The Bear Necessities
September 5, 2023
All picture day order forms went home with students last week. Please make sure you locate them in preparation for Picture Day next week.
Important Dates
- Tuesday, September 5th: Hannum Open House: 6:30 P.M.
- Wednesday, September 6th: Late Start Wednesday 9:30 Start time
- Tuesday, September 12th: Fall Pictures
- Wednesday, September 13th: PTA Meeting @6:00pm.
- Friday, September 15th: 1st Day of Hispanic Heritage Month
2023 Hannum Open House
Hannum Visitor Information
Last year D123 began using the Visitor Aware program to immediately identify visitors, along with when they arrived, and where they are going
In order to ensure a smooth visit to the school, please use THIS LINK to complete the pre-registration for Visitor Aware.
Once pre-registered, you will be prompted to take a picture of yourself and answer the questions, including DL#. Once you do this they will be in the system. You will receive their QR code via text and email. This QR code is what you will use when checking into the school for a visit.
If you have any questions, please contact the front office.
Thank you to everyone who came out to the Back to School PTA Events. The Ice Cream Social, D123 Extravaganza, and Thunderbolts. Your support and friendly faces are amazing.
Our first PTA and Room Representative (Classroom Parties) Meeting is Wednesday September 15th at 6pm in the Multi-Purpose Room at Hannum. We would love to see you there :-)
If you are interested, please turn in your Classroom Party Volunteer forms ASAP.
Reminder that we have Hannum Blankets and Kindergarten Shirts for sale. Orders are due Sept 15th.
Oak Lawn Park District Information
6 K Race with World VIsion
If you are not following us on Twitter, we strongly encourage you to do so @d123hannum.
We use this social media platform to share our Hannum story.
Enjoy the rest of your day...the Hannum Bear Way!
Hannum Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hannum
Location: 9800 S Tripp Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @d123hannum
Ms. Doornbos - Principal
Email: mdoornbos@d123.org
Website: d123.org/hannum
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @meagan_doornbos
Upon their arrival, Bears should line up with their grade level peers in the locations listed below. Students will be escorted into the building by staff at 8:30 am. Students participating in the breakfast program will be permitted into the building at 8:10 am.
KDG & 1st: Arrive and Dismissed at Door 9
G2: Arrive & Dismissed at Door 2
G3: Arrive Door 2 & Dismissed at Main Entrance (Door 1)
G4 & G5 Arrive & Dismissed at Door 8
When school is dismissed at 3:20 pm, students are able to walk home or meet their parents/ caregivers outside of the school. Older children who walk younger siblings or neighbors should meet them in a prearranged location outside of the building and will be dismissed first in order to pick up their sibling or relative.
***This year 2nd grade students and 5th grade students end their day with Encore Classes and PE which go until 3:20.
Lunch will be ordered with your child's classroom teacher every morning. Students will be able to choose from 2 choices. Student can also bring a home lunch and only order a milk. Milk only is $0.65 and students can choose white or chocolate. You can add money to your child's meal account through Skyward. You may access the menus below.
KDG- 12:55
3RD: 11:25
4TH: 11:25
5TH: 11:55
Click the link below for a visual on how our lunch procedures work.
Here are some reminders for helping us get kids in and out of school safely.
- Pull up as far as you can go w hen you are letting students out of the car.
- Refrain from parking across the street and having kids run across to get either to the school or back to your car.
- Be patient as kids are getting out of the car.
- Refrain from blocking the entrance and exit of the school parking lots.
- Please do not park in the driveway of St. Germaine School. (You may pull into the spots in their parking lot, but do not park in the driveway. )