Highlander times
Somerville High School September 27, 2023

Hello. Welcome to the second edition of the Highlander Times. You can access past editions on our website
We enjoyed meeting parents, guardians, and family members at our Back to School Night. Some themes from the evening: continuing our focus on “High Expectations and High Support” by increasing rigor and student-centered learning in the classroom, emphasizing student responsibility and increased opportunity for leadership, and continuing to provide a wide range of support for students. We also encouraged close communication between families and the school. Please reach out to your student’s assigned community with any questions or concerns, and, of course, to report a student absence.
If you weren’t able to make it, you’ll have a chance to meet teachers at our first Parent/Guardian conference night November 30.
Somerville High School administers the PSAT, a "practice SAT" exam at no cost during the school day for all 11th grade students and for 10th grade students who sign up. This gives students a chance to see how they might do on the SAT, which is often part of the college application process. 10th grade students wishing to take the PSAT may sign up here until Friday, September 29 at 3:00 pm (note extended deadline). See emails from Ms. Kessler for more details, and for your assigned testing time.
Our Club Fair took place September 18-23 during lunches (see pictures below). It’s not too late for students to sign up for clubs. Check out all our club offerings at 2023-24 club booklet
If you still want to order print photos from Picture Day, you can return a paper order form to our main office, or , go to my.lifetouch.com and enter code EVTTKH7HQ. Retakes will be on November 13.
Monitoring your students progress in Aspen: Student Progress Reports will be posted in Aspen October 5. We do not mail Progress Reports home. Please click on one of the slide shows below to see instructions on how to access progress reports and report cards in Aspen. These slide shows also explain how to monitor grades and attendance, and how to set up automatic email notifications if your student misses a class, gets a low grade, or has a conduct issue. If you need help accessing Aspen, or you would like a copy of a progress report or report card to be mailed or emailed, please contact your community
Road Closure: As you may have seen from previous emails from the district and city, starting sometime this week Highland Ave will be closed Eastbound from about 8am-5pm. Please plan your drop off and pick up route accordingly. Details can be found here: Spring Hill Sewer Separation Project | SomerVoice
- I want to introduce you to our wonderful Somerville High School Family and Community Liaisons: Eline Santana (Portuguese/English), 617-629-5640 x611531; Nayi Padilla (Spanish/English), 617-625-6600 x611041. The District-wide Haitian Creole Liaison, Nehemie St. Louis has her office at Somerville High School and can be reached at 617-629-6600 x 611531. Our liaisons can answer any questions about school programs, connect you to services and resources in the community, including basic needs like food / clothing, coordinate interpretation for school meetings and more. The SFLC is also offering Parent English Classes. These classes start in-person and online on October 10th. The SFLC is also \hoping to add a conversation class for parents with intermediate English skills
Thank you,
Principal Kersten
Almost half of parents/guardians completed the sign off on Somerville High School Policies via Power School. Thank you for completing this! State regulations require that we have all parents/guardians sign off on these policies, which include our handbook, photo release form, and optional military opt-out form. If you haven't completed this sign off, please help us out by taking a few minutes to complete this task by clicking here. Thank you in advance for your time. You may also be getting a text/Talking Points reminder with the link.
Upcoming Events
Sept. 29 Exchanging Notes Concert w/ Chorus @ SHS - 7:00pm
- Oct. 4-20 PSAT Testing Window for all 11th graders and 10th graders who opt in (see emails from Ms. Kessler for details)
- Oct. 5 Quarter 1 Progress Reports posted in Aspen
- Oct 5 Financial Aid Night, 7:00-8:00pm, Microsoft Teams (virtual meeting)
- Oct. 9 No school - Indigenous Peoples’ Day
- Oct. 11 School Improvement Council 6:30-8:00 room C205
- Oct 14 Financial Aid Application Event - CSS Profile 10am-12pm, SHS Cafeteria
- Oct 19 College Fair, SHS cafeteria, 6:30-8:00pm
Highlander Highlights
Baking Bread in Culinary Class
More Club Fair Highlights
Cross Country: First Home Meet of the Season
For more information on College and Career, Athletics, PTSA, and SFLC, click on the images below.
Career and College Corner
We invite all SHS parents, guardians, students, and staff to join the PTSA, and welcome your ideas for helping our school and community. For more information, please contact us by email at shsptsa1@yahoo.com. You can visit our website and fill out a membership form here: shsptsa1.wixsite.com/shsptsa Also, please join our SHS Friends and Family Facebook page at SHS Friends and Family Page | Facebook to stay informed about PTSA and SHS activities. PRESIDENT Caroline Rosas; CO-VICE-PRESIDENT: Laura Beretsky; CO-VICE-PRESIDENT: Lisa Tatterson; SECRETARY Nicole Hoxholli; TREASURER: Kim Doherty