Hawk Highlights
Ensuring All Students and Educators Learn and Grow Everyday
Did You Know?
Stop the Bleed: It's CTSO competition time! Our students need your help to complete a HOSA competition requirement. In the morning of January 26th (turnaround day), Mrs. Wirt's and Mrs. Immediato's students are conducting a "Stop the Bleed" training with the staff. This training is slated for about an hour. Although it’s strictly voluntary, this is a great way to learn and grow and a great way to show our students we support them in their HOSA and SkillsUSA competitions. Maybe one day you will even use your new skills to save a life! The training will involve a PowerPoint presentation and application of a tourniquet. Check out the video created by our students for a brief overview of the training at https://youtu.be/uTw4q7WloUI. Although this is on a turnaround day, your support for our CTSO efforts will be much appreciated by our students that are excited and their CTE instructors who are working hard to prepare them to meet success.
Please sign up for the training at https://goo.gl/forms/ODbkTBO3Uk6JlEjt2. The training is offered at 8 am or 9 am. You have your choice. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Immediato or Mrs. Wirt.
1:1 Initiative Update From MaryAn Scarbrough: "Members of the district met with Dr. Gehrt on January 16, 2018 to discuss the 1:1 initiative that will be implemented during school year 2018-19. The meeting notes are in the link directly below. Future meeting notes and further developments will be communicated. The next meeting is scheduled for March 5, 2018. The document is view only and staff will need to use their NCCVT Google accounts. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qnvL43iAgGYiNAGpRcq0fTcGF_sNZYu"
Staff Absent Procedures: District policy requires that you submit your excusal to Lindsay when you return to school if you are absent the day before or the day after a holiday. This is a professional responsibility. Submitting your documentation the day you return will prevent the business office from docking your pay. You also have to submit documentation if you are absent on a professional development day. See your direct supervisor if you have any questions.
Wellness Center: The Wellness Center grand opening is Monday, January 22nd! The Wellness Center staff are moving things in and setting up, but they would welcome pop-ins from staff members. Please stop in and introduce yourself. A small ceremony has been scheduled for February 9, 2017 to show our appreciation for the legislatures that assisted us in getting a Wellness Center.
Inquiry-based teaching requires teachers to shift from the role of “teller” and “owner of the knowledge” to the role of “facilitator,” where students construct (and therefore “own”) the knowledge. There are other important aspects to inquiry-based teaching, but in my experience working with teachers, it is this shift from “teller” to “facilitator” that is probably the most important—and most challenging— for teachers to make when moving toward teaching through inquiry. -Dr. Amy Ricketts
Since we have different levels of experience regarding the inquiry development model, search the resource and video links below to discover a strategy that is right for you.
Want to build a culture for inquiry? Read this article!
Interested in simple questions that can activate metacognitive thinking? Check out this short, simple infographic
Want students to reflect? Try these metacognitive questions!
Curious about the inquiry pedagogy? Watch a portion of this video. (2:23-4:29)
Learn more about the levels of inquiry here. (4:29-6:40)
Here is an ELA example of student centered discussion. (7 min)
Consider Western Washington University’s Science Education faculty’s perspective. (4:20 min)
Patrick Lombardozzi, Social Studies Teacher Leader
- Wellness Center Opening Day
Tuesday, January 23rd:
- ACE Academic Meeting (7:35 a.m.)
Wednesday, January 24th:
- Consumer Services Cluster ACE (7:35 a.m.)
- Construction Cluster Meeting (7:35 a.m.)
- Exams PDs 1, 2, 5, 6
Thursday, January 25th:
- ACE Academic Meeting (7:35 a.m.)
- Exams PDs 3,4,7,8
- MP 2 Ends
Friday, January 26th:
- PD- Turn Around Day