TMHS Wildcat Choir Dec 10-17
The next week at a glance:
Winter Concert
We are looking forward to our Winter Concert on Monday, December 12th at 7:00pm! Join us for some Holiday music to start your week!
The concert will begin at 7:00 and will include a short 10 minute intermission where we will reset the stage prior to Chorale singing selections from Handel's Messiah.
Booster Club Meeting
Our next booster club meeting will be on Tuesday, December 13th at 7pm in the choir room. If you are interested in being part of our booster club or helping out, please feel free to join us and see what they are all about!
Choir Class Representatives
Choir Class Representatives will be selected this week before leaving for Winter Break.
Chamber Gigs
Our Chamber group, The Major Chords have been busy this Holiday Season gigging around our community! All gigs are listed below for these students, and check out some awesome pictures from these events. Thank you to all of our Community members and families for having this group perform!
Northwest Bible Church Dinner 12/2
Hernandez Holiday Party 12/3
NCL Holiday Party 12/4
Village Creek Community Holiday Gathering 12/10
Willow Wood Junior High Concert 12/15
Gig in the Heights 12/16
Tomball VFW Cookies with Santa 12/17
Salameh Holiday Party 12/17
We will have a final concert of all of the Chamber Holiday music at 3:30pm on Saturday, December 17th. Families and friends are welcome to come and enjoy a final concert of the season, and to experience all of the music this group has been working on for the Holidays!
Handel's Messiah in the Community
The Concert Choir & Orchestra, along with special guest soloists, present Handel’s Messiah at Christ Presbyterian Church at 8 pm December 15, 16 & 17, 2022.
Free general admission tickets will be available at 7 pm each evening for that evening’s performance. Tickets are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, so arrive early!
This is not a required event for students, but it is a great opportunity to see one of the most famous musical works. It is a standard of the Holiday season, and Chorale will be performing some of the choruses on our Winter concert!
Solo and Ensemble
We have to submit names before Winter Break. If we submit your name and pay for your entry and you do not show up or become ineligible, you will need to reimburse the choir for the entry fee.
You do have to be eligible to sing in a solo or in an ensemble.
Section of the Week
Belles: Altos
Dudes: Tenors
Chorale: Basses
Bel Canto: 2nd Sopranos
Major Chords: Altos
2022-2023 Bell Schedule
TMHS Wildcat Choir
Location: 19100 Northpointe Ridge Lane, Tomball, TX, USA
Phone: 281-357-3230 1106
Twitter: @theTMHSchoir