberries not only protect the body, but their antibacterial properties can also kill bacteria in your mouth.
A handful of blackberries (use more if you like!)
4 to 5 mint leaves
Mash the blackberries using your hands, or a spoon. Add the juice to a pitcher.
Rub the mint leaves in your hands to release the oils. Place them in the same pitcher.
Add 3 to 4 cups of water to the pitcher.
Let the water, blackberry juice and mint infuse (sit and rest) for at least 2 hours. For full flavor, leave it in the fridge overnight.
Give the water a good stir. Add more blackberries or mint to taste.
If you are a parent of an incoming kindergarten student, incoming third grade student : All incoming kindergartners and third graders for the 2021-22 school year need to have a dental exam dated after August 23, 2020.York Revolution's Reading Incentive
Do you like baseball? Do you want to earn free admission to a York Revolution baseball game, with a free kid’s meal, lanyard, and booklight? Join Blue’s Book Club and read! The district is encouraging everyone, kindergarten through sixth grade, to participate in this free reading incentive!
Here is how you can participate in Blue's Book Club:
1. Register by visiting - https://yorkrevolution.com/community/bluesbookclub/
2. Complete the Blue's Book Club 2021 registration form. (Once you click on the link, scroll down to find the embedded registration form.)
3. Read 1 - 4 books and write the titles on the bookmark.
4. Return to the website and complete the submission form.
All prizes can be redeemed by presenting the bookmark in person at the Shipley Energy Ticket Office at Peoples Bank Park, at any time during the 2021 season, based on availability.
Have fun reading!
Calendar of Events
May 2 - 26: PSSA Testing
May 3-7: Teacher / Staff Appreciation Week
May 6: School Board Meeting @ 7 p.m.
May 6: Sandwich order pick-up (4-6 p.m.)
May 13: Spirit Day (Career Day)
May 18: Act 80 Day
May 20: School Board Meeting @ 7 p.m.
May 28: No School
May 31: Memorial Day / No School
June 4: Last Day of School (early dismissal)
Windsor Manor Elementary School
Lori Campbell-Howard, Secretary
Fax #: 223-200-3023
Email: hughesss@rlasd.net
Website: wm.rlasd.net
Location: 2110 Windsor Road, Windsor, PA, USA
Phone: 717-246-9312
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WMElemSchool/
Twitter: @WMelemschool