The Branch
A Monthly Newsletter from RootEd
The End
Next year is a huge question mark. Districts are trying to put something together that will make everyone happy. Will it be a change in start date? Will it be small classes? Will it be a split home/school schedule? No one really knows. We do know that they are building programs that will be good. They are training hard to be ready for whatever may happen. They are adjusting.
With everything the pandemic brought the past few months, the schools did the best they could. Staff did everything possible to end the school years with a bang. They came out for parades, they put graduations on safely and they said their good-byes virtually. We could not have asked for more in this situation. Teachers cried, Parents cried, Students cried...bittersweet in their tears but aware of the love.
Register to Vote
The last day to register to vote for the July 14th Primary Runoff Election is June 15, 2020. Every election is important and public education is always on the ballot. Be sure you are ready to make your voice heard.
Art at a Distance
Ms. Pena-Martinez at Jackson Middle School in NEISD challenged her Art 1 students to complete this challenge for an assignment as part of their remote learning. The students took the challenge seriously, surprised her with their creativity, and the likenesses to the artworks they selected to recreate.
The art program at Jackson continued, despite the pandemic and probably despite how daunting it was to do art curriculum from a distance. Needless to say...we are impressed.
Light up the Night
The entire community of East Central ISD was asked to Light up the Night for their seniors. They grabbed lights and anything that would bring some East Central cheer to their homes! The community came together as they always do in a big way! This was a fabulous way to celebrate the seniors who may not be getting their normal fan-fair for graduation. This is a special district!
Communicating at a Distance
#RootEdBellaire #RootEdHarlandaleISD
KSAT Wins Mayor's SA Smart Challenge
Reading to her class
Ms. Kingery, a teacher at Royal Ridge Elem in NEISD wanted her students to feel her love. So she chose something that every young child needs and that’s to be read to.
Ms. Kingery said this, ”Teaching is a hard job. It’s the hardships that children bring in the classroom, the emotions that our children bring in every day from home, and the different things that they go through. No matter what, I love what I do."
Packing Up Good-Bye's
RootEd out in the Community
Rep Meeting
RootEd Rep Contact Info for 2020-2021
RootEd Rep Spotlight: Rosemary Longoria
"I am honored to be a part of Bellaire’s family and ro be part of the RootEd organization. I’m grateful to have been chosen for the RootEd Spotlight. Harlandale I.S.D. is amazing for allowing me to post about Bellaire’s happenings and it brings me great joy. I love the district, and I love Bellaire.
When I was asked to be a representative 2 years ago, I was excited to learn about what RootEd was. I was nervous about social media because I was unfamiliar with it, but I jumped right in because I wanted to promote the H.I.S.D. community and Bellaire Elementary. I also loved the fact that it was going to be something positive. I get to spread good news and the good news shows how awesome public schools really are. I love being a part of RootEd now and I also love being a cheerleader for our school.
Since the recent events have affected our way of how we do things, our school counselor, Mrs. Morrish was ready to help support me by using the RootEd hashtags along the way, and for this, I thank her. She’s amazing for all she does.
I have been a part of the Harlandale I.S.D. since I was a kid. My 5 brothers and 2 sisters are also from the district. All of us are graduates of McCollum, including my husband. My siblings and I are former students of Bellaire Elementary and Terrell Wells Middle School. My younger son is in 4th grade at Bellaire, and my oldest is in 8th grade at Terrell Wells, about to enter STEM High School, which is also in the Harlandale district. This is a great community where learning really does matter. Our teachers are more than just teachers, they become friends. This, I consider a real blessing. Our Principal, administrators, and faculty at Bellaire are focused on how our children succeed above and beyond.
I am also a parent volunteer at Bellaire and love helping my school. I consider it a privilege to serve on the Parent Advisory Committee for our school, and I also had the honor of becoming a facilitator along side our school counselor and our social worker for a program called Parenting Partners. Our district did a great job investing in our parents to go through the program. When you hear outcomes of what they put to use in their homes is heartwarming, and it is awesome to know that it is effective and worth the time and money the district put into their parents. Not only does the H.I.S.D. care for the kids, but they also care for us as parents and about family engagement.
Once again, I am honored to be a RootEd Representative for Bellaire, and glad to have taken on the role that helps represent not only my school, but this wonderful organization. It is amazing!"
About RootEd
Email: info@proudlyrooted.com
Website: www.proudlyrooted.com
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Phone: (210) 617-0824
Facebook: facebook.com/RootEdTexas
Twitter: @RootEdSA