Bobcat ROAR
Weekly Faculty/Staff Newsletter October 20, 2019
Gratitude for the appreciation
Bale's Best & Employee of the Month
Also, a special recognition to our Employee of the month, Allison Bibens! Not only has she been present to work the past 30 days, she is also finishing up her MAT and volunteering for extra learning opportunities through PLC Foundations and Teaching with Poverty in Mind. She comes in on the weekends to work and has been a major contributor to her new 2nd grade team and to our school. Keep up the exceptional work, Miss. Bibens!
November Faculty Meeting & SLT Moving to November 11th
Red Ribbon Week
Collaborative Teams
Bale Elementary Literacy Spotlight School
Literacy Curriculum Implementation
Heggerty & Fundations - DO NOT CHANGE; Implement with fidelity
W&W - Three moduals completed by the end of the year is the expectation; three lessons per week is the goal; grade level teams should be no more than one lesson apart from each other.
*Trust the process! Do not pull out old worksheets.
Grades - Grade the activities from the program. Provide feedback in the consumable books/materials
MUST HAVE in the classroom: Anchor charts, sound walls, vowel valley, reference teaching tools during instruction, all hanging tools must be relevant to the current lesson, be sure to hide or take down charts from previous learning that will not be referenced in the current lesson.
Social Studies/Science - Both are built into the WW lessons; Science vocabulary/reading homework/research activities, and PBL are great options to implement.
Small Group time/centers occur during DVR and should reference learning students have already experienced.
LRSD PD Information
● PBIS in the Classroom Session #11465 (Recommended for Novice Teachers, SPDG Teachers, and Teachers seeking strategies for classroom management) 10/22/19 8:30-11:30
● Tier II PBIS Section #11446 (Required for all SPDG PBIS Coaches/Teams)
- PD for “K-5 Other Teachers”: Specialists (Music, Art, P.E., etc.) should NOT sign up for the training for Reading Teachers. Nor do they need to attend W & W Module and Lesson Study. Specialists should sign up for a SoR Awareness Pathway - course #10632 in Talent Ed. Sessions 13A/B, 14A/B, 15A/B are dedicated to elementary specialists. Please sign up for the designated course .
● October Saturday R.I.S.E. 3-6 Classes:
○ Day 3 at the IRC this week 10/19;
○ Day 2 10/26 -Forest Heights;
○ Day 4 -October 26 - IRC
● Additional Professional Development Offerings for October 2019 are posted on the LRSD PD Page
Bale Elementary School
Uniform skirt, skort, jumper, slacks: Navy, Khaki
Additional options: Spirit shirt with uniform bottoms any day of the week. Denim bottoms with uniform or spirit shirt on Fridays.
Email: roxie.browning@lrsd.org
Location: 6501 West 32nd Street, Little Rock, AR, USA
Phone: 501-447-3600
Facebook: facebook.com/BaleElementaryLRSD
Twitter: @RHBrowning