October 2023
Monthly Parent Newsletter

Parent/guardian involvement is essential to student success!
Cicero District 99 continues its efforts to engage parents and students in learning at home.
Through the Strategic Planning process, community feedback indicated that parents want support and resources to use at home with their children.
The purpose of this newsletter is to provide resources you can use at home to support students in extending their learning. Each month, the topics will align with classroom instruction.
Working together, we can improve outcomes for our students.
Math Resources
The links below are resources you can use with your students at home to support math instruction this month.
Kindergarten: Understand 1 More
First Grade: Add and Subtract in Word Problems
First Grade: Suma y resta en problemas verbales
Second Grade: Solve Two-Step Word Problems
Second Grade: Resuelve problemas verbales de dos pasos
Third Grade: Understand the Meaning of Multiplication
Third Grade: Comprende Significado de la multiplicación
Fourth Grade: Multiplication and Division in Word Problems
Fourth Grade: Multiplicación y división en problemas verbales
Fifth Grade: Read and Write Decimals
Fifth Grade: Lee y escribe decimales
Sixth Grade: Add, Subtract, and Multiply Multi-Digit Decimals
Sixth Grade: Suma, resta y multiplica decimales de varios digitos
Seventh Grade: Understand Addition with Negative Integers
Seventh Grade: Comprende Suma con enteeros negativos
Literacy Resources
First Grade - Students will be finishing up a unit and beginning the next during this month.
Unit 3 - Different Lands, Similar Stories
Unit 3 - Tierras diferentes, cuentos similares
Second Grade - Students will be finishing up a unit and beginning the next during this month.
Unit 2 - Early Asian Civilizations
Unit 2 - Antiguas civilizaciones de Asia
Unit 3 - The Ancient Greek Civilization
Unit 3 - La civilización griega antigua
Third Grade - Students will be finishing up a unit and beginning the next during this month.
Unit 2 - Animal Classification
Unit 2 - La clasificación de los animales
Unit 3 - The Human Body: Systems and Senses
Unit 3 - El cuerpo humano: sistemas y sentidos
Fourth Grade - Students will be finishing up a unit and beginning the next during this month.
Unit 2 - Empires in the Middle Ages, Part 1
Unit 2 - Los imperios en la Edad Media, parte 1
Unit 2 - Empires in the Middle Ages, Part 2
Unit 2 - Los imperios en la Edad Media, parte 2
Fifth Grade - Students will be finishing up a unit and beginning the next during this month.
Unit 2 - Early American Civilizations
Unit 2 - Las primeras civilizaciones americanas
Sixth Grade
6B: Mysteries & Investigations
6B: Misterios e investigaciones
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
How can you help your child develop oral language?
Oral language development is important for all students, but even more so for our multilingual learners.
To help your child develop their oral language, it is important to engage in a variety of stimulating conversations and practices on a regular basis. This resource provides you with ideas of activities you can do with your child to help foster a practice of oral language in English and Spanish. In addition, we have provided a list of questions you can use to guide meaningful and language-rich conversations with your child.
Social/Emotional Wellbeing
In Cicero District 99, we believe every student deserves a safe space for learning and self-expression. In October, we recognize National Bullying Prevention Month to highlight the importance of fostering a community of inclusion, safety and respect.
Bullying isn’t a childhood rite of passage; it has real implications for a child’s education, health and safety today and into the future. Bullying can leave devastating and often long-term effects, such as a loss of self-esteem, increased anxiety and depression for all involved. When one out of every five students report being bullied each year, we aim to work together towards change.
This month is a time to unite nationally to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. We invite you to join us in raising awareness in our schools and community as we work toward our shared goal of inclusion, support and respect for all.
Cicero District 99 has partnered with Care Solace to support the wellbeing of students, staff and their family members. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help you quickly find mental health or substance use treatment options matched to your needs, regardless of circumstance. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
● Call (888) 515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365.
● Visit www.caresolace.com/cicd99 and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email or phone.
Together, we can make a change and create healthy and safe learning environments for all students to thrive!
Unity Day: Wednesday, Oct. 18
Cicero District 99 will join together during the month of October to participate in various activities to promote safety, drug awareness and anti-bullying. All students and staff are encouraged to wear an orange or white on this day. Click here to learn more about Unity Day in a letter from our superintendent, Dr. Aldo Calderin.
Cicero District 99
Website: www.cicd99.edu
Location: 5110 W 24th St, Cicero, IL, USA
Phone: (708) 863-4856
Facebook: facebook.com/CiceroDistrict99
Twitter: @D99Cicero