Dust Devil Weekly
Sunday, August 13
The beginning of a new school year was always an exciting time for me. I loved meeting my new teachers, making new friends, and learning new, exciting things. We hope you are as excited as we are to begin the 2023-24 adventure together!
As we prepare for the first day of school, which begins Wednesday August 16 at 8 am, I wanted to share some important reminders and dates to help make the start of this year as smooth as a start of a school year can be. So, read on in this first edition of the Dust Devil Weekly and welcome back!
Around Alpine Union...
Click on the link below to watch our first Around Alpine Union video of the 2023-2024 school year!
Dust Devil Day
Chromebook Information
First Day of School
Back to School Night
Immunization Info for 2023-2024 7th Graders
This is a reminder that all incoming 7th grade students need documentation of their Tdap booster and/or Varicella immunization in order for them to be able to start 7th grade in the fall. We strongly encourage you to make your appointments now so that you have plenty of time for the appointment and to deliver the documentation to school before the start of the 2023-2024 school year.
Please deliver the documentation of your student’s updated immunizations to Mrs. Kaster by email at mkaster@alpineschools.net. You can also drop the documentation off at the JMMS front office. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
JMMS Spirit Wear
JMMS is excited to offer Spirit wear for our Dust Devils! You can find offers and options here:
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday 8/16: First Day of School
Thursday 8/17: Back to School Night 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Wednesday 8/23: Late Start Morning 8:30 am