The Raider Report
January 2024 Edition
From the Desk of Superintendent Hoeke
Welcome to 2024! With the new year comes many opportunities for us to reflect on our lives – our purpose – and the vision of what we want our futures to be. The ORR School District started out this new year doing just that. On January 2nd, a stakeholder group including teachers, administrators, students, school board members, and parents met to begin working on a school improvement plan. Part of that plan was to develop a school vision statement – a statement that would declare the purpose of the ORR School District. I am pleased to say that the stakeholder group developed a vision statement that embodies passion and purpose – a statement that is easy to remember and understand:
ORR School Vision: To build a school family that helps each member write their own success story.
So much thought and meaning is behind this short, impactful statement. Let’s break it down:
· To build a school family. . . It is imperative that we highlight the importance of creating a family environment. An environment that is filled with members who – while they may not always agree – will always support one another with loyalty, honesty, and understanding.
· That helps each member write their own success story. . . We will work to provide individual support for each ORR school family member, and we will empower each member to define and travel their road to a successful future.
I encourage everyone to remember this vision statement and commit to doing whatever is necessary to see this vision become a reality. Abraham Lincoln – a man who understood the difficulties in attaining lofty goals and a man who helped bind this country together asserted that, “the best way to predict your future is to create it.” He was spot on. We must remember that we are not defined by our circumstances. The events that happen outside of us are not meant to define us. WE are meant to define our circumstances. Power is not in the circumstance but in our state of mind and the passion, purpose, and perspective we embrace. I challenge each of you to redefine your narrative. Cultivate a mindset that empowers you to discover the strength within you.
New Staff Spotlight
Article by: Izzy Pickard
Ms Julie Hinker is the counselor here at the Rutland site. She lives in Brookings South Dakota, but she is originally from Bell Fourche South Dakota. Before coming the Student advisor here at Rutland she worked at St. Joseph Indian School in Chamberlain for almost 16 years, then after that, she worked at 3M for about 6 years. Her favorite part about ORR so far is enjoying meeting with the new students and staff, she’s still learning a lot of new faces so don’t be shy to introduce yourself. Ms Hinker comes from a big family consisting of her mom, 4 sisters, and one brother. She also has lots of nieces and nephews as well as great-nieces and great-nephews. Ms Hinker and her significant other, Dave, currently live in Brookings. She does not have any pets but if she could choose just one food to eat for the rest of her life it would be hamburgers. Depending on what toppings you can put on them, it makes the burger taste different every time! Her hobbies include reading, traveling, and spending time with her family and friends. If Ms Hinker could describe the ORR school in one word, she said ORR is very welcoming. Ms. Hinker's favorite thing to do is travel, she doesn’t have a favorite spot specifically to go, but anywhere with a beach or baseball stadium she loves! Ms Hinker loves music, but if she had to pick it would be either country or 80s music. The color that best fits Ms Hinker is blue because she’s loyal and idealistic. The best book she has read is Gone With the Wind because the author painted such a vivid picture of The South during the Civil War. If she had the choice to stay in or go out, she said it would depend on the day and the weather. She doesn’t think that pineapple belongs on pizza and her favorite things is sunrises. Please make sure to stop by her office and say hi, she’ll love that you are welcoming her to our school!
