SMCHS News Update
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
"I want you to be concerned about your next-door neighbor. Do you know your next-door neighbor?" Saint Teresa of Calcutta
New SMCHS News Format
Upcoming Events
For a complete calendar listing, view our Google calendar online:
January 8
Booster Club Meeting
January 10
Chapel Mass @ 7:15am
Friday Adoration
Spirit Stop Open 7:30am-8:15am
January 10-11
VEX Robotic Championship @ SMCS
January 13
Freshman Crunch Time Finals Review
January 15-17
Final Exams
January 17
Early Dismissal---End of First Semester
January 18
Forensics Meet @ Oshkosh North
Clash of the Choirs
January 20
No School--Staff Development
Final Exam Information
Final exams are Wednesday January 15 to Friday, January 17. For more information, student expectations, and the final exam schedule, please click here.
2020-21 Registration is Open!
Registration is open for next year! Register today and learn about our priority registration incentives. Call or email Kelly Beisenstein-Weiss at (920) 722-7796 with questions. When registering, be sure to update your contact and emergency contact information. All communication and mailings are derived from the information in this database.
Chapel Adoration
Our next monthly adoration is on Friday, January 10 in the high school chapel from 8:00am to 3:00pm, beginning with a mass at 7:15am. All are welcome! Each month, we pray for a special intention. Future intentions are as follows:
January 10—Fr. Bob Kollath, Pastor, St. Gabriel Parish
February 7—Fr. Paul Paider, Pastor, St. Mary and St. John Parishes
March 6—Alumnus Fr. John Christmann SSS, SMCHS Class of 1993
April 3—SMCHS Alumni who are missionaries
May 8—Class of 2020 Seniors
Winter Sports Pictures
The 2019-20 Zephyrs Winter Sports Pictures are available for purchase! To order, please use the following steps:
1. Go to
2. On the Home Page click on Online Viewing
3. Click on Sports/Dance/Schools
4. You will then find SMCHS Winter Sports 2019-20. Click on this.
5. The Access Code is: SMCHSwinter19
6. Use the team names on the left-hand side to view your team and individual sports photos.
7. After choosing an image you can click "Buy" and choose your package or product.
Winter Sports!
Winter sports are underway! Please consult the Big East scheduling site for game dates, times and locations. Go Zephyrs!
Volunteers Still Needed for VEX Robotics Tournament
SMC is host a VEX Robotics High School Tournament this weekend. There are still many volunteer spots to be filled for this big event! The spots are not limited to VEX families, but to all sports and activity families who need to fulfill volunteer hours. If you have never witnessed a robotics tournament before, it is simply amazing! Here is the link to sign up:
Volunteer Opportunity
Consider sharing your talents at Tim Tiebow's a Night to Shine, a prom for individuals with disabilities. You will be matched with a King/Queen for the night and will help treat them to a night they will never forget! Students who are not yet 14 can volunteer with a parent. Use this link to sign up. Contacat Tara Gagne at with questions.
Join Students for Faustina Friday
Where: High School Chapel
When: 2:50pm every Friday when school is in session
What: Readings from St. Faustina’s Diary and recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet
College/Military Visits UPDATED
January 21 - U.S. Army
February 18 - U.S. Army
February 19 - University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Healthcare Summer Camps
Bellin College is accepting applications for their summer Nursing and Medical Imaging camps. Sophomores and juniors may apply and find more information here. Space is limited so apply early!
Music Scholarships
The Les and Dar Stumpf Youth Arts Scholarship provides up to $500 per child per year to families with a demonstrated financial need. this scholarship gives children (grades K-12) the opportunity to be enriched by an arts experience. Click here for details. Applications are due April 1.
Medical Mentoring
Medical Mentoring provides students with opportunities to job shadow medical professionals during the summer after their junior year of high school. Applications open in February and will be discussed during 9th hour for any interested students. Participants must attend a Career Experience Event (CEE) before May. Click here for a list of CEE dates and locations.
Pharmacy Summer Program
The UW-Madison School of Pharmacy is offering a five-day residential program, July 20-24, for students who have completed their sophomore or junior year of high school. Priority will be given to applicants who are historically underrepresented in the health professions, including students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds, students of color, first generation students, and students from rural backgrounds. Students who receive free/reduced lunch are HIGHLY encouraged to apply. Applications will be accepted through February 2nd. For more information visit: The only potential costs include transportation to and from the UW‒Madison campus and the purchase of required business casual attire.
Aviation and Aerodynamics for Private Pilots
Students, ages 16 and older, who are interested in learning to fly for recreation or as a career can attend "Aviation and Aerodynamics for Private Pilots". CAVU's Flight School training program is designed to help you understand the aerodynamic principles and physics of powered flight as well as to evaluate the exciting field of aviation as a career or hobby. Upon completion of the 10-week course, you will receive an endorsement to take the FAA Private Pilot KnowledgeTest. Classes will be held 6-9pm on Wednesdays, Jan 28-April 8, in Appleton or Mondays, Jan 27-Apr 6, in Green Bay. Course fee is $375 and you may register here. Please direct any questions to Dr. Williams, flight instructor and owner of CAVU Flight Academy, at (920) 850-0263 or
St. Mary Catholic High School
Location: 1050 Zephyr Drive, Neenah, WI, USA
Phone: 920-722-7796