Career & Technical Education News
A publication of ESC Region 11 • April 2021 edition
ESC Region 11 CTE
A Note from Lisa
According to William Shakespeare, "April hath put a spirit of youth in everything." In Texas, this is one of the most lovely times of the year, when our world is full of lush greens and flowers abound; yet, the heat of summer is still off in the distance. May you feel renewed and energized in this time and imbibed with the spirit of youth!
Here are a few items to have on your April to-do list:
- Check on IBC completions and enter in PEIMS. Earned 9/1/20-5/31/21 extracted to TEA in Summer PEIMS submission. Don't miss your window!
- Plan appreciation celebration for WBL/Practicum Industry Partners
- Register for sessions in the months to come and add them to your calendar
- Attend the CTE WBL for Administrators Session
- Meet with your Industry Partners/Advisory Boards (Resources)
- Begin targeted staff recruitment for 2021-2022
- Plan for Teacher appreciation week (May 5th - May 9th)
CTE Coffee & Conversation
This is an opportunity for CTE Leadership to work through local needs in a peer forum. We all need a Professional Learning Network, and CTE Coffee & Conversation meetings provide just that. Have you missed previous meetings? Check out what you might have missed on our website.
- Wednesday April 14th, at 10:00 a.m. Registration open
- Wednesday May 26th, at 10:00 a.m.
- Wednesday June 2nd, at 10:00 a.m.
- Wednesday June 9th, at 10:00 a.m.
Helpful Information Straight from TEA!
Texas Government Code (TGC), §2001.039
This code establishes a four-year rule review cycle for all state agency rules, including SBEC rules. As required by the TGC, §2001.039, the SBEC will accept comments as to whether the reasons for adopting 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 231, Requirements for Public School Personnel Assignments, continue to exist. The rules being reviewed provide requirements relating to the criteria for school districts to make personnel assignments based on the correlating certification requirements.
Public Comment Period on the Rule Review: March 12–April 12, 2021. A form for submitting public comments is available on the proposed SBEC rules web page.
Commissioner of Education Rule Review
The following rule review notice was filed with the Texas Register for publication in the March 12, 2021 issue:
Proposed Review of Chapter 70. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) proposes the review of existing rules in 19 TAC Chapter 70, Technology-Based Instruction, Subchapter AA, Commissioner's Rules Concerning the Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN), pursuant to Texas Government Code, §2001.039. To view the notice in the Texas Register, go to the Secretary of State website.
Summary: As required by Texas Government Code, §2001.039, TEA will accept comments as to whether the reasons for adopting 19 TAC Chapter 70, Subchapter AA, continue to exist.
Public Comment Period: March 12, 2021-April 12, 2021. A form for submitting public comments on commissioner rule review is available on the commissioner rule review web page.
Please see the TEA website to view commissioner of education rule reviews.
Unforeseen circumstances may delay publication of the agency rules in the Texas Register. The Rules website will be updated to reflect any changes.
Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.
Texas Education Agency
(512) 475-1497
Hold Harmless
With TEA’s release of the new ADA Hold Harmless (HH) provisions came many questions on how to determine eligibility. We have created a short video that will go over all of the released ADA HH items for your reference.
Based on our understanding of the current information provided by TEA, you will be using your HH numbers for funding purposes as released from TEA’s Final HH document if you qualify for any of these provisions.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
Spencer Davis, MBA, CTSBS
Team Lead, Business Services
Education Service Center Region 11
(817) 740-7706 – Direct Line
Summer Learning Framework Statewide Webinar Series
The SLF helps districts with design, planning, and onboarding supports to implement a high-quality summer learning program through a webinar series, planning tools, and district examples.
Register below to join the statewide SLF webinar series and hear experts share about how to implement a high-quality summer learning program.
Summer Learning Framework Statewide Webinar Series
The webinar series is accompanied by planning tools and district exemplars and covers design and implementation (D&I), academics and enrichment (A&E), and operations (Ops).
