Parent Empowerment and Community Engagement Vol 1
Here it is. YOUR newsletter
Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos! Chào mừng! Добро пожаловать! 欢迎!
The first edition of the PEACE newsletter.
The PEACE committee is so excited to put this newsletter together for you. We are committed to providing this space for news and information meaningful and useful to you. Our goal is that YOU, our D49 families, will provide input and direct this space. Your involvement and feedback is crucial. We want you here, engaged with us. Tell us what you want. Send us your concerns and ideas.
We value you and respect you. You are our family! We want to increase your engagement with your school and community across the district.
Questions? Wants? Needs? Feedback? Enter below in your preferred language and someone will respond.
Mission Statement
Important Dates to remember
March 12th Professional Development day for teachers. NO STUDENTS
March 14th. Daylight savings time. Move clocks forward 1 hour
March 15th thru March 26th. No School. Spring BreakMarch 17th Saint Patricks Day*
March 29th Students return to school(in-person and e-learning)
April 1st April Fools Day**
May 7.......Elementary Assessment Day
May 9.......Mother's Day
May 14... Professional Development, No Students
May 26....Last Day for Preschool
May 27 & 28 .. High School Finals Schedule
May 28....End of Qtr. 4
May 28.....Elementary & Middle School Early Release
May 29.... High School Graduation Ceremonies
May 31.... District Closed for Memorial Day
*St. Patrick's Day (Irish holiday) traditions are celebrated in the United States. Every March 17th, the U.S. becomes a green country for a day. Americans wear green clothes and schools may add green food coloring to lunches for fun! Some believe if you are not wearing any green, you can get a “pinch.” Traditional foods and symbols include four-leaf clovers, leprechauns, parades, and corned-beef and cabbage is often served.
April Fools’ Day, also called All Fools’ Day and is on April 1st. It received its name from the custom of playing practical jokes on this day—for example, telling friends that their shoelaces are untied or sending them on so-called fools’ errands. “APRIL FOOLS” is shouted out by the person doing the trick, joke, or prank.
Adult ESL
These are the updated links for orientations:
ESL – Students can register HERE.
And in the case anyone is interested, they can register for (high school equivalency) HSE here.
People can also find updated information in our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ppldesl
And since we are still working from home, students can reach out to us by filling out this form: https://ppld.org/adult-education/contact, and we will call them back.
A word from our Parent Liason- Diana Ramirez
Dear Family,
I'm here for you. I love that we now have this space to share ideas, concerns, and needs. It is also a space to celebrate each triumph- small or big. As a family, I invite you to an open, honest, and sincere conversation where you and I will work together. Please tell me what you feel, tell me what you think. Let's have a coffee or tea. We are building the foundation for our children to achieve their dreams. Let's talk! Call me and tell me what you need and how I can help you. My number is (719) 491-0327. Let's start now!
email: dramirez@d49.org
Office hours: M-F 7:30-3:30Phone number: 719-491-0327
Woodmen Hills Elementary School. Reading and making muffins together. At home literacy project. "If You Give a Moose a Muffin"
Skyview Middle School students. Sharing about themselves.
All About Me
Sand Creek High School Students of the Month
Mustafa Flayyih
Ms. Kwon
Maylin Castanada
Maylin took a little time to find her wings in high school, but once she did - she soared! Maylin is an exemplary student! Maylin goes above and beyond to complete her work on time and to communicate with her teachers. She is not afraid to try new things, and she is a great role model for other students. She is always willing to help another student, and she has a kind and positive attitude. For these reasons, and so many more, Maylin was selected as the CLDE Student-of-the-Month for SCHS - January. 2021."
- Ms. Kwon
Celebrating Successes Beyond High School
Ulises Hernandez Nevarez with his mom Nancy Nevarez and his dad Abigael Hernandez
Ulises Hernandez Nevarez with his mom Nancy Hernandez
Emmanuel Lozano Padilla and his mom Irma Padilla
Latino students in D49 taking college classes
We would like to congratulate Ulises Hernandez and Emmanuel Lozano Padilla on their decision to begin their path to a college education with the support of D49 programs. These two students are taking advantage of the Concurrent Enrollment program available to them through the district. Ulises and Emmanuel are taking college classes at Pikes Peak Community College while completing their high school education. This program offers them college credit paid for by the district. This represents a financial and time advantage in achieving a college degree. They have demonstrated that they have the perseverance, persistence and determination to do what they want to do. Their hard work, sacrifice and dedication is a tribute to their families, friends and the entire Latino community.
Congratulations to Ulises and Emmanuel on their well-deserved success.
Meet the PEACE CLDE Team
Grant Geis
Karla Palacios
719-495-1149 ext. 4298
Diana Ramirez
Community Liaison
Office hours. M-F 7:30-3:30
Ines Stabler
719-495-1149 ext. 3225
Linda Hagedorn
Leslie Allen
Recipe Corner
Filled Peppers by The Chavez Family (Springs Ranch, Horizon, and Sand Creek High)
-Pablano Peppers
Canola Oil
Part Skim Milk Cheese (round)
1. Roast the peppers over medium heat
2. Once roasted, put the peppers in a ziplock bag
3. Wait 30 minutes, remove peppers and peel the skin
4. With a knife, cut a small opening in the pepper (enough to get a spoon in) and remove the seeds
5. Cut part skim milk cheese into rectangular squares small enough to fit two squares in one pepper. Should be sliced thin
6. Close the pepper with a toothpick move the toothpick in and out to close it
7. Cover the peppers with flour
8.In a bowl, only add egg yolks (save the egg whites) and mix until you get a spongy texture. Add egg whites and whisk.
9. Heat a generous amount of oil over medium heat
10. Dip the peppers into the egg mixture and fully cover.
11. Slowly add peppers to the oil and cook on both sides until a golden hue/color
12. Remove peppers with tongs and drain on paper towels to remove excess oil. Dab the peppers lightly with a paper towel.
13. Serve with your choice of rice and lettuce on the side! ENJOY!!