Gaylord High School Newsletter
May 2023
Early College Opportunities
On April 19, the SD 125 class travelled to NCMC's main campus in Petoskey to complete a tour and meet with their advisor Cassidy Leirstein. This tour helps the students to acclimate with the new experience of being in the Early College program through Gaylord High School. Students were able to see first-hand the facilities and talk to a few of the instructors. Included in the tour were Mechatronics, the library, Student and Community Resource Center (SRCR), and the Health Services building where students saw the high-fidelity simulation mannequins.
There are many helpful resources that the students can take advantage of as an NCMC student such as tutoring and mental health services. Students were given information about the new sports teams and the dorms since their fifth year of the program will be on campus.
It was a big day; they also posed for their student identification card and they were able to sample the delicious fare provided by the Iron Horse Café.
Just before departure, the tour stopped at the Borra Learning Center Student Commons to speak with student club organizers about possible ways to get more involved in college. There were many clubs represented such as the honor societies, chess club, student housing club, and the entrepreneur club. The tour also stopped at the Gaylord campus to see the building and classroom there.
Senior Yearbook Ads
Parents and Seniors,
GHS would like to offer you a great opportunity to buy a personal ad for the 2022/2023 yearbook. Along with the picture(s), you may include quotes and/or congratulatory messages to your senior(s). Not only will your ad help finance the yearbook itself, but it will also give you or your family, the chance to show your senior(s) how proud you are of their success, and how much they have grown. This can be a baby picture, group picture, or another senior picture. If you have questions email Hannah Romel at the address below.
- You can order your senior ad online at www.yearbookforever.com
- You can also order yearbooks and have them shipped to you at www.yearbookforever.com
- You can order via the attached form if you don’t want to order online FORM
Email: GHSYearbook@gaylord.k12.mi.us
2 block horizontal ( 2 business cards): $50 (6 “ X 1.7”)
2 block vertical (2 business cards) : $50 (3” X #.75”)
1 block ( 1 business card) : $30 (1.5” X 2.75”)
Thank you!
-GHS yearbook staff
MiCareer Quest
Seventy-five GHS students participated in the MiCareer Quest Northeast at the Ellison Place on May 4, 2023. This event was a hands-on career readiness event for high school students created to inspired and direct young people to viable career in high-demand occupations and to address the need for future talent. Students explored careers in Advanced Manufacturing, Construction, Healthcare and Technology.
The Gaylord Blue Devil Wellness Center is offering physical appointments now. Any physical done after April 15th is good for the upcoming year- so beat the rush and get your appointment today! Appointments are required for physicals so please call (989) 732-6890 to schedule. The GBDWC is conveniently located in the Gaylord High School and is open year round. School year hours are Monday through Thursday 7:30-4 and Fridays 7:30-noon. Summer hours are Monday through Thursday 7-5:30. We accept all types of insurance, including Medicaid, with no out-of-pocket cost for our services. If you do not have insurance, you can still be seen at no cost and we have insurance counselors who can help you obtain insurance if needed.
Click PHYSICAL to link MHSAA form. Cardstock copies are available in Gaylord High School office should you not have access to printer.
Family Nurse Practitioner
Gaylord Blue Devil Wellness Center
90 Livingston Blvd, Gaylord, MI 49735
Office: (989) 732-6891 | Fax: (989) 705-1037
Summer Feeding Program
Upcoming Events
GHS AP Testing Begins: May 1st-May 11th, during school hours/tests pre-arranged/topic specific
GHS Junior-Senior Prom May 6th, 8:00-11:00 PM Ellison Place/tickets $20 per person
GHS Charity Week: May 15th-May 19th, Gaylord High School will be honoring Otsego County Child Welfare Alliance this year. More information will follow.
GHS Band Spring Concert: May 17th, 7:00 PM Gaylord High School Gornick Auditorium
GHS Choir Spring Concert: May 22nd, 7:00 PM Gaylord High School Gornick Auditorium
Senior Exams: May 24 & 25
Senior Last Day: May 26
An outline of the day is below:
Light Breakfast 7:50-8:10
Graduation Practice 8:10-9:30
Class Pictures 9:45
Senior Speeches 10:00
Senior Walk 10:55
Senior Cookout 11:15
Parents of seniors are invited to the Senior Speeches and the senior walk. The doors to the commons and the auditorium will open at 9:45.
No School: May 30th Memorial Day
Honors Convocation and Senior Awards: May 31st 7:00 PM @ Evangelical-Free Church, 1649 E, M-32, Gaylord, MI 49735
Graduation: June 2nd, Gaylord Community Field, 7:00 PM (weather permitting)
Exam Dates: June 7, 8, & 9th
9th-11th Grade Last Day: June 9th Half Day GHS dismissal time: 11:47 a.m.
On behalf of the Michigan High School Coaches Association, it is our pleasure to congratulate Alexis Kozlowski as the 2022-23 Class A Female winner for the MHSCA Rich Tompkins Multi-Sport Award. This is an extraordinary accolade reflecting her high school academic and athletic achievements.