Mar 29 @ 11:00 AM CT | Designing for High-Quality Summer Learning - D&I
Mar 30 @ 11:00 AM CT | Student Recruitment - D&I
Mar 31 @ 11:00 AM CT | Staffing and PD Models - D&I
Apr 1 @ 11:00AM CT | Climate and Culture - D&I
Apr 6 @ 10:00 AM CT | Budgeting for Summer - Ops
Apr 7 @ 10:00 AM CT | Master Scheduling - Ops
Apr 7 @ 11:00 AM CT | Enrichment for Summer - A&E
Apr 8 @ 11:00 AM CT | Summer Site Operations - Ops
Summer Learning Framework Resources
Statewide Webinar Series: Covering design, academics, and operations for summer learning planning led by TEA and national experts.
Planning Resources: Tools, templates, and examples for Texas districts to support districts with summer plans.
THL – Summer Units: An out-of-the-box HQIM solution, developed specifically for the needs of Summer 2021. Additional support, materials, and stipends are available for THL through CRIMSI.
For additional questions regarding SLF, please reach out to
Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA) 2.0 Diagnostic Results Excluded from Accountability
Did You Know?
Have you been wondering about the impact of the College, Career, or Military Readiness (CCMR) Outcomes Bonus? The CCMR Outcomes Bonus Report provides a history of the bonus and performance overviews of the Class of 2018 and the Class of 2019.
Additional CCMR Outcomes Bonus information can be found in the documents below and on the Performance Reporting Resources webpage.
· CCMR Outcomes Bonus Data Sources
· CCMR Outcomes Bonus Data Processing Timeline
· CCMR in Academic Accountability Versus Outcomes Bonuses
From Performance Reporting
We've created a Regional Forensic Science Professional Learning Community!
Upcoming Virtual ESC Region 11 CTE Trainings
Professional Learning Opportunities
- Register for Managing Work-Based Learning (WBL) for Administrators - April 6, 2021
- Register for Work-Based Learning (WBL) Required Teacher Training - April 20, 2021
- Register for Work-Based Learning (WBL) Required Teacher Training - June 15, 2021
- Register for Do All Your Students have Equal Access to CTE? OCR Best Practices (Methods of Administration Preparation) - April 27, 2021
CTAT Summer 2021
Leadership. Strategy. Results.
CTAT Summer is the premier event for those in career and technical education. This event showcases best practices and strategies, comprehensive CTE program management, college and career guidance, classroom management, business/industry partnerships and more.
Who Attends:
- CTE administrators
- CTE teachers
- School counselors
- ESC personnel
July 26 -29
Perkins Reserve Grant Application Opened
Applicants’ Conference/Webinar
Competitive Grant Opportunity Published on the TEA Grant Opportunities Page
TEA is announcing the availability of grant funds for the 2021-2022 CTE Perkins Reserve grant program. Request for Application (RFA) #701-21-112 is authorized by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, Public Law (P.L.) 109-270, Title I, Part A, §112(c). The RFA is available on the TEA Grant Opportunities Page.
Eligible applicants are LEAs that form cross-sector regional teams that must include at least:
- one intermediary
- three local educational agencies (LEAs)
- one public institution of higher education (IHE)
- one workforce development board, and at least
- two employers in the region representing industries aligned to labor market demand.
Regions are defined by the Texas Workforce Commission Workforce Development Areas (see LEAs may serve as fiscal agents for the grant.
Grant Period
- July 21, 2021, through August 31, 2022
- This is expected to be a one-time grant for the grant period listed above.
- A total of approximately $10,140,541 is available for this grant program.
- It is anticipated that approximately seven to 12 grants will be awarded ranging in amounts from $100,000 to $200,000 for Focus Area 1, and approximately seven to 12 grants will be awarded ranging in amounts from $822,000 to $925,000 for Focus Area 2.
Two Focus Area Options - go to links for details.
Application Deadline
Applications must be received by the Texas Education Agency by 11:59 p.m. (Central Time), April 13, 2021, to be considered for funding.
LINK to Perkins Reserve Grants Opportunity Page.
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® TEXAS Scholarships
Virtual Open House
Are you interested in going back to school,
but don't know where to start?