Basketball Update
Article by: Bella Malisch
The boys and girls basketball started the 2024 year off by playing on January second a doubleheader at Freeman Academy Marion High School. The varsity girls are off to a great start with a win 41 to 24. The junior varsity team also had a great game barely coming short right at the end. The boys' Junior Varsity with an even closer game coming short by only a few points. We appreciate the crowd that showed up to support both teams. On January 4th the Lady Raiders versed Colman-Egan at Rutland although the game didn’t go in their favor they learned a lot and became better prepared for the following week. The following night Friday the 5th the Boys Basketball also versed Colman-Egan with the final score being Colman 78 and ORR 43 but improving their shooting percentage. Saturday, January 6 was a packed day for ORR athletes to start the day off the junior high boys and girls had their DVC tournament boys went 3-1 only losing the fourth game by two points the girls split with a record of 2-2 also very close loses. Later that night the girl's varsity versed Canistota at Canistota the ending score being 40-59 the Lady Raiders had a great first half but came short in the third quarter. Tuesday the ninth a doubleheader in Ramona vs. James Valley Christian all teams played well but were defeated the girls varsity had a very close game up until the end. The boy's varsity team learned lots about the movement of the quart and what they needed to work on for the following week. Thursday the boys had a home game in Rutland against St.Mary High School. The junior high came out on top with a win and Jv had a good game but came short in the fourth quarter. The varsity team starting the game off great but having a hard time with St.Mary’s tough defense. On Tuesday, January 16 there was a doubleheader in Estelline the boys and girls JV both faced hard teams being so young. The girl's varsity with a very good game but lost by just a few with a few seconds left. The boys varsity did very well on defense but faced some very good shooters the final score was 55-82. On the following Friday a doubleheader in Castlewood, the boy's varsity final score was 36-82. The girls varsity with another very close game the final score being 44-54. To end the week of January 20th both varsity teams played in White for The Border Bash. The girls took on Aberdeen Christian and won with a score of 47-41. The boys played Canby in their makeup border bash game with the final score being 48-80.
The ORR athletics appreciates the support from the stands and the views on the live streams. The boy's teams have a home game to start the week in Rutland on Tuesday the 23rd and we hope to see you there.
High School Happenings
Article by: Lacie Weber
School resumed on January 3rd, 2024, all excited to see their friends and classmates. In high school, there was lots of talking between each other the first few weeks, as they all had many things to catch up on over Christmas break. A few students were changing schedules or swapping classes for the 2nd semester. The start of the new semester really focuses on preparing students for future endives, whether NWEA testing for all grades or starting to produce a plan for their future. NWEA testing shows the growth the students have from the beginning of the school year and helps teachers identify if they are meeting their target benchmarks for the school year.
The Seniors are working hard on their Senior Projects and applying for scholarships and college applications so they can attend college next year. Senior Julia Trygstad says it is always fun to get free money and applying for scholarships is the easiest way to do that. Applying for any type of scholarship is super important because it shows the kind of person you are and hopefully it will cut back on your student loans. Julia advice to others is to apply for scholarships; it is simple. Usually it requires a small essay, transcript, letter of recommendation(s), and a resume. Once you apply for one, most of the time you can use the same essay for each because they are all similar and this is what I recommend doing! The Juniors are preparing for the ACT test and planning next year's Senior Projects and how they will accomplish them in time.
The ORR One Act Play performed for both the Rutland and Ramona site on January 22. Throughout the performance, there was lots of laughter and giggles from the crowd, as the all students thought it was very entertaining. The One Act competes on January 23 within their region in Madison at the Playhouse. Best of luck Actors!
“Your school encourages you to do things that you are not capable of doing.”- Unknown. At the start second semester, Mother Nature decided to remind us that we live in South Dakota, with no school days, late starts, and early outs, but this upcoming week should be a nice week full of school days, so students can get back into the full routine of school.
