PHS - Block Scheduling Update
January 25, 2024

Pennridge High School Community,
First and foremost, I would like to extend our high school administration’s gratitude for your continued flexibility and patience as we transition to block scheduling. On Monday, January 22, 2024 the Pennridge School Board of Directors approved Pennridge High School’s block schedule, total graduation requirements, and Scholars Diploma. As a reminder, block scheduling will offer students:
More time for College and Career Pathway experiences
More choices to enroll in classes
More time to deepen learning & fewer classes to concentrate on
More time for interventions, remediation, and enrichments
More opportunity for teachers to vary instructional models
More opportunity to build meaningful relationships between students and teachers
More opportunity for Dual Enrollment classes to possibly earn college credit
All high school parents are invited to attend an informational block scheduling presentation on:
Our PHS team will provide an overview of our block schedule and curriculum leaders will be available to discuss their specific content areas. Additionally, the following timeline will be followed for our students during the school day to assist in their course selection process:
Please use the following link to review our updated PHS Program of Studies. Our Program of Studies provides an overview of our block schedule, comprehensive descriptions of our diverse programming, and detailed course descriptions of our robust course offerings.
We recognize the tremendous amount of information to process for the upcoming school year. Your student’s current teachers, their school counselor, and House Principal are the best resources to answer any questions you may have. Ultimately, our goal is ensuring that everyone has as much information as possible to make the most informed decision about course selection for the 2024-2025 school year. To that end, please be on the lookout for:
Our upcoming NEWSLETTER specific to block scheduling.
New banner on our website linking everyone to Block Schedule Informational page.
We are in the process of uploading content to our webpage including all past and future block scheduling presentations. For your convenience, please utilize the following PHS Block Scheduling Question Form to submit any questions you may have. We will use this form to help guide our presentation and to create a FAQ based on your questions!
Thank you and have a great day.
Tim Keddie