Linn Lion's Roar
November 2023
- November 7:
Picture Retakes
8am - November 9:
Parent Teacher Conferences
5:00-6:00pm - November 10:
Parent Teacher Conferences
8:00am - 12:00pm - November 16:
4th and 5th Grade Music Program
6:30pm - November 21:
Early Dismissal
1:15pm - November 22-24:
Thanksgiving Break - November 28:
Site Council Meeting
7:30am - November 30:
PTO Meeting
Kinder News
The students are learning so much already. We have finished up shapes in math. We are continuing to work on numbers to 10 in all configurations as well as length, weight, and capacity. In phonics, we are working on hearing the beginning sounds of words and the alphabet. Knowing the sounds of letters allows us to decode and read words. Please continue to practice the alphabet at home. In reading we are talking about how things have changed over time.
Now that the weather is turning colder, please make sure that your student comes to school with a jacket/coat. Keep in mind that we go to recess in the morning when determining which they might need.
First Grade News
Hello First Grade families,
October was a busy month. We went to the Pumpkin Patch and had our school haunted house. Thank you for all your support and candy donations!
This month we will be completing our social studies units on Respect and Responsibilities. Then beginning map reading skills and what we can do to take care of our community. We are seeing growth in our reading and math skills. Please keep reading at home! We want to be better readers!
Lastly, be on the look out for conferences. They will be held November 9 and 10.
Thank you and have a Happy Fall Season!
First Grade Teachers,
Mrs. Adame
Ms. Rascon
Ms. Hernandez
Second Grade News
In Reading, We will continue learning how to decode words, read contractions, plurals, and words with the r-controlled vowel teams er, ir, and ur.
We have two new stories this month “Money Matters” and “I Wanna Iguana”. During this Module, students will be able to explain how people make choices based on needs, wants, and available resources.
In Math, we will be learning how the addition and subtraction algorithm relates to place value and how to use mental math strategies to add and subtract two and three-digit numbers with or without bundling or unbundling a ten.
Please read every night with your child and practice math facts for fluency!
Third Grade News
Greetings 3rd Grade Families & Friends,
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your student’s day! We are very thankful to work with every one of you to share progress with your student’s academic, social, and emotional goals! We look forward to sharing during conferences that are coming up soon. If you are scheduled for a conference, please return the pink sheet so we can confirm your conference time for Thursday, November 9th, or Friday, November 10th.
Since we have started Quarter 2, the expectations for students to become more responsible have increased. By now, your student should have their homework routine established and they should be automatically telling you about their day. No Excuses!
Remember to please assist your student! Be willing to listen to them read nightly, ask them to skip count for you, and randomly give out addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems for them to solve. Keep their brains going!!
We hope you enjoy spending time with family and friends over Thanksgiving Break. We are here to support your student and you! Please let us know when you have questions, comments, or concerns. Continue to contact us on Talking Points.
Thank you for being part of our 3rd Grade Family!
The 3rd Grade Team
Ms. Hernandez
Mrs. Salmans
Mrs. Laskowsky
Fourth Grade News
Hello families, It has been a great first Quarter!
In ELA we are starting our new Unit focused on narratives. Students are able to bring in their imagination to help them create stories! The students are enjoying this unit.
In Math, we are focusing on division and double-digit multiplication. We encourage you to keep practicing math facts at home with flashcards or skip counting. This skill is very important.
In Science, we got to learn about animal sense receptors and the students really enjoyed acting like meerkats to further learn how senses help an animal survive.
As always we ask that you have your student read every night to keep up on those reading skills.
Thank you for all your support and of course, please reach out if you have any questions!
-4th Grade Team
Fifth Grade News
Our School year has been off to a great start!
In ELA we have read two interesting books, one about spadefoot toads and the other about a survival competition on a remote island. Our students have really enjoyed these books.
In Math we have been reviewing place value and number sense. As well as learning how to multiply and divide decimals. We will be sending unfinished math work home for students to work on, this is to help them improve their basic math skills and mental.
We got a new Science curriculum this year and the students are loving it. We have been learning about the environment, ecosystems, and cycle matter.
We will be starting our new Social Studies curriculum in the first week of October.
5th grade is hoping to go on our first field trip in October, more information to come. Parents/guardians, please make sure your student is reading 20 minutes every day at home as well as working on their multiplication facts. This is very important!
Happy Fall!
Mrs. Garcia
Mrs. Harlan
Music News
Kinder is working on movement, fast and slow tempos and high and low sounds.
1st grade is working on high/low, call and response songs and keeping a steady beat.
3rd grade is working on melodies and reading sol, mi, re and do on the staff.
5th grade is working on the program for November 16th.
Counselor's Corner
As it is beginning to cool off, please remember that if you need help with a winter coat because of need, shoes, or glasses, we have resources to see if you qualify for that help. We love your students and can look for sources.
Counselors will be working on finishing up the bullying unit, then reviewing what teachers have done with emotions and how to handle them, finally, we will be working with the important life skill of gratitude. Please let us know if your student is having any issues. We are working hard to keep students in school at school every day. Students do better in school and learn more when their attendance is consistent.
This time of year, we want to remind you to send your students in layers, cooler clothes for if they get hot running in PE, and a jacket if they go outside and the weather (Kansas weather goes hot or cold sometimes on the same day) changes unexpectedly. I have last year's unclaimed jackets they can take in a pinch. They will need to keep those so as not to spread illnesses.
In regards to illness, students have been passing low-grade fevers, sore throats, and hacking coughs. In order to keep everyone well, please be aware of when you need to keep them home. If you are worried about truancy, you can bring them to school without fever or vomiting in the last 24 hours: but if they were sent home, please let them fully recover as it will help them miss fewer days in the end.