Spring Lake Park High School
September 2, 2020 Newsletter
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A Message from Principal Boucher
SLPHS Parents and Families,
Our staff have been in this week collaborating to prepare and design learning experiences in both Modified Campus (hybrid) and Extended Flexible Learning (Distance Learning). We know this will be a school year unlike any other, and I work with a staff unlike any other. Our teachers are dedicated and committed to finding new ways to enhance student learning and adjust our practice to ensure productive and rich learning experiences for our students.
Overviews – What to expect: As we begin the year, we have put together brief, 1-page overviews to help you know what to expect for learning experiences, feedback, and communication as we get under way in each model:
- Grades 9-12: Modified Campus Schedule (Hybrid)
- Grades 7-12: Extended Flexible Learning (Distance Learning)
Schedules: Student schedules were made available in Campus Parent Portal and Schoology on Tuesday, September 1. If you have any questions about your student’s schedule, please reach out to the Counseling office at 763-600-5130 or you can request a schedule change using the this link to submit a change request: Spring Lake Park High School Schedule Change Request.
First days of school: As we shared last week, we will use the first two days of school – September 10 and 11 – to orient our students and families, creatively connect for meet and greet opportunities and carefully manage transitions for students moving between buildings.
- In the Modified Campus Schedule (Hybrid) Model, our approach to September 10 and 11 is similar to past years and provides a higher level of support for students making the transition to high school. This also provides an opportunity for us to practice transportation, arrival and dismissal procedures and other critical aspects of our unique operations this year with smaller group sizes.
- Grade 9 students and students new to the district in Group A (last names A-L) will come to school September 10 for their orientation day
- Grade 9 students and students new to the district in Group B (last names M-Z) will come to school September 11 for their orientation day
- Grades 10-12 students will participate in online meet and greet activities with teachers to get oriented to their trimester 1 courses and instructors. (They will not be in the building on these two days.)
- In the Extended Flexible Learning (Distance Learning) Model, September 10 and 11 will be dedicated to students participating in online meet and greet activities with teachers and get oriented to their instructors and trimester 1 courses.
- The first day of instruction for all grade levels in both models will be Monday, September 14. For students in the hybrid model, Group A students (last name A-L) in grades 9-12 will come to school. All other students will learn from home that day.
Lifetouch/School Photos: Lifetouch, our school photo provider, has sent some messages in error about a photo day on September 4. There is NO photo day this Friday, September 4. Our scheduled school photo days are:
- Wednesday, September 30 – Extended Flexible Learning (Distance Learning) students
- Thursday, October 1 – Group A students (Last names A-L)
- Friday, October 2 – Group B students (Last names M-Z)
More information on Lifetouch/school photos, and retake photo dates, will be provided in upcoming newsletters and communications.
In closing, I want to assure all of our families that we have developed our plans and processes to prioritize the health and safety of all students and staff in the building. I am confident we will have a safe and productive school year. Thank you again for your ongoing partnership, together we build futures.
Matthew Boucher
Transportation for the 2020-2021 School Year
Getting to school and home again
Getting to and from school will be a little different as we start the school year as we continue to manage the impacts of COVID-19 in our communities.
Transportation by bus
If your student will be riding the bus, routes and confirmations were posted in Campus Parent Portal on Monday, August 31. That same day, postcards were mailed to homes. If you have questions about bussing, contact transportation@district16.org. View bus riding procedures.
Parent drop off and pick up
Many families have chosen to drive their students to school and home again this fall. In order to ease the flow of traffic and ensure we can meet social distancing guidelines, our buildings will be open earlier prior to school and later after school. Students may be dropped-off and picked-up at any time during this window.
Parents will need to stay in their vehicle and have students exit on the curb side of the vehicle. Staff will be on the curb to greet students and guide them where to go.
Drop off starting at:
- 7:30 a.m. - Spring Lake Park High School (school starts at 8:10 a.m.)
- 7:10 a.m. - Westwood grades 7-8 (school starts at 7:45 a.m.)
- 8 a.m. - Westwood grades 5-6 (school starts at 8:40 a.m.)
- 8:30 a.m. - Woodcrest Spanish Immersion Elementary (school starts at 9:10 a.m.)
- 8:45 a.m. - Centerview, Northpoint and Park Terrace Elementary Schools (schools start at 9:20 a.m.)
Pick up until:
- 3:30 p.m. - Spring Lake Park High School (school ends at 2:55 p.m.)
- 3 p.m. - Westwood grades 7-8 (school ends at 2:30 p.m.)
- 3:45 p.m. - Westwood grades 5-6 (school ends at 3:15 p.m.)
- 4:15 p.m. - Woodcrest Spanish Immersion Elementary (school ends at 3:45 p.m.)
- 4:30 p.m. - Centerview, Northpoint and Park Terrace Elementary Schools (schools end at 3:55 p.m.)
When picking up students during these later times you will be asked to call the school office and staff will notify your student(s) that you have arrived.
Supervision will be provided during these times before and after school. Students will have a designated place within the building where they can quietly read, use their devices or catch up on homework. They will be socially distanced and need to wear a mask.
Make sure your child's immunization records are up-to-date
All students in Spring Lake Park Schools must comply with Minnesota Immunization Laws. All immunizations need to be up-to-date, prior to the start of the school year. Students who are not up-to-date on immunizations will receive communication from our nurses in the near future. Minnesota School Immunization Laws require ALL students enrolled in school to be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, hepatitis B, meningitis and varicella.
The only exceptions are:
- A student has had the chickenpox virus
- Medical exemption with paperwork from your provider
- Conscientious exemption with notarized exemption form
If you believe your child's records need to be updated with proof of immunizations, please bring or send these to your school nurse or call for verification. Learn more about immunizations at SLP and find a downloadable immunization form.
Share your Do's and Don'ts for learning at home
In the spring, we all learned a lot while we learned from home. We learned what we can do to learn effectively from home - set up a dedicated workspace, establish a schedule, etc. We also learned what NOT to do.
As we prepare for a fall when almost all students will be learning at home for at least a few days each week, we want to learn from each other. What ideas and insights would you like to share with other SLP students and families to make this fall - and any days we're learning at home - productive, fulfilling and joyful.
Send your tips to communications@district16.org and we'll share our collective list of learning at home do's and don'ts in next week's newsletter.
Technology Toolkit: A one-stop shop for all SLP technology tools
At Spring Lake Park Schools, students and families will utilize a variety of technology tools. Whether you are paying a lunch bill or learning on your school-issued iPad, find technology information you need. Check out the Technology Toolkit page.
SLP Mailing Arriving Soon to your Household
Be on the lookout for a letter in the mail that will be delivered to households within the next couple of weeks. It includes helpful resources such as a contacts reference card with school contact information, including the attendance and health office lines for each school. Additionally, every household will receive a magnet to hang up as a reminder of daily health self-screening.
Stream SLPHS athletic events during the 2020-2021 school year
New for the 2020-2021 Spring Lake Park High School athletics season, many of our home games will be live streamed on Prep Spot Light for a small fee. Learn more and sign up for a single game or streaming package today.
- September 10 - first day of school for Day A (A-K) 9th grade and new students - Find more details here
- September 11 - first day of school for Day B (L-Z) 9th grade and new students - Find more details here
- September 30 - Online Learner Picture Day
- October 1 - Day A student Picture Day
- October 2 - Day B student Picture Day
In case you missed important information from last week's newsletter, check out the topics below and click to learn more.
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