The Warrior Connector
Keeping our community engaged and updated
September 29, 2023
Each month, we celebrate and honor our AAA students. These students are in good standing academically, have good attendance, and a positive attitude. Last year, we celebrated 130 students per month, and held celebrations in the school's gym, at Six Flags and Jak's Warehouse. This year, we are hoping to go a little bigger! Parents, thank you for your support. Let's celebrate and congratulate September's AAA students together.
Also, if you are not following us on Facebook, please do! The link is located at the bottom of the page.
What's Happening Next Week?
Come Join Us for Open Swim!
Friday Night Lights!
Senior Night! Let's Celebrate!
A Recap of Last Week's Events!
Mark Your Calendar
11th-Picture Day for Grades 9-11
18th-Senior Photos
13th-End of Quarter 1
16th-eLearning Asynchronous/PD Day
26th-27th Fall Break
7th-Election Day/eLearning Asynchronous
7th-Parent Teacher Conferences
22nd-24th- Thanksgiving Break
Calumet New Tech
Website: https://www.lakeridge.k12.in.us/cnths/index
Location: Calumet High School, Calhoun Street, Gary, IN, USA
Phone: 219-838-6990
Facebook: Calumet New Tech | Gary IN | Facebook
Andrew Fentress
Andrew is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters