Clark-Shaw Magnet School
of Science, Math, and Technology
As a school of choice, our mission at Clark-Shaw Magnet School is to develop students into globally aware and productive citizens who excel academically and are responsible, courteous, life-long learners. This will be accomplished by providing a challenging curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment.
June 1, 2022
Principal's Message
Hello Eagle family,
I hope everyone is enjoying summer break. I know you thought newsletters were over; however, we want you to remain informed throughout the break. Within the newsletter, you will find important dates and information as we prepare for the upcoming school year. Do not forget the check the website and social media for Eagle news. Enjoy this time with family and friends. August will be here soon!
Mrs. Taylor- Jackson
Farewell to these Educators!
Coach Taldon, Mrs. Bragg, Ms. Welborn, and Mrs. Mouton were honored at a farewell celebration on May 26, 2022.
8th Grade Crossover Ceremony
After two years of having to congratulate 8th graders in a socially-distanced "drive-through" celebration, we returned to our tradition of an 8th grade Crossover Ceremony in our gym on Friday, May 20, 2022. This event celebrated and recognized the achievements of our 8th grade class as they move on to the next stage in their education, after a middle school experience that they will never forget! It was great to see the many family members in attendance, supporting our well-dressed Eagles. We wish our students the very best as they begin high school, and we look forward to hearing about your accomplishments!
Used Uniform Sale
Registration is June 6-8
Online Registration for MCPSS
All students who are planning to attend a school in the Mobile County Public School System MUST pre-register online. Please do online registration prior to coming to campus for on-site registration on June 6-8. To register your student online, click the following: link. Instructions can be found here: link
Camp Clark: July 12-14
Representative Jones visits CSMS
The members of Clark-Shaw Magnet School’s Student Council were on hand to welcome Representative Sam Jones (Alabama House District 99) and Mobile County Board of School Commissioner Dr. Reginald Crenshaw (District 3) to our school for a visit and a presentation of a legislative grant for our school, which was accepted by Mrs. Timesha Taylor-Jackson, principal. The funds are much appreciated, and our student leaders enjoyed spending time with our guests.
Student Council officers: Presleigh Stokley (VP), Bethanie Critchfield (Sec), Representative Sam Jones, Dr. Reginald Crenshaw, Brayden Turner (President), and Sophia Irby (Treasurer).
Mobile United Student Leader Award
Eighth grader Brayden Turner was presented the Mobile United Student Leader Award for middle school students today by Dr. Monica Motley, Chair of the Mobile United Education Task Force. Brayden’s parents were on hand as he was awarded a plaque in Mrs. Specker’s physical science class. This award honors students who have excelled in the areas of character, leadership, and service. Brayden serves as the president of the Clark-Shaw Student Council and is a member of NJHS and the Eagle Eye News crew. He is recognized by faculty, staff, and his peers alike as someone who is consistently kind to others, personable in his interactions, helpful and dependable, and respectful to all. He takes his role as student seriously and truly exemplifies the Clark-Shaw mission. Brayden is pictured below with his parents and Mrs. Taylor-Jackson. Congratulations, Brayden!
Scholars Bowl
On Thursday, May 19, the Clark-Shaw Scholars’ Bowl team celebrated the conclusion of this year’s virtual season with an awards ceremony and some friendly competition at St. Dominic's. We are proud to say that Clark-Shaw earned the 2nd place trophy in Division 2 for their performance this year. Congratulations!
The Scholars’ Bowl team is made up of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students, including Madeline Borchert, Violet Borchert, James Colleli, Andres Gonzalez, Garrett Langham, Grant Langham, Maxwell Norris, and Eli Weatherford. They are coached by Mrs. Tracy Steiner and Mrs. Alecia Howell.
Exceptional Eagles
Spring Band Concert
Honor Band
Gold Band:
Danielle Adams, Natalie Morvant, Aulelia Carden, Laura Kate Wiley, Cooper Cox, Victoria Howell, Liam Teat
Silver Band:
Kenya Stallworth, Madison McCaskey, Isabella Dunnavant, Abigayle Phillips, Hudson Abernathy, Michael Ellzey, Julian Pardo
8th Grade Social
Our new member induction ceremony for National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) was held Thursday, May 12 at 6:00 pm in the gym. Current NJHS members, along with the NJHS officers and their advisers (Ms. Christy Roberts, Ms. Rachel Cazalas, and Mrs. Alecia Howell) were on hand as students from 6th and 7th grade were inducted for exemplifying the five NJHS pillars of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Congratulations to these students!
6th grade: Zeina Aydah, Ava Bell, Violet Borchert, Catalina Bryan, Miranda Burns, James Colleli, Dexter Cox, Jordan Fluker, Aniyah Green, Hector Guzman-Urquiola, Adam Hamied, Kassidy Hughes, Keyana Jones, William Jordan, Daniel Kim, Garrett Langham, Grant Langham, Dylan Loftin, Charisma Matthews, Brooke May, Jaedyn Moore, Lauren Mullen, Frederick Patterson, Briana Pears, Edwin Perry, Sophia Piper, Ariana Price, Katelyn Richey, Gregory Shellenberger, Madison Taylor-Grayson, Georgia Todd, Taylor Wells, Ashlyn Williams
7th grade: Braden Beasley, Benjamin Campbell, Kiersten Johnson, Thomas Luker, Brielle Turner, Chelsey White
NJHS members, including our newly inducted members, got together for a memorable year-end social at Planet Gymnastics. Good luck to our 8th grade students as they move on to high school! Continue to do great things!
Camp Clark Student Leaders Selected
These students were selected as student leaders for Camp Clark, which will be held July 12-14 for the first time since 2019! These student leaders will welcome new students to Clark-Shaw, lead small group activities, give campus tours, serve as role models for new students, help new eagles learn the ropes, all while having fun and developing their leadership skills!
6th grade: Ava Bell, Violet Borchert, James Colleli, Brooklyn Constantine, Dexter Cox, Chari Davis, Will Jordan, Garrett Langham, Grant Langham, Charisma Matthews, Miley Santana, Taylor Wells
7th grade: Allie Armbrecht, Kyla Barnett, Madison Bragg, Saylor Byrd, Lily Carden, Alex Choi, Kaitlin Clayton, Bethanie Critchfield, Kennedy Dailey, Isabella Dunnavant, Abigail Faggard, Aleanah German, Andres Gonzalez Espana, Maddi King, Thomas Luker, Leigha Newton, Max Norris, Ariel Pate, Mei-ling Rollman, Whisper Saunders, Alejandro Serrano, Avery Smith, Anna Cate Smith, Demi Stephen, Katelin Taylor, Kenadie Thomas, Brielle Turner, Piper Velaski, Eli Weatherford
8th grade: Jordan Brewer, Samarrah Franks, Kaleigh Hetzman, Victoria Howell, Sophia Irby, Paris Jiles, Caidyn King, Julia Panchenko, Hailey Robinson, Karis Singleterry, Nicholas Thomas, Amanda Thomas, Janya Wooten
Students selected as Camp Clark student leaders got together on May 26th to engage in teambuilding and brainstorming for this summer's Camp Clark! They are ready to greet our new students this summer! Pictured above are Saylor Byrd, Kennadie Thomas, Will Jordan, and Anna Cate Smith.
Clark-Shaw featured by MCPSS
Leigha Newton, a seventh-grader at Clark-Shaw School of Math, Science & Technology, is a student ambassador, an A Honor Roll student, and a member of the National Junior Honor Society and Clark-Shaw dance team who was among those recognized by as a 2021-2022 “Exceptional Eagle” for exemplifying the high standards of the school’s mission. She's also a science fair champion, as her project, entitled “Bring on the Storm,” won first place in the environmental science category at the school, regional and state Science and Engineering Fairs. At the state science fair, she was also awarded the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) “Taking the Pulse of the Planet” Award. #LearningLeading #FinishStrong
Law Day Awards
Millionaires Club
Congratulations to the following students who reached millionaire status during 4th quarter. These students read and tested on enough books to equal to one million words during this school year.
6th Grade:
Jabin Roberts, Catalina Bryan
7th Grade:
Sara Ussery
8th Grade:
Amanda Thomas, Alyssa Posey
These students joined the other Clark-Shaw students who achieved millionaire status by 3rd quarter:
Daniel Kim, Isabella Dunnavant, Ariana Price, Lauren Mullen, Samarrah Franks, Keyana Jones, Charisma Matthews, Edwin Perry, Abigail Faggard, Charlotte Milling, Avery Smith, Eli Weatherford, and Rachel Poole.
Great job! Keep Reading!!
Battle of the Books - Results
The Battle of the Books competition concluded May 6th and crowned champions in each grade. Congratulations to the winning teams!
6th grade - The Shrek Fan Club: Grant Langham, James Colleli, Daniel Rembert, Will Jordan
7th grade - The Boys: Alex Choi, Zak Holden, Eli Weatherford, Alejandro Serrano
8th grade - The Trash Pandas: Amanda Thomas, Avery Sayers, Lexington Bush, Camron Phillips
Dance Team Try-outs
Tryouts for the 2022-2023 Clark-Shaw Dance Team will be held July 12-14 from 12:30-2:00pm (after Camp Clark) in the gym. Tryouts are open for all grades 6-8, including new students. Serious applicants with previous dance training only! Please visit the Clark-Shaw website for requirements.Please bring all completed paperwork and $10 tryout fee to the first day. You will also need to bring a sack lunch to eat before tryouts if you are participating in Camp Clark. For more information or questions, please email Mrs. Burch (dburch1@mcpss.com) or Mrs. Hester (amhester@mcpss.com).
Cheerleaders Selected
Football Team
Tryouts were held in May, and the following students were selected for the 2022-2023 football team! Congratulations! We look forward to the season!
Interested in joining band?
Our band director, Ms. Crystal Reynolds, invites all new 6th grade students to consider joining the band! She will be available to discuss options with you during Registration and Camp Clark. To learn more about the benefits of playing an instrument, please read the letter below. You can indicate your interest by clicking on the following link: https://www.bepartofthemusic.org/group/index.php?id=4119
Junior League Adopt-a-School
Clark-Shaw Magnet School has been chosen for the Adopt-A-School Program by the Junior League of Mobile. We are very excited about this partnership with members of our local community. Junior League of Mobile has big plans for Clark-Shaw in efforts to help support our students with an expanded Care Closet, by providing guest speakers, volunteers, and more! Stay tuned for more information and let’s be ready to welcome the Junior League onto our campus and into our Clark-Shaw family this fall!
Summer at Mobile Public Library
The Mobile Public Library encourages you to read this summer! Register to be entered for a chance to win passes to the GulfQuest Maritime Museum and the Dauphin Island Sea Lab's Aquarium. Fun events for all ages including reading challenges, special performers, crafts, games, movies, book clubs and more. Registration for the summer is free and open to all. Children and Teens: Register online here.
Adults: Register online here.
(Or register in person at any Mobile Public Library branch!)
Click here for the June and July activity guide: link.
Summer Camp Roundup
Summer Camps at FlightWorks
Important Dates
June 6-8: On-site Registration for 2022-2023
July 12-14: Camp Clark (for new students)
August 1: teachers return
August 4: 1st day of school for 2022-2023
2022-2023 School Calendar
Mark your calendars! Thursday, August 4th is the first day of school for 2022-2023!!
Our PTA needs you!
To join PTA: https://clarkshawpta.memberhub.com/store/items/28462
To volunteer at Clark-Shaw: https://forms.gle/vcLRW66jdJ56gXW36
Link to PTA's December newsletter: https://www.smore.com/uf6ez
Follow Clark-Shaw on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkshawmagnet_eagles @clarkshawmagnet_eagles
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clarkshaweagles @clarkshaweagles
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH5jO4hJwMgEawGLisFn4Lw/featured
Clark-Shaw Magnet School
Timesha Taylor-Jackson, Principal
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
Location: 5960 Arlberg Street, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 251-221-2106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Twitter: @clarkshaweagles
Newsletter compiled by Dena Van den Bosch, dvandenbosch@mcpss.com