October 2019
Hope, Healing, and Wholeness
Email: lwilliamson@prov.church
Website: https://prov.church/ministries/kids/
Location: 2293 S. Rutland Road, Mt. Juliet, TN
Phone: 615.773.7862
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProvKIDS/
God can help me be BRAVE!
The next time your child faces a fear of the doctor, starting a new class, or the dark, remind them that God can help them be brave. We don't need superheroes when we have super kids with a SUPER GOD!
Try This . . .
In The Morning . . .
(to the tune of superman)
Thank you God, for making us BRAVE!
Thank you God, for making us BRAVE!
You are powerful
Always with us!
Thank you God, for making me BRAVE!
Then strike your super kid pose or fly your kid around the room.
On the Move...
Create some super hero cards at home for people that are brave. These can be coloring pages or construction paper with superhero stickers. Bravery can look all different ways such as service workers, teachers, or even kids that are sick at home or in the hospital. Mail or distribute these cards to people in the community to thank them for their bravery!
Find superhero coloring pages here: http://coloringhome.com/superhero-coloring-pages-pdf
In Prayer...
Superheroes aren't just for the movies. Not only do we have super kids who do brave things but all around us we have brave people like policeman, firefighters, soldiers, nurses, even older siblings. Cuddle with your child and pray together for all the times God has been with them to be brave and for the bravery of people in our community.
Dear God, thank You for being with [child’s name] and helping them be brave. Help us to remember that You are always with us so we can be strong, courageous and brave no matter what! We specifically thank you for helping us be brave today/this week when (fill in a time your child was brave).
We are also thankful for people that are brave in our family and our community. We thank you for brave people like [soldiers, policeman, siblings] I am so glad You are all knowing, powerful, and with them to help them be brave
You are so, SO good, and we love You. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Literature Connection
Be Brave Little Penguin
Little Penguin Pip-Pip would love to join in with all his friends swimming in the sea, but there's just one problem . . . he's scared of water. Can Pip-Pip overcome his fears and finally take the plunge?
Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn
A little buffalo finds his courage as he runs through the wind and rain with his family.
Brave Enough for Two: A Hoot & Olive Story
This story about a little girl named Olive and her stuffed owl friend named Hoot. As Hoot and Olive go on their adventure together, they learn about the importance of having courage and leaning on friends for strength.
Upcoming Event: Baptismal Service, Thursday, October 24
Music Connection
Memory Verse
Be strong and courageous (row, row, row your boat)
Do not be afraid (gently down the stream)
For the Lord your God goes with you (Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily)
Deuteronomy 31:6 (life is but a dream)