Come and Discover the
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® TEXAS Scholarship Program.
You are Cordially Invited to Join
T.E.A.C.H. Staff for a one-hour Virtual Open House
Tuesday, April 6, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 6:30 pm.
We will talk through the program and answer any questions you have about the program. Register below for the time that works best for you.
Register for Zoom
Info Sessions
Select the session that works best for you! T.E.A.C.H. staff will be LIVE to answer your questions!
Register HERE for Tuesday, April 6, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.
If you are into Drones, or would like to be, SMU can help!
In the next week, registration for the Drones in the Classroom Conference on May 22, 2021, will open. The virtual conference will have presentations on everything you need to know about using drones at school and in your classroom, including curriculum, competitions, training, hardware, software, and much more. Come join the Drones in the Classroom community by attending the virtual Drones in the Classroom Conference on May 22, 2021. For more information email
One of the Keynote speakers will be from the NASA Mars 2020 Mission. The Ingenuity Drone will be the first drone to fly on another planet. If you would like to learn how to incorporate drones in a fun and exciting way, you can attend the Mars (simulated) Landing this summer at H-E-B ISD for the Mars Rover Project funded by the Texas Workforce Commission. All teachers are welcome to the landing to learn more about how to run the simulation in your own classroom. The mission will be in the first week of June 2021. For more information please email
Kenneth Berry, Ed.D
Research Professor
Caruth Institute for Engineering Education—Lyle School of Engineering
Southern Methodist University
Are you looking to offer NCCER Student Certifications next year?
ESC Region 11 is an official NCCER Sponsor
Do you need CTE Posters?
Our ESC Region 11 Print Shop can help!
Posters depicting Career Clusters with non-traditional members
include the non-discrimination statement
Available print options:
Laminated poster 24" x 36" -- $17.00
Laminated poster 24" x 36" with grommets for hanging -- $19.00
Mounted on foam core -- $24.00
To order, request an estimate from Rick Espinoza.
FAA Aviation Safety STEM
Career Symposium
TWC to run a simulated Mars mission like Mars 2020 with high school students.
Caruth Institute for Engineering Education—Lyle School of Engineering Southern Methodist University
SMU has received funding from TWC to run a simulated Mars mission like Mars 2020 with high school students in H-E-B ISD this summer. They plan to open the teacher training up to any educators who are interested in possibly doing part or all of it in their classroom.
Mars 2020 has a lander, a rover (Perseverance), and a drone (Ingenuity). They will be working with 60 high school students this summer in 3 teams: Rocketry, Rover, and Drone teams. They will start training in May and the first week of June. The plan is to have the students learn about their topic, do preliminary designs, go through a design review with engineers from the community, complete their designs, test their designs, and then send their designs to Mars! Mars is a room remote to the classroom. The students will have to control their vehicles remotely to accomplish a number of tasks on Mars.
It should be a load of fun!
If interested, contact Kenneth Berry, Ed.D, Research Professor at
Coolest Projects Online 2021
WHAT: Online Technology Showcase for Young People
WHO: Any student up to the age of 18
DEADLINE: May 3, 2021
COST: Free
Coolest Projects online is the world's leading technology showcase for young people. If you enjoy making things with technology, Coolest Projects online is an amazing opportunity to get creative, have fun, and celebrate what you have made.
Your creation will be showcased in the Coolest Projects online gallery for people worldwide to see! Coolest Projects online is free, it is open to anyone up to the age of 18, and you can join in wherever you are in the world.
Coolest Projects is an initiative run by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and we welcome projects of all levels and stages. The project does not have to be finished!
It's easy to take part. Whether your project is in progress, a prototype, or completely finished, you can join in. Register your idea and then turn it into a reality and share it with the world!
ESC Region 11 CTE Website
ESC Region 11 Resources
Other Resources
- CTAT Resources
- Connect CTAT Online Forum
- Resource Google Doc by pathway
- Texas CTE powered by TEA
ESC Region 11 CTE
Career & Technical Education
Location: 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX 76108
Phone: (817) 740-7527
Twitter: @ESC11CTE