Senior Spotlight: Julia Trygstad
Article by: Jordyn Reagle
Julia Trygstad is a 2024 senior at the Rutland site. She has 3 brothers that are all older than her. She has 1 sister in-law, and 2 cats. Julia has been very involved in extracurricular activities throughout all 4 years of highschool. Including volleyball, basketball, track, FFA, band and choir, cheer, student council, NHS, luther league, and publications. Some of her highlights so far of senior year include reaching her 1000 career points in basketball and being able to sleep in in the mornings. Julia wanted to be a teacher when she was in elementary. She is now going to attend SDSU for nursing. Her most creative excuse she used to get out of homework was “I'm too busy.” Julia’s most influential teacher was Mrs. Meyer because she was her first teacher that she ever had. Julia said “She was the best!” Her biggest role model is her Grandma Pat because of her strength and how strong she is in her faith. She also fights through all the obstacles that she faces. A quote that Julia lives by is Psalms 28:7 “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him and he helps me.” Looking back now a fad that Julia is embarrassed about is wearing headbands with every outfit! Someone she can not live without is her cats because “they are so snuggly and cute.” Someone Julia is always happy to see is Breckyn because “she is my best friend and I can tell her everything.” When asked what dreams she has for the world tomorrow Julia said, “I have a dream that one day all cancer will be cured.” When she looks back on later years, something she will remember is the gym, because sports is her passion. Julia’s advice for underclassmen is “If you put in the time and effort, it will pay off.” Something that she is going to miss about ORR is the small community and all the support at games. We thank Julia for her commitment to all activities and her dedication to everything she has done over the years. We are going to miss seeing Julia around the school!!
Elementary Events
Article by: Cooper Merager
The probable highlight of every elementary kids day is recess. Thanks to Mother Nature the kids have been inside for recess. This leaves some unhappy for they have to do inside activities. Depending on which indoor recess they have they can enjoy activities in the gym or activities in the classroom. The elementary has been busy recently. In the kindergarten room, the Seniors came and read to the kindergartners. The kindergarteners enjoyed this very much. Afterward, they all got to enjoy some hot chocolate. In the second-grade classroom, they have been learning about money. They have been learning how to count it and the different kinds. Students were able to buy items at a pretend store. They took turns being the cashier and running the cash register. These are the highlights of the elementary classrooms for this past month.
Senior Spotlight: Kailey Pearson
Article by: Jordyn Reagle
Kailey Pearson is a 2024 senior at the Ramona site. Her parents are Rachel and Austin. Kailey has 2 siblings, Noah and Rylan. Throughout her years in school Kailey has been active in volleyball, basketball, softball, track, football cheer, golf, student council, and yearbook. In elementary she always wanted to be a vet, her plans have changed as she will be attending Southeast Tech to become a Registered Nurse. So far a highlight of senior year was winter formal with her best friends. Someone she is always happy to see is Riedel because “She is funny and always makes me laugh.” Her biggest role model is her grandma because “she is so strong, and is always there for me when I need someone to talk to.” Something Kailey can not live without is her sister. She can't live without her sister because “She is my best friend.” One of her most creative excuses she used to get out of homework was “I didn’t know we had to do that.” Kailey’s most influential teacher is Mrs. Hildebrandt because she has helped her with online classes and any dual credits. A trend that Kailey is embarrassed about is wearing the PINK brand clothing almost everyday. Her dream for the world of tomorrow is to have a good time. Kailey’s advice for underclassmen is to be nice and make friends with everyone, and go to as many school events as you can. A quote she lives by is “Live everyday like it’s your last.” When she looks back on this school in later years something she will remember the most is her class and all the funny memories. Something Kailey is going to miss about ORR is “getting to see my friends and classmates every day.”
Order your 2023-2024 Rutland Site Yearbook here!
- January 25: BBB vs Elkton/Lake Benton @ Elkton, 4:00
- January 26: GBB vs Elkton/Lake Benton @ Elkton, 4:30
- January 29: DH BB vs Howard @ Ramona, 4:00
- January 30: GBB vs Dell Rapid's St. Mary @ Rutland, 6:00
- February 1: BBB vs Mitchell Christian @ Mitchell, 5:00
- February 2: Full Day of School
- February 5: NHS Blood Drive in Ramona
- February 5: JH BBB vs Chester @ Rutland, 6pm
- February 6: NCRC Testing in Ramona
- February 6: DH BB vs. Chester @ Ramona, 4:00
- February 8: NCRC Testing in Rutland
- February 8: BBB vs Canistota @ Canistota
- February 9: NO SCHOOL
- February 9: GBB vs DeSmet @ Rutland, 5pm